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"...And what about the time when we went bungee jumping"

Another wave of laughter erupted in the group as they recollected the incident.

Hoseok barked "Flashing news. Kim Taehyung is afraid of hights! And all the while i thought it was just me."

They laughed again remembering how reluctant and pale Taehyung had been before he jumped. It took a lot of willpower to minimize the fear displayed on his face.

"Oh and the spider incident..."

For past half hour all his friends had been dotting on all of the embarrassing and funny moments, every fears of Kim Taehyung the alpha blood. But he felt moody. Even though everyone was busy chatting and laughing especially when Hoseok had come. He missed his best friend and he was annoyed at Yoongi.

He hadn't interfered that time because they were mates and he didn't want to create any further issues. He knew Yoongi was grumpy and someone known for his quick temper. He had stood there watching with closed fists and gritting teeth as Yoongi hauled away his best friend.

Yoongi loved Jimin. Taehyung knew that. It was clear in the way Yoongi looked at him and the way Jimin spoke about his mate. But they had their own issues to work out.

It must be totally different to have a mate. A particular face with black hair, ears pierced multiple times and tattoos sticking out on his muscles popped up in his head.

He shook his head clearing his mind.

"WHAT?!" The unmistakable loud voice of Hoseok flooded in which expressed shock and disbelief.

Taehyung blinked focusing on the present conversation. He clearly had not been listening.

Sungjae laughed "yeah. I still find it comical"

"B-but" Hoseok looked at Taehyung a frown etched on his face "how is it- Tae- uh-....."

"What?" Taehyung asked now confused about whatever they were talking about.

"Were you dreaming about Jungkook? Hoseok is in shock about who your mate is" Irene said.

Taehyung groaned "come on. Won't you guys let me have some peace of mind? I rejected him for God's sake and so did he"

Hoseok gasped the same time Jackson snorted. Taehyung shot the latter a look daring him to open his mouth.

"Oh god! Tae! It must have been terrible!" Hoseok said concerned.

Taehyung waved him off "I managed. It's okay now."

His phone rang right as he finished his sentence. The screen flashing 'chimchim calling'.

Taehyung quickly flicked it to his ear "Jim?"

"Tae" Jimin spoke in a low voice "come and get me in front of the old 'Glossy' s baker'. I am not letting Yoongi win this. I will be there"

The phone call ended before Taehyung could say anything. He felt his chest swell in pride for his best friend. Fucking right. Jimin won't be playing to all fucked up demands of that grumpy dick. Taehyung grinned as he quickly stood up grabbing his Jacket.

"I will be back soon guys" he shouted over his shoulder as he jogged out to his car.

He felt a thrill in imagining Yoongi's pissed off face. He almost laughed feeling like a small kid doing some mischief to anger his strict grumpy uncle.

He hummed all the way. Most shops were closed and this part of the town was almost deserted. As he pulled into the lane of the old bakers an odd wave of uneasiness hit him. He felt the feeling intensify as he neared the parked car that he very displeasingly identified as Jungkook's. Jimin didn't know how to drive a car.

The Rival Mates ♥ (VKook/TaeKook - Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now