Chapter 6

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A/N: So I decided to do this chapter from Dean's PoV like I did with chapter four. Telling you just in case so things aren't confusing. I think from now on I'm just gonna put the person who's viewing's name in bold at the top like I do with my a/n's. Enjoy!


I run after Lizzy when she dashes up the stairs and enters a room at the top. I assume it's her room from the stuffed animals and the clothes that have been thrown on the floor. She stops dead center of the room and looks around, pausing when she sees something on the floor. She picks up a pink rabbit and hugs it close with the two frames she grabbed in the office. I think for a moment I hear her trying to hold back a light sob.

"Are you okay?" I walk closer to her with caution. She turns around and faces me, tears look like they're starting to dry on her freckled cheeks.

"I'll be fine." She says when she moves her right hand to her chest, her thumb tapping her sternum while her fingers stay far apart. Sign language. 

"You sure? It's okay if you're not, you've been through a lot in the past few days." I want to grab her and hold her close, tell her everything will be alright and she doesn't have to worry about anything, because Sam and I are here. That I'm here.

"I'm just gonna pack some stuff." She sniffles. She passes me and opens a door by the stairs. She grasps a duffel bag from the closet and walks back into her room. In silence she picks things up from around the room after she places the picture frames in the bag. A few shirts, a few pairs of jeans, what looks like some pajamas, a white box marked 'H.A.', a book from her headboard, another stuffed animal, a journal, a charm bracelet, sneakers, some panda slippers, and a coat. She zips up the bag and moves into the larger bedroom across the hall. 

"Where are you going?" I follow after her.

"I'm grabbing some of my parents things." She explains over her shoulder. She fumbles around a nightstand and pulls out few papers. She rushes to the closet and grabs a leather jacket that I guess was her dad's. Lastly she runs into the bathroom to grab her toothbrush, and... stuff. She walks out and huffs heavily. "You ready yet?" She chirps. I nod, unconvinced she's as 'fine' as she claims to be. 

She tags after me down the stairs. When we reach the front door, I wait for her to finish looking around. 

"I guess I'm not coming back for a while." She laughs faintly. Her hand rests on her necklace again. First time she did it was when she woke up in the bunker, and at multiple times everyday she would hold it like she is now.

"What your trinket?" I tilt my head to look closer. A pair of wings overlap to make a heart, the tips poking out at the bottom. She glances down and releases it.

"My dad gave it to me when I was, like, six. It's a family thing, and he told me to take care of it. So now it's kind of just a safety net. If I know it's there, I know everything'll be alright." She smiles at the memory.

"Are you sure about that, love?" A low voice purrs. I grab Lizzy's wrist and hold her behind me so she's between me and the door. 

"Who's there?" I call out.

"A old friend." It says. The person-thing steps into the light. 

"Crowley." I growl.

"Someone get the boy a prize." He sings. "Now, just give me the girl and we'll call it truce until the next wonderful encounter we share." 


"Dean?" Lizzy whimpers. "You're hurting me."

"Just stay where you are." I tell her after loosing my grip on her arm. 

"Oh, Dean, you're hurting her. If you just hand her over, no one gets hurt, not even her, I promise." Crowley smiles. "You know I keep my promises." 

"And you know that I said no." I counter.

"Then I guess we're going to do this the hard way." He sighs. Suddenly a vase flies across the door, hitting Lizzy upside the head, she would've fall all the way to the ground if I wasn't holding her so tightly. 
"Liz!" I yell. I get down and cradle her head to see how bad she was hit. Blood starts running, matting her red hair. 

"Oh you Winchesters, always with the drama. She's just knocked out!" Crowley moans.

"You son of a bitch." I throw her duffel over my shoulder, whisk out my gun and wrap my arm around her back and behind her knees to pick her up. 

"We've been over this." Crowley complains. I shoot his shoulder twice. "Ahh!" He falls back onto the torn couch. "Why do you always shoot me after I dry clean?" He winces.

I don't answer, I just swing open the door and carry Lizzy out to the impala. "Sammy!" I shout. He looks confused when he turns his head, but immediately gets out of the car and opens the door to the back seat.

"What the hell happened in there? Why's she out?" He demands. I crawl in the backseat and cradle Lizzy's head on my lap. 

"Start the car!" I toss him the keys.

"Hospital or bunker?" 

"Bunker, and floor it." I command. "It's okay, Liz. You're gonna be fine. Everything'll be alright, remember?" I mumble in her ear, hoping she can hear me quote her. "It'll be okay."

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