Chapter 13

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*Abie's P.O.V*
I wake up to see Haley, and Mason smiling at me.
"Why is he here,"Are the first words I mutter out.
"Oh,"Haley said. "He apologized."
"Oh so you're just gonna forgive him,"I said.
"Well he was shocked, so I mean it kinda happens, plus he's my husband I kinda need him right now,"Haley said.
"I guess you're right, can't hold a grudge forever,"I said.
"Yeah exactly,"Haley said.
"Now get me out of here,"I said trying to get out my bed, but my stomach had a sharp pain. "Owww."
"Don't move. Remember you got stabbed, you can't come home for 2 days,"Haley said.
"Ugh whoever did this is gonna pay, so screwed up,"I said.
"Did you see who did it,"Haley asked?
"No all I remember is I was gonna go upstairs, when someone put a rag or something on my mouth, and I passed out, then I remember waking up in the kitchen feeling a horrible feeling,"I said.
"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have gone through this,"Haley said.
"It's fine at least I'm alive,"I said trying to sound positive. "Though this has gone too far."
"I know next thing we know somebody is gonna get killed,"Mason said.
"We need to be better at this,"I said. "Maybe be we should be with someone all the time, to make sure nothing happens, cause 2 is better than 1,"I said.
"I'm gonna get Isabel and Kat too stay with you tonight,"Haley said. "Though Kat is on a date right now."
"A date,"I said shocked! "Kat on a date!"
"Yep that's what I thought too real shocking,"Haley said.
"Exactly,"I said.
"Isabel will be here soon though,"Haley said.
"Yeah we gotta go,"Mason said.
"Where,"I asked?
"To a fancy dinner,"Mason said.
Haley looked at him smiling "Seriously?! We haven't been to a fancy dinner in forever."
"Well guess it's time I treat my girl right,"Mason said.
"Aww,"Haley said. "So you good here for now?"
"Yeah I'll be fine,"I said. "Go to your fancy dinner."
"Yay, good luck,"Haley said.
"Bye,"Mason said.
"Bye love birds,"I said smiling at them.
*Isabel's P.O.V*
"Where's Kat,"I asked Josh?
"I don't know, why,"Josh asked?
"Because she just disappeared,"I said.
"You don't think someone kidnapped her, do you,"Josh asked worried.
"Maybe, I'll call her though,"I said.
I call Kat and she picks up after a few rings.
Kat-What do you want?
Isabel-I'm worried about you. Where are you?
Kat-Just hanging out with a guy.
Isabel-Omg you're on a date!
Kat-No, no, no! It's not a date I'm hanging out with a guy.
Isabel-And who's the guy?
Kat-I'll tell you later, I gotta go.
Isabel-Fine don't die love you.
Kat-You too, and love you too.
I hang up, and Josh looks at me for answers.
"So where is she,"He asked?
"She's on a date,"I said grinning.
"What.....Really? Wow,"Josh said.
"Yup she's finally found someone,"I said. "And it's not you or Kaden."
He glares at me "Whatever."
He walks away, and I go to sit by Slater.
"I'm tired Bae,"I said.
"Me too I think I'm gonna go take a nap,"Slater said.
"I'm gonna join you, it's 8 in the morning we should be good,"I said.
We go upstairs, and I cuddle next to Slater. I fall asleep.
I run away from a tall figure it was chasing me, and I couldn't out run it. They caught up to me, and stabbed me in the stomach. I started coughing up blood, and crying. My baby is dead.
"Revenge is a bitch,"The figure said.
-Dream over-
I wake up crying, Slater hugs me.
"What's wrong,"Slater asked?
"I had a nightmare,"I said.
"What was it,"He asked?
"Our baby died,"I said.
"Don't worry. I'm going to do whatever it takes to protect you two,"Slater said.
"Thank you,"I said.
"No problem baby I'm here to protect you always,"Slater said.
"I'm gonna love you forever,"I said.
"And same with me,"Slater said.
*Kat's P.O.V*
He drops me off at the house.
"Goodbye hope we can do this again some other time, I had fun,"James said.
"I as well. I'll see you sometime soon,"I said waving too him.
I walk inside the house, singing. And smiling.
"There you are,"Isabel said."I've missed you."
"I missed you too,"I said.
"How was your date,"Isabel asked?
"It wasn't a date,"I said. "I just met the guy."
"Is that why you're smiling so much,"Isabel said.
"Shut up! This guy and I are only ever gonna be friends,"I said smiling.
"Ohh Kat's in love,"Isabel said joking with me.
"Yup in what universe are you in,"I said.
"Come sit by me,"Isabel said. "We'll watch a movie."
"That sounds nice, what movie,"I asked?
"Just horror flicks,"Isabel said.
"Yesss my favorite,"I said. "But romance is chill too."
"Same. We've got lots of horror in our life right now though so it's already a horror movie, I guess we should try and forget about it,"Isabel said.
"Yeah, but if we watch a horror movie, we'll be so scared we'll forget about our problems,"I said.
Isabel laughed "I hope so, it's been tough times."
"Tell me about it,"I said.
"Oh I totally forgot we are suppose to stay at the hospital with Abie,"Isabel said.
"Really? What about Haley,"I asked?
"Mason and her are going to dinner,"Isabel said.
I grin "So he really apologized? I'm glad, cause he was being a real jerk."
"He was being an ass. If Slater did that I'd be so mad,"Isabel said.
"Yeah well good thing he's excited,"I said.
"Exactly,"Isabel said. "We should get ready to sleep at the dumb hospital."
"Ugh do we have to sleep on an uncomfortable couch,"I asked?
"I don't know I think they have a bed for us,"Isabel said.
"Well I hope so,"I said.

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