The Call

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(Beccas outfit in external link)

Ashton POV

"Ash, you're phone is ringing!" Luke calls from the kitchen, tossing my phone to the couch next to me. I reach up, swiping the screen and pressing the phone to my ear.

"Ashton Irwin?" A lady's voice says through the speaker, sounding urgent. I turn the tv to mute, pressing a hand on my other ear to drown out the noise. The gravely noise of the signal disturbing the phone call.

"Yea, whose this?" I ask, shushing the boys and walking into the other room, removing my hand from my head, placing it on the wall to lean on.

A sigh erupts over the speaker. "This is Principal Darvis." I cringe, remembering the lady who gave me ten detentions for pulling the fire lever in tenth grade. "I am calling about Rebecca Johnson. I understand your number was written on her file."

"Yup." I say, inspecting my face in the mirror, feeling a bit of stubble from my not so recent shave. "Whats up."

Probably shouldn't have said that. Oops.

"Well, she has gotten into a fight with one of our students. I have been informed that this altercation was anticipated by other students for the past two weeks. She will be facing two office detentions and she is suspended the rest of the day."

I cough, getting my attention back to the phone. "Wait, who did she fight?" I ask, Luke's head popping in the room.

"The students name is Ally Kurt, she is the class valedictorian." The principal says, acting as if it is the highest honor ever. "Someone will need to come sigh Rebecca out of the school. Rebecca, please sit down!" She scolds over the phone, Beccas groan faintly reaches my ear.

I stifle a giggle, cupping a hand over my mouth as i bend over, my stomach clenching. "okay, okay, I'll be there in five minutes." I say, sighing and walking into the other room with the guys, their eyes on me.

"And Mr. Irwin, another thing. This will be going on Beccas record, another one of these and she will be suspended for a week. Rebecca Johnson please take a seat, I will not ask again!" I scoff, rolling my eyes at my old instructor.

"I am sorry your chairs feel like I'm having anal with a baseball bat!" Beccas voice calls, earning a gasp from Darvis and chuckle from myself. "I'm sorry but honestly I would rather sit on the floor and suffer here."

"Rebecca, sit on the chair right this instant or I will double your punishment!" Principal Darvis snaps, probably pointing at that old red chair in her office that I grew accustomed to sitting in during grade 9.

"And what about Kurt? She has to be getting some type of punishment as well." I say, grabbing my keys and dragging the guys outside of the house to the car, starting the ignition.

"She will be getting the same punishment as Rebecca is." I nod, hanging up my phone and driving to the high school, walking into the principals room. Becca sits on the floor, adjusting her HUF socks while a girl, presumably Ally, holds an ice pack to her face.

"Sup Bec." Calum says, staring at Ally with a small smile. Becca nods, looking at Ally before chuckling. "Why did you guys fight?" He asks, earning a groan from Ally.

"She told me that since I'm friends with you guys I must be a burn out. So I told her to shut up and she's been saying it for two weeks and today she just punched me. Resulting in that." Becca nods behind her, Allys eyes flickering around the room. "You okay?" Becca asks Ally.

Ally just nods, looking back to her feet. "I'm sorry." She says softly, looking up at Luke. Becca smiles, sitting up with her back against the leg of the chair. Darvis walks in holding two folders, rubbing her temples.

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