Chapter 1

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*Kat's P.O.V*
"Guys hurry we don't have time the wedding starts in 30 minutes,"I said rushing the bridesmaids.
"Abie stop touching your hair I will slap you,"I said. "It looks fine."
"Ugh you're so bossy,"Abie said.
"You're 21 stop acting like a child,"I said.
"It's not your wedding,"Abie said.
"Yes but it's my best friends, and it needs to be perfect for her,"I said.
I run to check, on the decorations. Beautiful. I go check on the bride. Isabel. She looked like a beautiful princess.
"Omg omg,"I started tearing up. "You look beautiful."
"Aww I'm scared Kat I'm petrified,"Isabel said. "What if he stops the wedding?"
"Don't be you've got nothing to worry about, if he does that he's screwed up in the head he went this far,"I said.
"You're right I've got this,"She said.
I fixed her veil to go perfectly well with her hair. And did some touch up on her makeup.
"Get in position,"I said. "We've got 15 minutes."
Everyone gets in place, Isabel picked the flower Isabella for her bouquet since it's named after her. One of the flower girls basket of petals fell all over the floor, ugh. I grabbed the basket, and put some more petals in it then told her to go back. I get in my position as maid of honor, and the ceremony starts. As Isabel walks down the isle like a queen, Slater holds back his tears seeing his beautiful bride on their beautiful wedding day. The priests does his thing, and they say their vows.
*Isabel's P.O.V*
I look at him smiling I'm glad he's the one I'm with today. He's the perfect one for me. Who knew life had such a great guy for me, life couldn't have been any better.
"Slater, today I promise I will laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will share in your dreams and support you as you strive to achieve your goals. I will listen to you with compassion and understanding, and speak to you with encouragement. Together, let us build a home filled with learning, laughter and light, shared freely with all who may live there. Let us be partners, friends and lovers, today and all of the days that follow,"Isabel said.
"Isabel, you are my best friend. I promise to laugh with you, cry with you, and grow with you. I will love you when we are together and when we are apart. I promise to support your dreams and to respect our differences, and to love you and be by your side through all the days and nights of our lives, Today, surrounded by people who love us, I choose you Isabel to be my partner. I am proud to be your husband and to join my life with yours. I vow to support you, push you, inspire you, and above all love you, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live,"Slater said.
We kiss everything was perfect I watch as Kat wipes a tear away, I smile at her. I'm so glad to to be with this man that will treat me right. We have the after dinner party, and Kat makes sure everyone has their speeches ready, and are ready to go up. She needs to stop working for 5 minutes.
*Kat's P.O.V*
I fix my posture, and get ready as I walk onto the stage to say my speech.
I get everyone's attention."Ahem. Good evening everyone! My name is Kat the maid of honor. I hope you're all having a lovely evening and I'd like to thank you all for coming out and celebrating with us tonight. I'd like to take a few moments to talk to you about my best friend, Isabel, and her new husband, Slater. I've been the brides best friend for 12 years, I have lots of memories with this girl. From the late nights up together talking to one another to playing together when we were younger, And, also, talking about her past relationships. I've seen Isabel with a few old boyfriends, but she never seemed truly happy, or in love. But, with Slater it is different. The first time I ever met the groom, I could tell that he was that special someone. She seemed happier, more excited, and free. Since that time, I have seen them grow closer and closer. I can say that they both love each other more than anything else. It's inspiring. It also shows us that no matter how wacky or crazy we are, there is someone out there for us! I love you best friend I hope your wedding is everything you hoped for. Ladies and Gentlemen, a toast for the Bride and Groom."
Everyone claps, and Isabel comes over to hug me.
"That was beautiful thanks Kat,"She said.
"Not as beautiful as you, now let's go sit Slater's Best man is about to give a speech he's late by the way, can we just talk about that,"I said.
"Aww. His dad's in the hospital,but I think you're gonna like the best man by the way,"Isabel said grinning.
"I told you I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I'm focusing on work, and college,"I said.
"Haven't you worked enough. I mean you've been going to college 5 years non stop. You've got a degree for fashion designing, and cosmetology, oh and let's not forget you're working on getting your wedding planning degree right now,"Isabel said.
"Well it's gonna pay off,"I said. "I'm starting my own business as soon as college is done."
"That's okay, but you need to go out have fun,"Isabel said.
"I'm having fun right now,"I defended.
"No you're not. You're working at my wedding right now, just let loose and party a little my wedding will be fine,"Isabel said.
I sigh "I mean no promises, but I'll try."
"Good now stop acting like my boss, and be my best friend,"Isabel said. "Also I'm excited for you to see the best man I promise you'll love it."
"I'll have fun, but I'm not dating,"I said.
The best man starts talking, the voice sounds familiar. I turn around to be greeted by Kaden. Not him.
"Hey everybody,"He taps the mic to see if it's working.
I zone out for his whole speech.
"Kat. Hello earth to Kat! You there,"Isabel said tapping my face.
*Isabel's P.O.V*
"Kat you good,"I asked Kat?
"Uh...sorry I'm fine,"She said starring at Kaden.
Oops I should've warned her that he was gonna be here.
"Sorry should've told you, but I thought you'd already knew,"I said to her.
"Oh no it's fine, just haven't seen him since.... The road trip,"She said.
"Wait really? He hasn't reached out or anything,"I asked?
"Nope he didn't even chase after me when I told him I broke off my engagement with Josh, he just let me go like he always does. Though I did see him in a grocery store once, don't think he saw me though,but I have moved on now and my life is better the way it is i'm glad we didn't date,"Kat said.
"Wow you use to be so fun now you act like a boring business person, go talk to him then as friends,"I said to her.
"Fine,"She said walking over to him.
I walk over to Slater as we got ready for our first dance together as a married couple.
"Ladies and Gentlemen please prepare for the bride and grooms first dance,"The DJ said.
"You ready,"Slater asked holding my hand.
"Ready,"I said.
We go to the dance floor, and start dancing to our first slow song as a married couple it feels great to say that, A moment like this by Kelly Clarkson. We planned this whole dance for it, so it would be unique. Step, step, out okay I'm doing good, please don't slip.
"We're married,"I said to Slater excited.
"Yup we are,"He said smiling.
"I've always wondered who I'd marry when I was younger, can't believe it's you,"I said."But I'm glad it is, I wouldn't wanna be here with anybody else.
"Me neither I love you,"He said.
"I love you too,"I said.
This day in time is perfect I've always dream for a beautiful romantic wedding, this is better than I could ever imagine all my friends are here, my best friend is my maid of honor, and Haley & Abie are my bridesmaids couldn't of asked for a better bunch of people.
"I can't believe we took dance classes for this,"I said to Slater giggling.
"Hey. At least we know how to dance now,"He said.
"I knew how to dance before this, but not this kind of dancing,"I said.
"Yup I know it was really fun to learn,"Slater said.
"Yea it was. Though I stepped on your toes a few time when we were just learning,"I said.

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