The wedding 1

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Ollie's POV

It's the wedding day and I'm so happy. From the second I woke up I was grinning. All of the boys have met up in my hotel room all dressed in their suits and we all look really dapper. Daniel and Freddie look really smart and Jacob is the cutest little thing imaginable.
I'm just helping Daniel with his hair, he wants it like mine and whatever Daniel wants, Freddie wants too so there is no doubt I will be doing his in a minute.

Zosia's POV

Dom has just come into my room. He said that he was with Ollie a minute ago and they are sorting their hair out. Morven helped me with everything, she is in her room sorting herself out now.
"How are you feeling" Dom asked as he sat on the end of my hotel bed
"Really excited. A bit nervous but I can't wait."
"Good. I can't wait to see Ollie's face when he turns around to see you"
I giggled. I know Ollie will be emotional too.
"I can't wait to be married to him"
"Zosia's getting soppy! Anyway, I can't wait for the party afterwards"
"What about walking me down the aisle?"
"You know that I can't wait for that. Zosia, I'm so happy for you. I'm probably happier than you are"
"Nobody can possibly be happier than me"
We laughed and then Dom gave me a hug.
"Right, let's get you down that aisle"

Ollie's POV

I'm at the church and I have seen everyone that has arrived. There is nearly everyone from work! Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face that I haven't seen in so long.
"Ahh! Oliver!"
"What are you doing here?" I laughed
"I wouldn't miss this for the world"
"You started this Elliot"
"Yes my matchmaking, team oz!"
"I have missed you"
I gave him a quick hug before Ethan came up to me to tell me that Zosia has arrived.
I assumed my position at the front of the church with Ethan by my side.
The wooden doors of the church opened and Ethan turned around.
"She looks beautiful Ollie"
I couldn't help it, I looked behind me to see the most important, most beautiful and most amazing woman in my life.

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