Chapter 29

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"What did he promise you?" I growl with my gun still pointed at Glen.

"He said that I could have any girl I wanted. But when I realized what I was doing and how it was hurting people I stopped, I didn't mean anything bad!" He tries to make himself smaller, I stop him and grab the sleeve of his shirt. "But if you don't let me go I'm gonna defend myself, I don't need anyone putting me in jail."

"Hey watch it, bucko. No one said anything about jail. You don't need to start picking fights." Lizzy cuts in. God, don't fight while she's around, if she gets hurt... It wasn't a good idea agreeing to this.

"Let me go then." Glen gives me a strict look that shows no room for argument. I don't move a muscle, unsure of what he's thinking. He shakes his head and looks at Lizzy. "Age nunc intellectum. Age numc intellectum atque voluntatem omnem meam." He recites. Nothing happens for a moment.

"Ahh!" Lizzy gasps. I turn around, still holding onto Glen's sleeve. Her hands have gone up to her ears.

"Lizzy?" Sam's brows furrow as he looks at her. "Lizzy?" He repeats. She doesn't respond. Shit. I let go of Glen and rush over to her, she's knelled down on the ground with her hands over her ears.

"Lizzy, baby, what's going on?" I breathe sharply, hoping she'll answers. Damn it. "What did you do?" I yell at Glen.

"Ahh, make it stop!" Lizzy moans. I turn to hold her, but her fingers that were by her ears a minute ago, are now covered in a light layer of blood. Her ears are bleeding.

"What did you do?" I shout at Glen again. He tries to run out of the house, but Sam grabs him before he gets more than a few feet into the hall.

"God!" Lizzy starts shaking and signing something. What do I do? Sam whispers something to Glen, making the bastard's brown eyes go wide. Lizzy slumps over and lays on the floor in silence.

"Lizzy!" I shake her shoulder, she's out cold and doesn't respond. My hand tightens around her shoulder as I pull her closer to me. I look at Glen and practically let out a growl. "What. Did. You. Do?"

"It's an auditory attack spell. You say the incantation and then the person you look at starts hearing a ringing that makes them bleed and it'll knock 'em out. She'll be fine when she wakes up, I swear." Glen answers without hesitation after Sam stops talking to him. "I'd never hurt someone more than I needed to."

"How much pain was she in?" I snap. He hesitates. "You better be real careful which words you choose next." I warn him.

"It wasn't much, just enough to make her breathe so hard she passed out." He says.

"How long before she's awake?" I pick her up with one arm behind her back and my other arm under her knees.

"I don't know, a few hours, days maybe? I've never had to do it before, I didn't even know if it would work." Glen looks down.

"Sam make sure he doesn't have anything else to practice with, and if he does, destroy it. You are so lucky that I'm more worried about her than beating you to a pulp. If you hear from or see the dude in the picture, then you will call us and tell us everything you know, do you understand me?" I command. Glen nods furiously. "And if anything happens that I even think you're behind, I will come back and kill you." I threaten as I carry Lizzy out the door. Sam stays behind and checks the house like I told him to. I slip Lizzy into the backseat of Baby and sit with her head on my lap. After a few minutes Sam comes back out of the house and gets into the drivers seat to get us back to the motel.

"Drive like me, not like you." I tell him. I want to get back to the motel to clean Lizzy up and pack so we can get back to the bunker. Hopefully she'll wake up before we leave, but knowing us, we probably won't be that lucky. The ride back feels like forever, I keep telling Sam to hurry up, but every time I do he gives me a dirty look and tells me he's going as fast as he can without getting pulled over. Once we're at the motel, Sam opens up the door and I walk in holding Lizzy and walking over to the bed we planned on sharing and put her down.

"You should go get some food, I'll be here, text you if anything happens." Sam tries to distract me.

"I don't know, I want to be here when she wakes up. It was kinda my fault she's out anyways." I shake my head.

"How you figure that?" Sam almost laughs.

"I agreed to let her come on the hunt." I explain shortly.

"Dean, you know eventually she'd want to go on a hunt. Just be glad that this wasn't a werewolf or vampire case. And it's not your fault that she was the one that Glen hit. He could've gone for any one of us, he just happened to choose her." Sam tries to convince me otherwise.

"Yeah and now she's out cold, Sammy." I huff and sit on the bed next to her. She looks so peaceful laying down, but there's still a little dried blood under her ears and trailing down the sides of her neck.

"And she'll wake up. It'll be fine, now we both gotta eat and she'll need food too. So let's just grab the bags and head home now that the case is taken care of, okay?" He walks over to his duffel and pulls out a shirt, then throws it at me. "Here, take care of her and I'll get things back together so we can leave."

"M'kay." I let out a sigh. I go into the bathroom and put the shirt under the sink, using the damp shirt I wipe the blood off of the sides of Lizzy's neck. Ten minutes later, we're back in the impala with Lizzy still out cold laying in the back seat. A seat belt is around her waist as best as I could get it and my jacket is under her head.  She'll be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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