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Zosia's POV

Jacob is kicking a lot more and his due date is today.
"Ow" I muttered
"Are you ok?" Dom asked
"Yeah, Jacob is kicking a bit"
"When is he due again?"
"3rd of April"
"Wait, that's today"
"Yep. Ow!"
"Zosia... you need to go to hospital."
"Yeah, just take me" I said. I'm in tears because Ollie still isn't awake.
Freddie and Daniel are at school. Dom is now taking me to the hospital.
"Who will pick the boys up from school if your with me?" I asked
"I will message lofty" Dom said
Dom typed at his phone when we parked in the car park.
"Your getting, what's the word? Friendly! With Lofty" I teased
"Shut up and get into hospital" Dom said
He took me up to maternity and I went into labour as soon as I got in.
"Hello Miss March, I'm Dr Howard" a short lady with a greek accent walked in
"Hi" was all I could say
"You must be the father" she said, looking at Dom
"Oh, me? No, no! I'm the best friend" Dom said
"Oh, sorry. Right baby want to come out so, in your own time."


"Congratulations Miss March, its a boy!" Dr Howard said, she handed me the baby.
"Hello Jacob" I said quietly.
"He looks like his mum" Dom said
I giggled. He had Ollie's eyes though.
"Right you can go when you want, you had a very easy birth!" Dr Howard said happily with a massive smile on her face.
"Thank you, let's take you to see Daddy" I said as Jacob stared at me.

We took Jacob down to Darwin and Matteo saw us.
"Congratulations Dr March, visiting Ollie?" He said
"Yes, thank you."
"I best get going, I have theatre soon"
"Ok bye" I said

I walked straight over to Ollie's side room.
"Evening Ollie. Jacob's here."
I placed Jacob on his chest. I looked at Ollie's face and saw his eyes begin to flutter.
"Dom, get Jac! He's waking up!!!" I said excitedly
He did so and Jac ran in and saw to Ollie. I took Jacob off of him and held him in my arms.
"Ollie?" I called as I put his bed up so he could sit up
"Zosia." A croaky, quiet voice said
"Your awake!" I squealed
"Jacob?" Ollie said faintly as he brought his arms up to hold him.
I put Jacob in his arms and his eyes lit up. I then took Jacob back when Jac was checking him over. I put Jacob in his carry cot and he went to sleep.
Dom has gone to get the boys from Lofty's so it's just me, Ollie and Jacob here now.
I kissed Ollie and gave him a hug, it was so nice to have him hug me back.
"I've missed that" I said
"I love you Zosia" he said
"I love you too"
"I could here everything you were saying" Ollie stuttered
"Did you feel Jacob kicking?" I asked
Ollie can't really talk much and he aches a lot. Jac said he will spend tonight in hospital and if everything goes as expected, he can go home tomorrow.

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