Chapter 23

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A/N: Song used is Our Last Summer from the Mamma Mia soundtrack.
Warning: Attempt at sexual assault


I walk up to the stage and look at the small crowd waiting for me to start. God I've never done this before. What if I mess up? I've never done anything in front of people. I panic inside. Just look at Dean. Just watch him, try to ignore everyone else. I attempt to relax as best I can. The light above shines right in my eyes and I have a hard time seeing anything but said light. I scan the sea of people for Dean. A few feet from the bar he and Sam smile at me, encouraging me to start. I let out a heavy breath and give a thumbs up to the man working the machine. He nods and hits a button that starts the song.

"I can still recall, our last summer, I still see it all. Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain. Our last summer, memories that remain." I look into Dean's bright green eyes, thinking back to when I first tried to leave the bunker.

"We made our way along the river and we sat down in the grass, by the Eiffel tower. I was so happy we had met, It was the age of no regret. Oh, yes. Those crazy years, that was the time of the flower-power."  I sing with a smile as the tension from before slowly leaves

"But underneath, we had a fear of flying, of growing old, a fear of slowly dying. We took our chance, like we were dancing our last dance." I remember the rain pouring down. 

"I can still recall, our last summer. I still see it all. In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame. Our last summer, walking hand in hand. Paris restaurants. Our last summer, morning croissants. Living for the day, worries far away, our last summer. We could laugh and play."  We had been living through the day to get to the next, there was always something to be worried about. We couldn't laugh then the way we can now. 

"And now you're working in a bank. The family man, a football fan, and your name is De-ean." I edit the lyrics for him, even though I know they don't fit quite the same.  "How dull it seems, yet, you are the hero of my dreams. I can still recall, our last summer. I still see it all, walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain. Our last summer, Memories that remain." The song ends and look down realizing what I had picked reminded me of before the mess we had been through. I smile fondly of the calm song that I just sang as I walk off the stage.

Dean does some kind of speed walk as he threads through the crowd of people watching the next person on stage. His face is lit up and a smile takes over his cheeks. Sam follows behind him closely with an impressed look on his face.

"That's was amazing baby girl." Dean pulls me in for a hug. I nest my head in his chest and walk back to the bar with him and Sam. The next hour is a blur of drinks and jokes and laughs.

"We should head back, it's almost three in the morning." I yawn happily. 

"Yeah Dean, let's get back to the bunker. I'm ready to fall asleep right here." Sam agrees. 

"Sure, Lizzy's probably not gonna be able to hold anymore down." Dean grins. "You hold your liquor pretty well though." He adds.

"How about you and Sam go start the car, I'll be out in a minute." I laugh at Dean's remark. They both nod and head out to Baby while I go to the restroom. When I come out, the bar looks just a little less busy than when we first got here. I smile and walk out the door to get to the impala.

A hand grabs my upper arm and stops me in my tracks. 

"You should answer when someone calls you." A man with his tight grip stinging my arm tells me. He wears an orange button up shirt with short sleeves and a pair of jeans that look like they're ready to slide down at any minute. His brown hair sticks to his sweaty forehead. My God, he's drunk.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't hear you." I try to reason and think of a way to get to Sam and Dean without drawing too much attention to anyone that might be around. "You're hurting me." I whimper without meaning to.

"No, baby, I'm gonna make you feel real good." He grins as he pushes me into the alley against the wall. His dirty hand presses over my mouth, muffling my screams. He leans in close to my right ear. 

"You sing real nice, you wanna sing for me?" He smirks. Without missing a beat, his very unwanted lips press to my neck where Dean took his tequila shot earlier. One hand squeezes my wrists and pins them above my head while his other hand works his way under my shirt and runs along my torso. I ball my hands into fists and scream to the best of my ability, hoping someone can hear me.

The hand finds it's way to my bra and slides up and down harshly. I start to cry against the feeling of helplessness. Hot tears begin to burn in fear and frustration as I try harder and harder to wiggle and twist away and out of the man's grasp.

"Stop it!" I manage to scream when the man's hand slips from my mouth. When it slides back up, I bite down hard, tasting blood. I hear a pained yell followed by a sharp sting across my cheek from the other man. 

"Bitch! Now I'm not going easy." He groans. The hand that was under my shirt now slips under my jeans into my underwear. I scream again and try to jerk away, but there's no where to go against the brick wall my back is pinned to.

Suddenly the weight pressing me against the wall is gone and I fall to the ground quickly, scraping my hands on the cement when I try to catch myself. I look up once I'm able and see Dean's fist connecting with the man's nose. Dean throws the man to the opposite wall and then to the ground where he begins to kick the man's ribs. Blood starts to gurgle from his mouth as he curses more.

"How dare you? Don't you dare touch her!" Dean yells as he squats down to punch the man in the face. The man stops resisting and that's when I realize Dean has rendered the man unconscious. I stay where I am kneeling in slight shock at what just happened. Dean rushes to my side and cradles my cheeks in his hands. I flinch slightly at the sudden touch. 

"I-I-I... I don't..." I try to speak. Dean shushes me as he wipes tears from my face with his thumb.

"Lizzy, are you okay?" He asks lowly. I nod, unable to form words. A shiver runs down my spine as a deep sob works it's way up my throat. Dean brings me close and holds me to his chest. He takes off his leather jacket and drapes it around my shoulders before he starts to rock back and forth softly. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay, baby girl. No one is gonna hurt you. I won't let them." He puts his arms under my knees and back just before he lifts me up and carries me to the car.

We reach the impala about a minute later. Dean tells Sam to drive while he sits in the backseat with me, rubbing circles on my back with my head under his chin. "You're okay, it's okay. Nobody gonna even touch you." He repeats throughout the ride home. I stay quiet the whole time with the occasional hiccup or sniffle breaking the silence. 

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