Chapter 16

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*Slater's P.O.V*
Mason-She slipped, Pig face is after Isabel now.
Slater-So she's next after Abie?
Mason-No....She got Haley in the hospital after Abie, it's like they want everyone in the hospital.
Slater-I'm not letting anything happen too her or my baby, Josh and I will figure this out.
Mason-I hope so....
I put my phone in my pocket.
"Josh have you found anything,"I asked him?
"Well it looks like whoever is doing this left foot prints,"He said.
"Leading where,"I asked?
"I'm not sure they disappear, right here,"Josh said pointing to an empty clear spot of dirt.
"Weird,"I said.
Josh stomped on the ground.
"Do you hear that,"Josh asked?
I looked at him puzzled "Hear what?"
"Listen,"Josh said. "There's a hollow kinda sound to the ground."
He stomped again, and I heard it.
"What is it,"I asked?
"Not really sure,"Josh said.
I dusted the dirt of the ground, and could see a solid metal door.
"Why is there a door on the ground,"I said confused.
"I don't know let's see,"Josh said.
We open the door, and see complete darkness.
"Get your flashlight out on your phone,"Josh said.
"Alright,"I said getting out my phone and turning on the flashlight.
We see a room with pictures of everyone.
"Who took this,"Josh said ripping a picture of him off the wall.
"Like I'm suppose to know,"I said.
I walk over to a desk, and open it. I see a notebook.
"Josh look at this,"I said looking through the notebook.
"What's it say,"Josh asked?
I look down at it. And see the words Revenge scribbled all over.
"Well all I see is the word revenge,"I said.
"Hmm put it in the backpack,"Josh said.
We keep looking around, when we hear footsteps.
"Hide,"Josh said.
"Shit! where,"I said.
"I don't know find somewhere,"Josh said.
I run behind a closet type thing, and Josh does the same.
People with masks enter turning on a light, one with a pig mask and one with a mask from the purge.
"You screwed up the plan,"The pig masked person said.
"Why do we have to go through all this trouble can't we just kill them,"Purge masked person said.
"No! We need to make them suffer, we will kill them when it's time,"Pig mask said. "Just don't screw up again."
"Yeah, yeah. I can't believe they picked the house you set up,"Purge Mask said.
I look at Josh shocked.
"The house is set up,"I said whispering to him.
"I'm not shocked,"Josh whispered back.
"Shhh do you hear that,"Pig mask asked?
They shut up, and start listening. I hold my breath trying not to be seen. They look around, but don't find us.
"I guess it was nothing let's go,"Pig mask said.
They leave, and close the cellar type door. I breathe in relief.
"We need to go,"I said to Josh.
"Hold on,"Josh said. "We haven't found enough."
"Was it just me or did that one voice sound oddly familiar,"I said.
"No I heard it too,"Josh said.
"Let's keep searching, we need to hurry,"I said.
We keep looking around, and find a flash drive. I grab it putting it in the backpack.
"Slater come over here,"Josh said. "There's a plan of everything they're planning on doing."
"Woah. Grab it,"I said.
I look at it.
"That's actually really smart, we need to go we have enough,"I said.
"Alright let's go,"Josh said.
*Isabel's P.O.V*
I wake up Kat.
"What now,"Kat asked waking up?
"It's morning let's get out of here, Mason's here,"I said. "She'll be fine."
"Good I hate it here,"Kat said standing up.
"Where are you guys going,"Abie asked?
"We are gonna go investigate everything that's happening, with Slater and Josh, they've found some really good stuff,"I said.
"Really,"Kat asked?
"Yeah I'm really feeling good about this,"I said.
"Alright text me with all the updates,"Abie said. "Get out of here time's ticking."
"Okay see you when you get out of here,"I said.
"Bye,"Kat said as we left the room.
We ran out to Josh's car. And get in.
"So what'd you find,"Kat asked Josh?
"We found a paper with their plan on what they're doing with us, also the house we rented out for a couple days is a set up it's owned by the people doing this,"Josh said.
"Wow, what do you mean by people,"Kat asked?
"There's more than one person, we saw a person with a purge mask on with the pig chick,"Josh said.
"Okay, but here's the thing, if they own the house, we can find a way to find out the name of the person who owns it,"I said.
"Yeah we tried, they listed their name as anonymous,"Slater said.
"Ugh there's a way to find out though, I know it,"I said.
"There is. We just gotta know how to outsmart these people,"Kat said.
"It's easy actually,"Josh said. "Once we figure all this out it'll all make sense, and we can outsmart them, we need to make a trip back to their cellar."
"What'd the plan say anyways? There's a cellar? You guys have found a lot,"Kat said.
"We also found a flash drive, it looks like there's a camera watching us in that house, more than one actually,"Slater said.
"We'll tell you about the plan in a minute for now we need to focus,"Josh said.
"I've got one question,"I said. "How'd you get the van back here?"
"I got it shipped here,"Josh said.
"I've missed it,"Kat said.
"Me too, remember when we were just on a road trip without getting attacked by a bunch of lunatics, those were the good old days,"I said.
"I'd love to go back to those day,"Kat said.
"Same. But obviously we can't,"I said.
"Do you think this car is bugged,"Kat asked?
"No, at least I don't think so,"Josh said.
"This will be where we put clues together,"I said. "We could be like scooby doo."
"Yusss. I wanna be Daphne,"Kat said.
"I'll be Velma,"I said.
"I'll be Josh,"Josh said.
We laugh.
"Just kidding imma be me too,"Kat said.
"Heh same,"I said,

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