Chapter 3

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A/N: When writing this chapter I found that it can be hard to tell when the font is italic at times so from this point on all ASL is going to be underlined. Sorry if that's a little confusing, I just makes things a little easier to read and write in my opinion. Also if you want something to happen just comment and I'll try to play with the story a little. That is all, enjoy.

Three days have past since I first came to the bunker. By now the boys have learned that I'm hard of hearing, and try to speak a little louder and clearer when I'm around. I think that's really nice of them, given that not many people have ever done that for me, not even my teachers in school. I have decided that today I'm going to head back to my house, if it's still there, to grab my hearing aids and pack my clothes. After that, I'll try to find maybe a motel room that I can stay in until I have enough money to pay for a long term home. I haven't been to college yet because of two things, money and my parents. My family has never had much money, we've always had bills to pay or been in debt to someone, and as for my parents, my mom got sick with chronic pancreatitis when I turned 18, forcing her to quit her job as a nurse. My dad did everything he could to take care of her, but with all of the medical bills he had to get three jobs, which left him with no time to take care of Mom at home, so the responsibility was left to me being an only child.

I hadn't told the boys I was planning to leave, sure they knew that I wasn't overly fond of using their band shirts and wearing the same pair of jeans I came in, but they didn't suspect anything yet, I think. Around noon I packed the only things I had with me (my charm bracelet from my dad, my wallet that I had because I had only just come home when I ran out, a warding necklace Sam gave me, and a knife I took from the boys' armory) I headed out of my temporary room, to the stairs that lead out of the bunker.

I walk up the stairs and look around the bunker for what expect will be the last time. I don't plan on remembering what the outside entrance looks like, but if I do, maybe, just maybe, I'll come visit one day as a thank you.

"Thanks for the hospitality Mr. Bunker. Tell Sam and Dean it meant a lot." I look down at the map hooked into the desk. "Hmm." I smile. I turn and open the door. For a moment I think I hear Dean call my name, but I just assume that my brain is playing tricks on me because it wants to stay with the brothers. I walk up the stairs and open a heavy door that reveals a surprisingly rainy, cloudy and dark road.
"Well feet, better get walking, it can't be that bad a walk to the closest town." I look at my sneaker-covered feet. I was already dripping after a few steps because it's how harsh the rainfall was.
"L-Liz!" I hear my name again. Okay, second time it's no longer my head. "Lizzy!" The voice sounds like Dean. He sounds mad almost. Did I not clean something up? I turn around to face him standing outside there bunker door, the rain beating down on him, forcing his hair to pay flat against his forehead. "What the hell are you doing?"
"I'm gonna find a motel to stay at. You and Sam have been really nice to let me stay, but I'm just gonna get out of your hair. Thank you guys do much." I yell to him. He's at least twenty feet away.
"No way. Get back inside, Liz!" He shakes his head.
"I said I'm gonna find a place to stay. It's fine." I huff.
"Get your ass back in there now. It's pouring out here." Dean pointers house finger to there entrance. Water drips from his hand, adding to the puddle he stands next to.
"It's just rain, I promise I won't melt." I laugh in frustration.
"Get in there bunker." He repeats.
"Nope. I just said I'm going to find somewhere else to stay." I review.
"Liz, get in there, NOW!" He shouts to me. I shake my head hard enough that I see water droplets fall around me from off my hair. "That's it." He starts walking towards me. My eyes grow wide. Before I can even turn around, his long, bow legs have made it past the decent distance that was between us. He picks me up by the waist and throws me over his shoulder. My necklace flops in my face. 
"What the hell after you doing?" I ask him, ironically the danger thing he said to me when he came out.
"Taking you inside." He answers.
"Put. Me. Down. Now!" I huff at him. He ignores my pleads to drop me until we're inside the bunker again, only then does he unceremoniously plop me down on the couch. "What was that for?" I look up at his wet face.
"Why were you leaving?" He asks me.
"I asked you first."
"Oh, so are we ten now? Why'd you try and leave?" Dean avoids my question.
"I told you. I appreciate that you helped me with my knee and feed me and gave me a place you sleep, but I don't want to bug you guys anymore. I was just getting out of your hair because it seems to me like hunting is a lot of work and you don't need to be babysitting at the same time." I explain.
"You don't have to get out of my hair, I actually like having you in my hair, or you know what I mean. And last I checked your problem was with hearing things, not seeing things. But just in case, let me help you out a bit.  I don't see any reason why you would need to leave, if anything you need to stay. Believe it or not, Sam and I like having you around here." He puts a hand on my soaked shoulder.

