Chapter 15

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I lay Lizzy down in her bed, under her covers and wrap her arm around the pink stuffed rabbit that was on her pillow. The first place I think Lizzy would put her necklace down is in her hearing aid box where it would be safe and contained, but it's not there. I look in the bathroom attached to her room and find it in a bowl sitting next to the sink. When I walk back out Sam is standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, like there's a barrier that won't let him in her room and Cas stands at the foot of the bed watching her like Edward Cullen. 

"Cas move, you're freaking me out enough already." I roll my eyes at him. "I'm gonna put this necklace on your wrist, and then I want you to use your angel juice on something small like moving a book or something. Got it?" Cas nods slowly, not understanding my thought process yet. I wrap the chain around his left wrist, the heart dangles and swings side to side. It looks so wrong and weird on him. "Well, do something."

"I'm trying to teleport to the other side of the room, Dean. I can't." He takes a closer look at the necklace. I grab his wrist and untangle it. "Now try it again." I command him. He nods, I blink and he's gone. 

"This is strange." Cas's low voice resonates throughout the room. "Is that the necklace Lizzy received from her father? The one she's always wearing?" He asks from the other side of her bed.

"Yeah, what else would it be, a lucky charm that was laying around?" I scoff at him.

"Why wasn't she wearing it when she came after me?"

"She was taking a shower, she probably didn't want it to get wet." I answer.

"I think it's controlling her energy somehow, preventing her from using her gifts." He reaches out for the necklace.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." I pull away from his grasp. I can guarantee that Lizzy doesn't want people's hands all over one of the last things she has to remember her family by. "So do you think that there's warding inside the heart or something like that?"

"I suppose it's possible, but until it was on me, I felt no difference. So it couldn't be strong if it was there." Cas stops trying to grab it from me.

"So lemme get this right." Sam finally steps in the room. "Lizzy could be a Nephilim, but the necklace makes it seem like she isn't by blocking her out. Kinda like an incognito device."

"That's actually a very good explanation compared to what else we've come up with so far." Cas smiles slightly. Lizzy groans under her blankets, the hand wrapped around her rabbit starts moving, like sleep-signing, if that's a thing. Her hearing aid box falls to the floor along with the journal underneath it without her touching it.

"Okay, let's put it back on her so she doesn't break something in her sleep." I step to the side of her bed. My hand reaches under her neck and fastens the necklace loosely around her throat. Her eyes shoot open when I let go. She breathes in sharply as her stormy eyes move around the ceiling in further panic.

"What happened? What's going on? Wait, why I in my room, I was in the library with Cas, he was- wait, where's Cas? Is he okay? He was hurt." She rambles hysterically clawing her throat. The first thing she thinks about when she wakes up is if someone else is okay. I notice.

"He's right here, he's fine." I grab her hands so she doesn't scratch herself. She fights against me while she tries to sit up. "No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no, don't get up. Stay down, you're okay." I try to soothe her. "You're fine. Just stay down."

"Dean that hurts." She winces at her wrists. I look at my hold on her and loosen my grip. 

"Promise to stop scratching?" I glance up. She nods slowly. I let go of her wrists, she lets them hoover in the air for a minute, watching my hands move back.

"You still didn't answer my question." She says without looking away. "What happened?"

"You panicked and started a few little light bulb explosions." I explain cautiously, not sure how she would react.

"I broke the lamps?" Her bottom lip quivers.

"Yeah, um, we think that your necklace is holding down some powers you got from your dad." I reveal to her tentatively.

"So now I have powers?" She tries to compute.

"We believe you've always had them, but because you have always worn the necklace, they've been hidden." Cas clarifies. Lizzy's eyes go wide and her hands shoot into her now damp hair as she grabs the sides of her head. She sits up despite my attempts to keep her laying down.

"You can shut up now, Cas." Sam grumbles.

"Please do." Lizzy moans as she rocks forward and back to calm herself.

"Lizzy, it's okay, you're okay. If you have the necklace everything's okay in the end, right?" I try to remind her of what she told me the first time I asked about her necklace. I scoot closer and wrap my arms around her, holding her tight and rocking with her.

"What if I can't control it?" She breathes shakily. "What if I hurt someone?"

"Listen to me Lizzy, you're not gonna hurt anyone, we'll help you learn how to use 'em. It'll all be okay." I whisper to her. I try to whisper loud enough so she can hear me, but I can still comfort her quietly. 

"These gifts are not hard to control once you've learned how, or at least that's the case for angels. I don't imagine it would be much different for you." Cas consuls her from afar.

"How long?" She stops my rocking her. She sniffles and untangles herself from me. She turns her knees out to the edge of the bed and walks to Cas, who slowly backs away as if he thinks he about to get punched. "How long will it take to control?" She demands.

"Lizzy are you sure you want to start now? Maybe you should take it easy for a little longer." I make an effort to keep her guarded from anymore supernatural crap.

"No, Dean." She turns around with her head tilted, the amber freckles on her cheeks hide under the drying tears as she smiles distractedly. "I'm beyond tired, and I'm scared, and I feel like the ground is going to break in half and swallow me whole. I say that if that happens then I'm gonna make the world choke on me. If you think I'm gonna stay and wait behind books and read the same facts again and again, then you've got another thing coming. I have powers? Great, somebody teach me how to use 'em or I'm gonna teach myself because I'm done waiting. Crowley wants to get his hands on me? Then I plan on looking him straight in the eye, and telling him to take his best shot. That son of a bitch thinks he can send demons to pick me up like a package, then he's about to learn that the bubble wrap protecting the goods was there for his safety and not mine." She growls. I wait for a minute on her bed, Sam grins and nods with an impressed face and Cas gives her a proud face from behind. 

"Okay then.  I guess we should get started on training." I submit. "And if anyone is teaching you how to fight it's me, 'cause I want you to learn the right way."

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