Chapter 25

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I wake up back in the bed with the blankets tugged over me up to my cheek. My headache is gone and so is Dean. I get up out of the bed and shrug on some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, then I head out to the library where I expect the brothers to be doing research for the next case. When I open the door, I feel my stomach growl with hunger. Maybe I'll eat something first. I say to myself. I change course for the kitchen.

Sam has his laptop pulled out in front of him at the table as he sips a cup of coffee and reads articles from the bright screen.

"Look at that, Sleeping Beauty's awake." He grins.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask as I pull out two pieces of bread, peanut butter and honey out of the cupboard. 

"Dean came out about two hours ago to get you some water and when he went back to your room you were awake. But you only lasted for about thirty minutes so he carried you back to bed, so figure hour and a half. If you want the grand total, you've been asleep for a little over twelve hours." He explains.

"Where is Dean anyways? I figured you'd both be in the library reading up on the creepy crawly articles." I laugh as I smear the thick honey over a slice of bread.

"Well someone's been using all of the cheese for grilled cheese, so he went out to get that along with some other stuff we've been running low on." Sam purses his lips at the mention of grilled cheese sandwiches.

"I wonder who's been using it." I look down at my finished sandwich and take a bite while putting the jars away.

"I'm sure we're all wondering about that." He smiles sarcastically.

"Any good cases?" I change the subject. I know that they aren't mad though, they love my cheesy masterpieces. 

"Yeah actually, it looks like witch is messing around with some people in the same neighborhood. First vic was about a week ago, he was found in his house by some friends when he didn't show up for work. The cops said that he choked on his own blood after coming home from a blood drive. Next person was five days ago, choked on thread that came out of no where after a phone call with one of the women in her quilting club. And then three days ago, a teenage boy came inside from mowing his lawn and started coughing lawn clippings in front of his girlfriend, and then choked on those." He summarizes.

"That sounds like so much fun to go thru." I scoff and sit down at the table across from him. Sam runs a hand thru his hair and sighs.

"Check this out, all of them lived within a block of a house that belongs to a grumpy middle aged women who, according to everyone else in the neighborhood, never leaves her house unless it's to garden the herbs on her front porch." He shakes his head. "So once Dean gets back, we'll pack and probably be back in a couple days, a week tops." 

"I want to go." I say.

"You wanna go?" Sam raises hi brows. I nod eagerly. "You wanna go?" He repeats.

"Did you want me to say it in a different language? Write it down maybe?" I try not to laugh.

"If I say 'yes' Dean will kill me. So ask him, but not me." He throws his hands up in mock surrender. "Leave me out of it, because even though I don't see anything wrong with wanting to go out, he probably doesn't see it that way."

"What wrong with me going?" I ask.

"Again, to me, nothing. But to him, there's gonna be something." He huffs.

"Fine." I sigh.


Dean gets back from the store about fifteen minutes after Sam tells me about the case. I help him put away the groceries as Sam describes the job before I confront him about tagging along with them.

"So you thinking a witch like me?" Sam asks Dean.

"Yeah, what else would it be?" Dean closes the fridge as I finish stocking the cupboard with the rest of the food.

"I don't know." Sam looks down at his laptop.

"Why're you looking so guilty?" Dean demands.

"I asked Sam if I can go with you guys." I interrupt. 

"No." Dean snaps.

"Why not?" I inquire.

"Because I said no." He answers.

"Are you suddenly my parent? What's so bad about me going out on a case with you?" I insist.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt." He says after a few seconds.

"I'm not made out of glass, it's not like I'll break while we're out." I sit up on the counter. Dean takes a sharp breath in. 

"I know you won't break, I just don't want anything to happen." He runs a hand thru his hair stressed.

"And what have I told you in the past?" I ask condescendingly.

"I don't care if 'no one can protect anyone from everything' or not. That sure as hell isn't gonna stop me from trying." He lets out a heavy breath.

"I'm going." I conclude.

"No, you're not." He repeats.

"Make you a deal, I go to this case, and if something happens then I won't ask to go out on a case again." I try to reason. Dean puts his hands on his hips and looks down. It's like I can see the gears shifting in his head. 

"Fine." He says begrudgingly. 

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