Plan b

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Ollie's POV

We took the boys to school and then drove into town. Dom is taking Jacob to see Lofty, I think there is something going on between those two but Dom denies everything. Me and Zosia are singing to sweet tunes of the radio.
"Despacito! Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito" I sang
"How do you know that?" Zosia asked
"Dom has been singing it, I kind of picked it up" I admitted
We started singing again but Zosia had better lyrics,
"Despacito,I don't know the words so I say burrito, I don't know the words so I say Dorito!"
I laughed at her, and she laughed too. I love Zosia's laugh.
We pulled into the car park and Zosia helped me out of the passengers seat.
"1...2...3" Zosia said as she pulled me up
"Thank you" I said
"Come on you, let's shop!"
"Woopeedo..." I said sarcastically
"Where shall we go first?" Zosia asked
"Well, what have you already planned?"
"Invites are sent, flowers are ordered, venue booked, we said we will get the outfits this weekend so...rings"
"Ok, let's start at the jewellers"  I said
Zosia took my hand and we walked into the town.
"Who did you invite?" I asked
"You know it's a surprise so there is no point asking Ollie" Zosia giggled
"Damn it, plan b..."
"Don't even try whatever plan b is because you still won't get it out of me. What was plan b?"
"To tickle it out of you"
"Don't you dare Oliver Valentine"

We walked into the jewellers and looked at the display of rings scattered in a glass cabinet.
"Do we go matching? Gold? Silver?" I asked
"I think silver, with a blue diamond for me and just silver for you. On the inside we could have a cute message engraved" Zosia suggested
"That's a great idea, what message do you have in mind?"
"I don't know"
"How about, you will forever be my always"
"Ollie, that's beautiful"
"Like you"
"Flattery gets you nowhere" Zosia smirked
"Well it must've done, I'm marrying you"
"Good point" She laughed

Zosia and I went to the desk to order and pay for the rings. I can't wait, two months until we say I do!

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