Chapter 4

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A/N: So I decided to write this chapter from Dean's point of view, because I thought it might be fun. I  think that I'm going to switch every now and then because I like it better this way, lemme know what you think. That's all, as usual, enjoy.

""Fine, but be speedy so we leave before dark." I try to be loud and clear enough for her to hear me.

"Before dark, huh? You got a hot date?" She walks towards the hall.

"Something like that, yeah." I answer, hoping to get a smile or at least an eye roll. She doesn't even flinch or turn in anyway that indicates that she heard me. I follow her into the hall and go to my room to get into a dry shirt. The one I'm wear is freezing from the rain, and while I know it'll dry, there's no reason to be cold if I don't have to be. I walk out of my room and into the library to find Lizzy and Sam standing over the map, talking about something that I can't quite hear because I'm too far away.

"You ready yet?"I clap my hands together. Sam simply turns around and tilts his head in annoyance at me. Liz keeps her back to me until Sam taps her shoulder, when she turns around she stands against the table in her wet clothes. "Do you want to borrow one of my shirts or something so you're dry when we go to your house?" I ask her slightly concerned. 

"What's wrong with my shirt?" She grabs the corner of her wet shirt and looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Nothing, I was just thinking you don't have to be cold and wet if you don't want to." I answer. 

"Okay, I guess, but after today, I'm not borrowing either of your clothes." Liz points her finger and me and then Sam. I bring my hands up in surrender. She lets out a small laugh at my reaction and goes to my room, I follow her, but only after bouncing my eyebrows at Sam. Any humor from before disappears and he shakes his head at me with a unpleasant look on his face. I turn and go after her with a smirk. I got her going in my room! 

"Which one am I using today?" Liz stands in front of my dresser. 

"How do you feel about..." I open the drawer with my shirts. "Led Zeppelin?" I pull out my black Led Zeppelin shirt and hand it to her. She accepts and looks at it for a moment. Almost like she's examining it. 

"Respect." She nods and picks her head up to meet my eyes. Her gray eyes are like rain clouds that have been laced together with bits of white strings, but I notice flecks of hazel around her pupils. "Hello? Earth to Dean?" She waves her hand in front of my face. I catch her wrist with one hand.

"Sorry, what?"

"I said can you turn around so I can put on the shirt?" She squints a little.

"Right!" I turn around and let her put on my shirt. Maybe I peeked a few times, but I don't think she saw me looking over my shoulder. When she puts it on it looks like she's swimming in it. But damn she looks good. "How small are you?" I start to laugh at her little form being overpowered my shirt. Her little heart wing necklace pokes out from under the neckline.

"Five-nothing." She looks away. "But just remember, I'm shorter, so I'm closer to Hell." 

"Noted." I let a chuckle out for a minute. She punches my shoulder, hard, and walks out. "You know that wasn't a bad hit." I call after her, I have no idea if she heard me. I turn off the lights and walk out to the garage with her. Sam waits with Baby's keys in hand.

"Wow, I guess it's a good thing you borrowed his shirt, it looks like a short dress on you, Lizzy." He grins.

"Shut it, Winchester." She quips.

"Yeah, shut it, Sam." I smirk. "Now gimme the key's, there's no way you're driving." Sam shakes his hand and throws me the keys. I climb into the drivers seat, Sam gets in the passenger's seat like usual, and Liz hops into the backseat. "Next stop, Lizzy's old place."


We pull up to Lizzy's house after about an hour. The house is kind of a craftsman style, a medium green color with white window trim. The porch has a bench swing hanging about ten feet away from the front door. The garage is closed, and none of the lights inside look like they're on.

"I'm going in with you." I announce. 

"Dean, I think she can handle grabbing her stuff and coming back out." Sam rolls his eyes.

"I'm not budging on this, I'm going in with her." I repeat.

"Sam, it's okay. If it makes him feel better, I don't see any reason why he can't." Lizzy puts her hand on Sam's shoulder before he can refuse again. 

"Fine, but you should reserve the right to kick him out whenever you want." He looks at her with a concerned expression.

"What do you think I'm gonna do, Sammy? Knock her out?" I scoff.

"No, I don't think you'd hurt her, but this is her house, ya know where she was before this mess. It can be emotional and that's not really your strong suit." Sam explains.

"'My strong suit' huh? Well then how about you come with us because you're so great?" I raise my brows.

"Fine, you two have fun grabbing stuff. I'll stay in the car." Sam looks out the window to Lizzy's house.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go in, Lizzy." I smile and step out of my car. Lizzy beats me to the front door. 

"Well, who said life has to be easy?" She mutters. Locked. "One second." She steps off the porch and starts turning over rocks in the flower garden.

"What are you doing?" I follow her.

"Getting the hide-a-key. It's under one of the rocks, but I don't remember which one." She doesn't stop digging. 

"I can just pick the lock you know, you don't have to play hide and seek with the hide-a-key." I laugh. 

"Too late, found it." She reaches down a few inches and pulls out a tiny tupperware with a key in it. The outside of the plastic is covered with dirt, but not enough to block the content it holds. Lizzy pops off the lid and jogs up the stairs. "Let's go in, Dean-y." She smiles. God she's hot. 

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