Chapter 10

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*Haley's P.O.V*
I run to Abie screaming.
"You dumb brat! I told you to back off from Mason,"I said screaming at Abie.
"What,"Abie asked confused?
"I hate you! I thought you were my best friend, but no you have to go stealing my husband,"I yelled.
"Woah calm down I don't want anything to do with Mason,"Abie said calmly.
"You know what save it you slut,"I said walking away from her.
"What did you just call me,"Abie said getting mad. "Get back here."
"No! I don't have time for fake bitches,"I said screaming at her.
"The only fake bitch here is you! Making drama everywhere you go! I mean you can't go 5 seconds without starting something,"Abie screamed.
"Oh I'm sorry I'm to busy listening to something more interesting,"I said.
"Ughhhh,"Abie said pulling my hair.
"Did you just pull my hair,"I said!
"Yeah what are you gonna do about it you weak little hoe,"Abie said.
I slap her "You are so full of yourself."
Everyone comes over telling us to stop it.
"Guys stop being so dramatic now's not the time,"Kat said.
"Honestly Kat no one cares, no one wants too hear your loud trap going on all the time,"I said.
"Take that back,"Kat said.
"No,"I said crossing my arms and smiling.
"You really are a brat,"Kat said smacking me.
"No I think you are,"I said.
"She's right,"Josh said looking at Kat and glaring.
"You're all too much,"Kat said walking away.
"You guys are horrible,"Isabel said running to Kat.
"Not as bad as you,"I said screaming back to her.
"You know what stop being such a bitch,"Slater said to me. "She's been through a lot."
"Whatever Slater I don't care,"I said. "Nobody talks to you anyways."
Everybody gets mad at me, and I walk away to my room smiling feeling achieved.
*Kat's P.O.V*
"Ready Isabel,"I said.
"Ready,"Isabel said.
"Would you stop following me,"I said to Isabel.
"I'm trying to be a supportive friend,"Isabel said.
"Well I don't need you! Or anyone, so leave,"I said.
"I'm your best friend don't push me away like this,"Isabel said.
I glare at her "Well I guess we aren't anymore."
"Are you breaking up with me? A friendship breakup, you're cold! I can't believe you're giving up on our friendship just like this,"Isabel said.
"Well guess what I don't really care our friendship is nothing,"I said.
"I need my best friend right now, don't give up on me now,"Isabel said.
"Like I said I don't care,"I said rolling my eyes.
"Fine.....Don't ever talk to me again,"Isabel said tearing up.
"Good,"I said.
Isabel walks away. I feel bad, but we have to do what we need to. This feels way to real, and it's horrible. I open the group chat we all created, and see the next step.
Josh-Have we completed the fight step?
Kat-Yeah Isabel and I are done.
Haley-Yeah same with Abie and I.
Isabel-That felt way too real I cried. I never want that too happen.
Kat-Me neither I felt horrible saying all those things.
Haley-Yeah I get it sorry everyone by the way I said some pretty mean things.
Abie-You're telling me I thought for a moment there you were being serious, it's okay though.
Mason-Guys no time for chatting we need to get too step 2 the sun will be up soon.
Kat-What is step 2?
Josh-Everyone lock themselves in their own rooms that you all are staying in, and pretend to sleep, but do not actually fall asleep, when you hear a noise send the letter K, so we know to get ready to catch whoever is doing this. Keep your phones hidden do not show any signs of the plan.
Isabel-Okay got it good thing I'm with Slater.
Kat-Alright I'm head to pretend sleep.
Abie-Yup talk to you if anything Happens.
Slater-Alright bye
I shut my phone off, and close my eyes pretending too sleep waiting for any sounds or something.

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