Bad smell

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Zosia's POV

I can't cope without Ollie. The boys need a lot of attention and I just can't do it by myself. Dom is here but to be honest he still acts a bit like a teenager. He can keep the boys entertained while I'm busy though.

I'm off to go and see Ollie now. I go and visit him every day without fail. I haven't spoken to Dad since he punched Ollie and he seems to have magically disappeared.

I walk into the side room where he is staying and see Jac assessing him.
"Is he ok?" I ask
"Yes, he is stable. I don't think he will be waking up any time soon though" She replied with a small hint of sympathy in her voice
"Any clue as to when he wakes up?" I questioned
"Put it this way, the baby will probably be here before he opens his eyes"
I burst into tears. Jac came over and gave me a hug.
"It's ok Zosia, everyone is here for you. Not every day will be easy but you have to stay strong. Your a warrior Zosia." Jac said
"Thank you, I'm going to do everything to try and wake him up. He needs to be there for the baby."
"Ok, do what you think is right" Jac said as she left

I sat in the chair next to the bed and stared at Ollie
"I know your in there somewhere, I miss you. Everyone misses you. I need you to wake up Ollie. Please. I love you and I want you back. This is my stupid dad's fault! I hate him! He always messes everything up, it's not fair. I love you Oliver Valentine. I'm just thinking of ways to make you want to get up."
I was thinking and thinking but nothing.
"Bye Ollie. I need to put the kids to bed now. I will say goodnight for you"

I drove home. The streets seemed emptier than usual and the journey didn't take long. I got home to see that Dom had actually got them into their pyjamas.
"Right boys, time for bed." I announced
"Is Daddy awake yet?" Daniel asked
"No" I answered
"When will he wake up?" Freddie asked
"We don't know yet" I lied
I know Freddie understands some of what's going on. He is quite a butt older than Daniel, even though they are in the same year at school.

They went to their rooms and I tucked them in and gave them a goodnight kiss.
I went back downstairs and watched tv with Dom
"Thank you" I said
"For what?"
"Being there, for me and the boys" I started to tear up
"Hey, hey... don't cry! You know I will always be here if you need me. I'm like a bad smell, you can't get rid of me" he laughed
"Haha yeah, I suppose you are a bad smell."
"Oi. I smell of roses!" He said defensively
"Yeah, that have been pooed on!" I joked
We had a laugh and Dom then gave me a hug.
"Jokes aside, I'm here and I always will be, no matter what happens"

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