Chapter 2

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*Abie's P.O.V*
I stare at him that guy it was him again, The one from the prom we crashed. I walk up to him.
"Hi,"I said.
"Hello,"He said. "Funny seeing you here."
"Why do you always pop up everywhere? Who are you,"I asked?
For 5 years straight ever since prom I keep seeing him everywhere I don't know why, or how he found me, but every time I would turn the corner I'd get a glimpse of him starring at me, and then I'd turn my head for 5 seconds and he'd disappear out this world.
"........ I told you once,"He said.
"No you told me your name, but how do I know that's even your name? You're stalking me,"I said.
"No I am not you'll see in time what I mean,"He said.
"What?! You're freaking me out,"I said.
Kat starts walking towards me.
"Hey.... what are you doing in the corner of the room talking to yourself,"Kat said.
"Uh....I'm not see,"I said turning around, but he was gone.
"Alright I think you better stop smoking whatever you're smoking,"Kat said.
"Wow... I'm not smoking anything, believe me I'd know if I was going crazy,"I said.
"Alright then.... Go watch their dance before it's over,"Kat said to me.
"Well okay,"I said sitting in a chair.
I watch as they dance, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.
*Kat's P.O.V*
Their slow dance ends , and The song dive by Ed Sheehan comes on, I sit at a table looking around making sure everything's in place.
"Um hi, do you wanna dance it doesn't look like you're doing anything else,"Kaden said.
"Oh... I ca.....Okay fine let's go,"I said.
Why was he always dancing with me couldn't he just leave me alone for 5 minutes he's just gonna leave me again, plus I'm busy now I don't have time for drama with guys.
"So what has your life become,"I asked him?
"Well I went on a mission, then I went to college at UVU, now I'm just looking for a job,"Kaden said. "You?"
"It shouldn't be hard for a guy like you. I'm working on getting my degree for wedding planner. Also I've gotten a degree for fashion designing and cosmetology, and now I work as successful makeup artist and fashion designer, and I live alone. As soon as I get my degree for a wedding planner I'm starting my own business,"I said.
"Trust me it's very complicated. Wow so you're a workaholic now, you didn't strike me as the type,"Kaden said.
"Why not? Cause I'm not rich like you, well I don't have to be rich all it takes is hard work, pretty soon I will be rich,"I said.
"No no I didn't mean it like that, I meant you always seemed like you were gonna get married, and have a family, not live alone,"Kaden said.
"Well I proved you wrong,"I said.
I look into his eyes smiling, stop it, stop it, I'm not catching feelings again. I can't not now, not ever.
"You look stunning,"He said to me.
"Thank you,"I said.
"I can't believe we went 5 years without talking,"Kaden said.
"Well you never made an effort to be in my life,"I said.
"I'm sorry, just give me another chance,"Kaden said.
"I... I can't I'm not dealing with this anymore,"I said walking away from him.
I go outside, and he follows. I go to the park near the place where I am at, and sit on the swings, he does the same.
"Why are you following me,"I asked him?
"Because I wanna make up for what I did,"Kaden said.
"Well that's the thing you did nothing,"I said. "You had a chance twice, I broke off ,my engagement because I love you.....loved you... But that's not the point you didn't care you just sat there, and let me leave. So I'm sorry but I've got other things to focus on,"I said.
"I was stupid I didn't know what to do, so I let you leave....Alright fine at least let me be your friend,"Kaden said.
"Friends. But no love connection thing, and stop doing that thing where we bump into each other, and we just have a time stop, also don't give me that smile you get whenever you're... never mind okay friends,"I said.
He laughs "It's not my fault you've gotta make it stop feeling like that then, but okay good we have a lot of catching up to do, wanna go out for milkshakes tomorrow."
"Really? Milkshakes, come to my apartment after school, then we'll go,"I said.
"What else am I suppose to say, I'll be there just text me your address,"Kaden said.
"Fine. I can't miss my best friends after wedding party let's go back in,"I said.
He tries to give me a hand to help me get off the swing, but I get up by myself, and walk past him. He smiles.
"Why do you keep smiling like that,"I said to him.
"Like what,"He said smiling bigger.
"Ugh never mind,"I said.
We go in, and continue with the party.
*Isabel's P.O.V*
I run to Kat, Abie, Mason, Haley, Kaden, Josh, and Slater.
"You look beautiful I hope I wished I look this gorgeous on my wedding day,"Haley said.
"Thank you you're so sweet, come here and give me a hug,by the way you looked amazing on your wedding day, so shut up,"I said to Haley.
She gives me a hug "Wow I love the dress by the way everything is just perfect."
"Thanks again. I'm about to throw the bouquet get ready ladies,"I said.
"Oh wow I remember my bouquet catching days,"Kat said.
I wink at Kat "Hopefully they pick you."
"No I hope they pick Haley,"Kat said.
I get up on stage, and get ready for the bouquet to be thrown.
"Can we get all the single ladies on the dance floor, the bride is throwing the bouquet. All ladies young or old it doesn't matter,"The DJ said.
I hear all the girls running behind me.
"Are you ready guys,"I asked?
"Ready,"Abie yelled.
I close my eyes, and throw the bouquet I hear screaming, and turn around to see Kat holding it. I run to her.
"Dudeeeee you're gonna get married,"I said to her screaming and hugging her.
"It's not even real, but I guess we'll see,"Kat said.
"Well I caught the bouquet at my sisters wedding, and now look where I am,"I said.
"That's because you deserve it, but me on the other hand I've got a busy life,"Kat said. "I don't have time for getting tied down."
"It's not bad at all, we'll see who's right,"I said.
Kaden walks over to her, and I smile walking away.
I go to hug Slater.
"Hi how are you liking our wedding so far,"I asked him?
"It's amazing, but you're even more amazing. I'm excited to go to the Bahamas for our honeymoon,"Slater said.
"Me too. I can't wait for that part where we ditch the wedding to go on the honeymoon which is soon,"I said excited. "Actually in 5 minutes."
"Wait really? Time's going by so fast right now,"Slater said.
"Yeah ready to make a grand exit,"I said smiling to him.
"Born ready baby,"He said.
I laugh "I love you."
"I love you too,"Slater said smiling.
The DJ announces it, and everyone waits at the door as they watch us leaving. The flower girls were throwing petals at us.
"Byeeeee see you in 2 weeks,"I said as I ran to the car.
Then we were off to the airport .

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