"You've done so much already, it's fine really, but thank you." I try to stand up again but Dean stops me by putting his other hand on my other shoulder.

"Don't make me lock you in your room." He says. I can't tell if he's joking.

"I'll be fine out there. I promise I don't need to stay." I try again.

"Let me shine this light from a different angle. Why do you thing those demons in your parents were trying to kill you, hmm?" He asks. I stop struggling against his hands that keep me sitting on the couch. I look down and think about what Dean just said. Why would they try and kill me? I wonder. Because they were demons and demons are bad and kill things. My conscious counters.

"Because demons are bad guys?" I glance back up after a minute of deep thought.

"I guess that's how you'd see it." Dean says so quietly I almost don't hear him. Well I guess he wasn't that quiet, but still. "No, they want something from you. That's why they were like that. If they didn't want anything, and they just were on a killing spree, you wouldn't've even been able to leave the house." He explains. "So until we've found out what the demons wanted, you need to stay here."

"But you killed them, I saw it happen." I choke on the words a little. "You kind of took off their heads."

"They could've been working for someone else, or maybe they were from a group. And you're knee is still gimp, so that's another reason you should stay." He points out.

"Fine, but at least give me something to do that's helpful, or even better, teach me how to defend myself, because I'm gonna need to leave eventually." I argue.

Dean looks around, mostly around the floor, while he bites his bottom lip indecisively, his hands on his hips and a frustrated look on his face. "You heal and maybe I'll teach you how to fight, but you gotta promise three things." He points his finger at me.

"What do I have to promise, because there are things I won't agree to, you know." I say skeptically. 

"One, you stay here until everyone, and I mean everyone, decide it's safe for you to go. Two, you keep in touch if and when you leave. And three, If I teach you out to fight, you can't go looking for trouble, no matter what."

"Deal." I nod.

"Wanna seal that deal with a kiss like a crossroads demon?" Dean smiles smugly.

"What the hell is a crossroads demon?" I ask.

"If I tell you there's a chance you might go to one, so how about I don't tell you." he puts his hands on my waist. I feel the warmth from his hands despite the fact that we just come inside from the freezing rain. My tongue pushes against the roof of my mouth the way it usually does when something intrigues me.

"Then how about you give me a hint?" I challenge. Dean leans in and pushes his lips against mine. Warm, and soft, I think for a moment that I taste whiskey. My eyes close and I lean into him, my palms resting on his chest, I feel the wet fabric under my finger tips, and smell leather while we continue to kiss. He tilts his head and cups my cheek with one hand, finally pulling back. We're both starting to breath heavily.

"How's that for hint?" He grins. I grin back. Not a bad first kiss. I think to myself. 

"Decent." I tease. Dean eyebrows raise high in surprise. 

"Then maybe we should practice later." He grins.

"Only if you let me get some of my stuff from my house."

"Only if Sam and I go with you."

"Deal." I say. Dean flashes I smile and leans in again, but I raise my pointer finger to his lips before he can kiss me again. "Then I'd better get Sam. Rain-check." I turn to go to Sam's room.

"Fine, but be speedy so we leave before dark." He calls after me.

"Before dark, huh? You got a hot date?" I ask like my mom always did when I asked her to be fast. I don't hear a response, but that doesn't mean he didn't answer me. So I walk to Sam room with hair that still drips after me in the hall.

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