Chapter 26

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A/N: Sorry about the slow publishing, there's a lot going on with my world this month! So I just haven't gotten a whole lot of chances to write. Remember comments are loved! As usual, enjoy.


I can't believe what I'm about to agree to. "Fine." I give up. I know she won't stop asking until I let her come on at least one hunt.

"Thank you!" Lizzy jumps up and down and practically throws her arms around my neck.

"Ooff!" I let out a groan as she lands on my chest. "This is a one time thing, got it?"

"If something happens." She smiles. "IF everything runs smoothly, I get to go on more."

"We'll just ave to see about that." I grown slightly.


Lizzy is so excited that she's already packed and ready to go ten minutes before Sam and I. She practically bounces in the back seat of Baby and fidgets non-stop as she waits for us to climb in.

"Let's go! Evil is afoot, right? Save the world for, for people and- and puppies!" She squeals.

"Okay, you have got to calm down Lizzy." Sam sighs from the front seat. "It's not like the case is disappear into thin air. It's still be there to work on when we get to a motel."

"Sorry." She looks down and starts to read from the book she grabbed from our room. The drive is mostly quiet except for the usual music playing on the radio. Every now and then I glance in the rear-view mirror and see Lizzy staring out the window, reading or at one point taking a nap. This case better go smoothly or so help me... but if everything does run like clockwork, then she'll want to come to the next one. So the debate is between something going wrong and she doesn't come again or everything going right and she keeps coming with us. I'm not sure which one I want.



The impala pulls into a parking lot for a motel by the name of Little Bird's Nest Inn. Dean shuts the engine off and opens the door to get out. Sam does the same and walks into the motel, I assume to check us in. I step out the car and walk to the trunk that Dean's open.

"Where's the gear?" I ask once I look into the trunk. The only things there are three duffel bags, but I could've swore that I've seen the two of them loading the car up with stakes and knifes and poking thingys.

"What do you mean?" Dean keeps his eyes on the bags as he swings the first one over his shoulder. I grab my bag and then Sam's as I try to get Dean to look up at me.

"I mean where's Sir-slice-a-lot and Mr. Pointy, the stake that you had bronzed?" I try to make him smile. Dean gives a huff that slightly resembles a laugh and lifts up a hidden compartment in the floor of the carpeted trunk. "Holy..." I grin at the arsenal that holds way more than I thought they'd bring for one hunt.

"So none of them have names like Slice-a-lot or that Mr. Pointy thing, but there's enough for you to keep some with you when we go out." He lets out a heavy breath and pulls me into his arms, resting his chin on top my head for a moment.

"Dean?" I mumble into his shirt.

"Hmm?" He responds.

"Do you think we should take stuff inside and then take a nap instead of collapsing in the middle of the parking lot?" I laugh in his shirt. 

"If you insist, I don't see why we couldn't just leave to duffel bags to Sammy and crash in the back seat." He jokes as he takes one of the bags from me so he has two instead of me.

"Well aren't you a gentlemen today?" I comment at the gesture.

"What? I'm not allowed to lighten your load?" He grins. I shake my head and follow him into the lobby after Sam. We get a room with two full beds and a full bathroom. We enter the room and plop our stuff down on the floor, Sam and Dean pull out their 'monkey suits' while I grab my own suit from my bag and head into the bathroom to change. 

Black slacks, black blouse and black jacket, simple and professional, right? I walk out of the bathroom change in about a minute. I've always been a fast changer, meanwhile Sam and Dean are still trying to get their ties on. I walk up to Dean and bat his hand away. He stops fiddling with the tie and lets me do it instead.

"You clean up well." I grin like an idiot as I slip the final section thru the loop I made and finish tightening the tie. Dean wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. 

"Not so bad yourself." He murmurs into my hair. I give a quick squeeze back and walk towards the door.

"Are we going?" I ask with my hand on the door knob.

"Alright, we can go. The sooner we start, the sooner we can finish this." Sam nods as he walks through the open door to Baby. Dean is almost completely through the door before he stops and faces me. 

"Are you sure you still want to come, it's okay if you want to stay behind and research or something." He looks straight into my eyes. 

"I'm sticking with you guys, but nice try. Deal's a deal, got it?" I remind him. He shakes his head absentmindedly and walks to Baby. I close the door and lock it, then I practically bounce to the backseat. 

"Next stop, Blood drive dude!" Dean announces as he cranks up the music.

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