Chapter 9

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I wake up again, but this time I'm on my side instead of my back. I turn slightly, and see Dean behind me, then I realize his arms wrapped around my waist tightly despite the fact that he's asleep. I smile and wiggle out of his arm slowly, trying not to wake him. I look around my room and see that my empty duffel is laying on the floor next to my bed. Thru the dark, I look at my dresser and quietly look through the drawers to see where Dean put my stuff. I pull out my favorite tank and a pair of jeans, I find my hearing aid box by my pillow, I pull out the aids, put them in and silently get dress with my eyes on Dean the whole time, should he wake up and find me in just my bra and underwear.

I walk into the kitchen thinking I'll make the boys breakfast, but when I turn on the lights, I have to look away because it's so bright. I slap the switch and turn the lights off again. I guess this is going to be harder than I thought. I still feel committed to making breakfast, so I cover my eyes and turn the lights on again. Walking to the fridge, I thing about what's easy to make. Eggs.

Over the course of a few minutes, I no longer need to cover my eyes,  and I'm over the stove with a pan scrambling eggs. Something slithers around both sides of my waist and as an immediate response I jerk my shoulders back. 

"Easy tiger." Dean laughs. He leans his head on my shoulder, but his head is so close my hearing aids ring.

"Ahh!" I raise my hand up to my right aid as Dean pulls back alarmed.

"What'd I do? You okay?" He panics. But the ringing leaves has soon as it had come after my aid was no longer crowded.

"It's fine, it didn't hurt, it's not your fault." I grin. "Lemme show you what happened." I pull out my right hearing aid. The pink, white and transparent swirled mold rests in my hand. The sound proof tube and the aid itself. "See this little white puff?" I point at the top of the tube. Dean looks closer and nods. "That's the microphone. That's all a hearing aid is, a programmed microphone. So when you surround it," I close my fist on the aid. I hear a faint screeching. "It gives feedback." I release the hearing aid, and push the mold back in, tucking the tube and aid over my ear.

"So you're fine, I just made your hearing aid mad?" Dean covers. I smile and nod at the look on his face. "So just don't do that?"  I imagine him thinking. "Okay good." He comes back and hugs me again, but this time he hunches over and gently puts his chin on the top of my head. It's not that I'm short, I'm just... well, I'm short.

"You gonna let me finish making your eggs before they burn?" I murmur into his chest.

"Fine, but after that you gotta take it easy. You don't have a concussion, but it's still a head injury." He grumbles. He pulls back one last time and smirks like an idiot, as he walks into away to the library. I turn and scrape the eggs out of the pan and start washing dishes. Once I'm finish I grab the plate and turn around. A man with dark hair, striking blue eyes, and a trench coat stands less than two feet from me. I jump and drop Dean's plate.

"Oh my God!" I flinch back when the dish breaks on the floor. I look up at the man. "How did you get in here?" I ask startled. 

"I teleported." He answers in a deep voice. "I didn't mean to frighten you. I was told by Sam that I may want to meet you."

"Who are you?" I relax slightly. I feel like I know him.

"My name is Castiel." He straighten proudly. 

"Lizzy?" Dean runs in. "I heard crash and you didn't answer, are you okay- Cas!" He pauses in the doorway. "Dude you can't just pop in like that, it scares people." He walks up to me, now he's calm. Or calmer than when her rushed in.

"I apologize, Sam said to come whenever, so I came now before I was busy again." Castiel or 'Cas' explains. 

"Yeah, well a little warning is nice when someone new's around." Dean gestures. Cas looks away from the two of us after Dean's spout. "Right, Cas, Lizzy, Lizzy, Cas." 

"Hi Cas," I wave shyly. "He said he teleported, what's with that?" I ask Dean.

"Cas is an angel. He kinda just does the popping up thing." He clarifies. I look from Dean to Cas, to Dean to Cas again. 

"I thought angels weren't real." I say in a small voice.

"I can assure you am I real. And an angel." Cas steps closer, I step back for every advance he makes, he stops once he notices my hesitation. "I promise I wouldn't harm you." He becomes concerned.

"Promises break. and the ones that don't aren't always the good kind." I quote father. 

"Lizzy it's okay. He's not gonna hurt you. In fact no one is gonna hurt you if I have say in it, you got that?" Dean says fiercely. 

"That's sweet Dean, but no one can protect anyone from everything." I try to reason.

"I will." He determined.

"And I will help him." Cas speaks up.

"You know there's such things as guardian angels. Maybe I've got one" I try to joke. Dean simply gives me a dirty look while Cas just looks confused. "Tell me he knows what a joke is." I plead to Dean.

"He's still working on those." Dean sighs. 

"He'll probably get lots of practice around me, then." I smile. My head starts hurting again. I need to lay down. I think to myself.

"Dean, she needs to lay down." Cas informs Dean.

"What the hell? Were you in my head?" I gasp. 

"Cas!" Dean scorns. Cas's lack of answering and the way he shrinks a little, only gives me more proof.

"Stay the hell out of my head, please." I contemn.

"Of course, I was just try to help, you don't look well." He confesses.

"Come on," Dean takes hold of my upper arm. "Let's put you back in bed."

"Dean, I just need to lay down for a few minutes, not the whole day." I protest.

"Nope," He says popping the 'p', "Bed, shuteye, now."

The three of us walk to my room, Dean makes me get under the blankets, telling me to go to sleep, that I'll heal faster with rest. He's not wrong about the last part. Only a minute or two after I lay down, do I realize how tired I really am, I fall asleep swiftly once I'm settled with my hearing aids in their box and my head on my pillow.

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