Old flames never die out

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Ollie's POV

I woke up to find Zosia staring at me.
"Morning Ol"
"Morning, you alright?"
"Yeah, I have a day off today so it will just be us at home today" she smirks

It's been two months since we reunited. I'm repaired and it looks like Zosia has let me back into her life.

"So what have you been doing since we last met at Holby?" I asked
"To be honest, nothing much. Married, gave birth, divorced."
"Then I came back and happily ever after!" I said jokingly
"Darwin hasn't been the same without you Ollie." Zosia pipes up
"Yeah. Did you know there is a registrar job open for applicants?"
"No I didn't know that"
"Speak to Hanssen. Please. I want you back."
I smiled and Zosia kissed me on the cheek.
"Please!" She repeated
"Oh alright!" I gave in
"Let's go then"
"To see Henrik. Keep up Oliver!"
"Yes before someone else gets the job!"
"Ah! Good point"

We got dressed and went to the car. Zosia asked if I could remember the way, I answered saying,
"Who could forget"
We arrived and went straight up to Hanssen's office. We knocked on the door and waited to be allowed in.
"Come in!"
We walked in and as soon as Henrik's eyes saw Ollie he stood up and came over to us.
"Oliver Valentine?" He questioned
"It's been a while" I let out a small laugh
"What can I do for you?" He asked as he sat back down and we took the two seats that we opposite the famous fish.
"Dr March tells me there is a registrar job on Darwin that needs to be filled. May I apply?"
"Do I need to fill any forms?"
"Oh no no! You can start this time next week."
"Thank you Mr Hanssen"
"No problem, see you then"

We left the office and let out a breath we didn't realise we were holding on to. I kissed Zosia and her arms went around my waist and we just had a moment hugging each other.
"Shall we see the gang?" Zosia asks
"Yeah, see who recognises me"

We went down two floors in the lift and were greeted by the hustle and bustle of Darwin.
"Hi Mo!" Zosia called out
"Hey selfie j!" She answers they stop and have a quick chat. I'm stood a little bit behind Zosia with my back against the wall. I watch how happy Zosia is and then I see Mo, she hasn't changed one tiny bit. Then I see her eyes draw to me.
"I can't believe it" mo said randomly, "Ollie Valentine! What the heck are you doing here?"
"As of next week I work here." I smile
"Yay! You're back!" She squeals pulling me into a hug.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Matteo walk around the corner.
"Mr Valentine?"
"Ta daa! I'm back!"
"For good?"
"Indeed" I said while nodding my hand.
We are all huddled round having a good catch up when we got interrupted by the ice queen.
"Can you get back to doing your jobs and stop having a mothers meeting!"
Matteo and Mo scattered leaving me and Zosia both kind of looking away.
I turned and lit my face up with a smile.
"Alright Jac?"
"I'm fine, why are you here...with Zosia"
"One, I will be back to work and two, old flames never die out" I answered feeling quite smug with what I just said.
I waited for her answer but she just turned her heals and walked back down the corridor.
"Charming" I said sarcastically
"Yeah" Zosia agreed
"Where do you want to go now?" I asked
"Can we see Dom?"
We took the lift down to Keller where we were greeted by a jolly sacha.
"Well I never!"
"Hi Sacha" I smiled

Zosia's POV

It's nice to see everyone saying hi to Ollie. He is talking to Sacha at the moment.
"I'm going to find Dom" I say
"I think he is in the staff room" Sacha says.
I'm walking there now and I hear uproar in there. I look in and see Dom having an argument with Issac. I decide to carry on listening to what is happening.
"Are you scared of me?"
"Sometimes...yes" Dom whimpers
"You won't tell anyone, ok"
"No no! I wouldn't!"
"Good because nobody would believe a cowardly idiot!"
I have had enough of this so I decided to step in.
"Well I believe him!" I said making Isaac jump and he walks away giving Dom a death stare.
"Zosia don't." Dom says
"What is he doing to you?" I question
"Nothing!" Dom protests
"Well then, how do you explain those bruises down your arm?"
"I fell"
"Dom! I have been in this situation and I will not let you suffer"

Ollie's POV

"Let's go and find Zosia" Sacha says
"Ok, we can all catch up in the saffroom"
We walk over and hear Zosia and Dom shouting.
"What part of he isn't doing anything don't you understand!"
"He is abusing you Dom! Can't you see that Isaac is hurting you?"
Me and sacha step in.
"Zosia? Dom?" Sacha says
"Tell him Sacha!" Zosia says frustratedly
"Is this true Dom?" Sacha questions
Dom turns his head only to show more bruises on the back of his neck.
"I can't ignore this Dom, I suggest you stay away until this is dealt with." Sacha says and walks away shaking his head.
"Dom, you can stay at ours" I say, breaking the silence.
"You and Zosia have only just moved in together I don't want to seem intrusive"
"You won't be. You know how much Freddie loves you" Zosia says
"Ok, I will come over tonight"
"Ok, there will be pizza waiting for you" Zosia says trying to lighten the mood.
"See you later Dom" I say as me and Zosia leave the room hand in hand.


Hello! His chapter is over 1000 words so I hope you enjoyed the reunion!

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