Chapter 17

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I talk to Sam about finding something to help absorb the shock from shooting while Lizzy's making dinner that night. We both sit at the table across from each other, I'm not sure if she can hear us or not. When I explain the reason for the absorbents, he agrees profusely and starts looking online for things that could work as guards for her wrists to reduce the impact of the jolt. After we find something that works, he tells me what Cas came by to tell us before Lizzy's power show. 

"So, Lizzy, I have question about your necklace." Sam prompts. She doesn't respond. "Lizzy?" Nothing. Sam reaches across the table and grabs a flashlight I didn't even notice was there. He points to at the wall next to where Lizzy is turned over the stove top, and flashes it a few times until she turns around.

"Yeah?" She faces Sam and I.

"Dude that's cool. When'd you put that there?" I ask him.

"She said it's what her parents did back at her house. Flashing lights, knocking on walls, and a lot of texting to get her attention." He shrugs indifferently. "It's just a different culture, not a different universe, Dean."

"Can I help you?" Lizzy sings.

"Right! Um, I- er, we have some questions about your necklace." He repeats.

"I don't guarantee an amazing answer, but hit me." She invites.

"Is there any chance that a part of your necklace is missing, anything at all?" He asks.

"It never broke, it was practically a Nokia version of a necklace." She says.

"How about the original chain? I noticed the picture in your room, there's a different chain. Do you know where the first one went?"

"It started rusting about a year after of nonstop wearing, so Dad got all freaked out and gave me a new one whenever something rust or a break happened. I always thought he was being weird but he kept all of the chains in a box in his office, the box went in the top drawer of his desk." She tells us, unaware of the reasoning behind Sam's questions.

"Are the chains still there?" I cut Sam off before he can follow up.

"I don't think so, that drawer was ripped out of the desk when I was in his office. There wasn't anything in that drawer other than the chain box and some papers full of stuff he never let me read. But I didn't see either of those things when I looked around the office, granted I had tears in my eyes, but I would have seen the box, it wasn't the kind of thing you just looked over." She scoffs with a small smile.  

"And you're sure that the box wasn't there?" Sam speculates. 

"What is so important about a missing part if it's right here, doing a very good job of keeping me, not breaking person-y or however you want to put that last part." She puts her hands on her hips.

"We think that you can be tracked with a piece of the necklace, even if it was just something that was a part of it temporarily." Sam lets out. 

"So you're trying to tell me that if I keep wearing the safety net necklace, someone, such as Crowley could find me." She sighs exasperatedly. "Well, isn't that just perfect! Wear the necklace, demon finds you, don't wear the necklace risk hurting people before you learn how to control stupid newly found powers!" She mutters to herself. "I'm going for another walk. All that's left to do is drain the potatoes and mash them. I finished the meatloaf earlier than I meant to, so it's in the fridge." She starts walking into the hall.

"I'll go with you." I follow after her.

"No, you're really not." She turns sharply. "Because the walk, will be to my room, and then it will be pacing until I can't pace anymore. See ya later, sailor." She strides to her room signing to herself about who knows what. I shake my head and walk back to the table.

"How do we get her to stop with all of these walks? She's gotta let things out or she's just hurt herself in the end, Sammy." I sit down and scratch the back of my neck.

"Sounds like something you can relate to." He says.

"This isn't about me not talking, and I do just fine anyways. This is about her." I scorn him. 

"Maybe she just doesn't know how to talk to people all that well." He looks at the doorway.

"What are you talking about? She talks to us all the time, just not about the deeper stuff." I point out.

"Sure she talks to us, but she doesn't tell us the stuff that bothers her. She's tried to leave twice now because she thinks she's somehow in the way'"

"Wait, she tried twice?" I interrupt him.

"Yeah, that one time with you and I found her about a week after that packing her stuff back up and trying to sneak out in the middle of the night. The only reason I found her was because she couldn't hear the rattling the picture frames in her bag made, but I could when I went to research after I couldn't sleep." He clears up. "But anyways, she-"

"She never told me."  I feeling a little disappointed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I told her she needed to tell you, I figured with all the time you'd been spending with her, she'd have told you by now. But you're not listening, Dean." Sam stops me from continuing. "Think about how she grew up not hearing so well, it would make sense if no one listened to her because they thought she was ignoring her. That would make it hard to talk to people when they won't listen."

"That makes a lot of sense. Where'd you get that idea?" I press.

"One of Jess's friends, Evie, had those kind of problems growing up. She didn't really talk to people because people didn't talk to her." He mentions his life from Stanford. "From the way she's interacted, she's just made me think back about some of things Evie did. Lots of walks, reading very intense books, journal keeping." He lists.

"How'd you get Evie to talk to you?" I ask Sam thinking maybe I can try somethings with Lizzy.

"Um, I think the first thing was..."

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