Chapter 20

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Lizzy (three months later (or Lizzy's 113th day with the Winchesters)

I walk out of our room to the kitchen wearing one of Dean's flannel shirts and shorts, waiting until I can get coffee and start more research. Sam and Dean are currently on their way back from a hunt that involved something called a djinn. When I texted Dean last night, he said he couldn't wait to get home and that he needed some time that was just the two of us. He doesn't usually say that, which makes me think something happened during their hunt, but I never said anything given I liked asking those kinds on things to his face and not his phone.

I flip the switch on the radio and turn it as far up as it will go, swinging my hips to the vibrations bouncing off the tiled walls. Grabbing some orange juice, half of a bagel and some cream cheese I make myself some breakfast and walk back to the room Dean and I now share. I had pretty much moved in about a month ago by always sleeping with him, but my clothes and pictures had still been in the first room I had. Now my pictures rest on the shelf above the bed  on the side that I tend to sleep on. I happily finish my bagel half in the hallway before I reach our room.

I get dressed in some jeans, a loose fitting black t-shirt and an open tan sweater that always smelt like vanilla for some reason. I text Dean that I'm going to the store to pick up some more food, and that I'll be home hopefully before the boys get back. I half expect Dean to tell me not to leave the bunker alone, but there's no answer for ten minutes. Shoving my phone into my pocket, I pick up a pair of sneakers and open the sock drawer so I can leave. I walk to the garage and grab my bag that has my wallet and the keys to one of the bunker's cars. 

I haven't been out of the bunker for two weeks, so when I finally breathe in the fresh air, my head clears up, even though I didn't realize it was so foggy. Once I get to the store I pull out my phone that has the list of things we needed, but I notice Dean has responded to my text.

"Don't leave the bunker until we get back, please! Just wait until we're home, then I'll go with you." The text says. Not that different from what I expected.

"I'm already at the store, I'll be as fast as I can. How's that sound?" I type in as I get a cart. I put my phone back in my pocket and walk across the aisles, grabbing things as I past by. I decide to make a pie when I get home for Dean, hopefully I won't kill this one like last time.

The lady at the check out looks to be in her 60's, with silver hair, dark brown eyes, and olive skin. Her yellow name tag has 'Karen' in big black lettering. She smiles sweetly as she starts scanning the things as I place my items on the rail. 

"Any fun plans with all of these apples?" She asks innocently. 

"Yeah, I'm making a pie for my boyfriend. He's coming home from a long trip and I thought it would be a nice surprise." I answer with more pep than intended.

"I remember when I use to do things like that for my husband. He traveled to inspect rigs for an oil company, every time he left I thought it would the last time I saw him. Some of those spills in the news never helped." She grabs the flour sack and drags it across the scanner.

"He came back though, right?" I inquire.

"Oh, yes, he always came back. But one time he almost didn't. That time he went to inspect the Deepwater Horizon when that explosion happened, almost didn't make it home, but I think he made it because of the angels." She finishes scanning everything and pauses to look at me before hitting some buttons on her computer.

"Angels?" The hair on my neck sticks up.

"The angels. They're always watching, they help the good people, sometimes even the bad. I hope if your boy needed any help, he got what he needed. I can tell he's lucky to have what he does right now." She nods. "That's 84.27, sunshine."

"Right. Um, one second."  I pull out my bag and open my wallet for cash. The boys always told me it's almost impossible to track someone down if they pay cash, unlike credit or debit cards that can be traced. I hand the lady $85 and slide the change into the pouch of my wallet before grabbing the few bags I paid for and leaving. 

I don't turn the radio on for the drive home, instead I think about the way Karen was so happy believing angel watched over people. Sam and Dean told me that Cas was one of the few angels that loved humans, but they never said if the angel didn't watch over others. My dad told me that I didn't need a guardian angel to watch over me, because he could do a better job than any angel God sent. That was the only truly religious thing he ever told me, and the strangely funny part it that it was full on blasphemy. We didn't go to church, we rarely prayed, and we never talked about those kinds of things unless there was a missionary in the house trying to convert us.

I pull into the bunker garage and see that Baby is still gone, so I probably still have some time to make that surprise pie for Dean. I bring the groceries into the kitchen, put things away, and start working on the crust while singing along to the radio as it plays again.

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