Chapter 3

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*Kat's P.O.V*
I look at the ground holding my bouquet down sadly, guess we've got this whole wedding to clean up well never mind I hired people to do it good I've got studying to do.
I look around the room to make sure there's nothing I need.
"You guys good here,"I asked the people cleaning?
"Yup we'll be done eventually,"One of them said.
"Great,"I said walking away.
I run over to Abie she's been weird lately.
"Um ready to go,"I asked her?
"Uh yeah let's go,"She said.
We get into my car and I drive to my apartment, Abie lives in Alabama she's just visiting for the month. We get to my apartment, and Walk in to my dog and cat attacking me.
"Well I'm glad to see you guys too,"I said laughing.
"Aww I missed you Twerp,"Abie said to my cat.
I put my purse down on the counter, and go to my room to change, I walk into my walk in closet and see the hoodie, and sweatpants, Kaden let me wear once I never did give it back to him. I put it to the back of the closet where I could see them, and got the clothes I needed my classy pajamas.
"Kat do you have any food your fridge is empty,"Abie yelled.
"There's food in there you just gotta look,"I yell back to her.
I change into my comfortable clothes, then put my hair in a bun. I walk out of my room with my dog following. I sit on the couch and turn on a random channel the notebook was on. Great just great.
"What you watching,"Abie asked sitting on the couch.
"The notebook,"I said.
"Oohhhh isn't that you and Kaden's movie,"She said.
"Shut up it's not,"I said throwing a pillow at her.
"You jerk,"She said. "I'm going to the store to buy some ice cream and snacks wait for me."
"Okay good for you just don't crash my car,"I said to her.
"No worries I won't where are your keys,"She asked me?
"Just on the counter,"I said.
"Okay you want ruffles and coke right? Also I'm getting to tubs of ice cream for us you're favorite is strawberry and chocolate imma get both for you."
"Yeah don't forget the sprinkles,"I said.
"I wouldn't even I like sprinkles too,"Abie said.
"Good now get out of here,"I said.
"Fine be back soon,"Abie said.
"Bye get outttt,"I said.
She leaves and I turn on Netflix to watch Pretty little liars over again for the hundredth time.
*Abie's P.O.V*
Hmm maybe I should just get her Neapolitan ice cream I mean it's got Strawberry and chocolate ice cream in there, but she would hate the vanilla. Ehh I'll just get her Strawberry and chocolate. I grab chocolate and strawberry ice cream and shove it in the cart. Then I grab a tub of chocolate Ice cream for me. Great. I run to get her ruffles and coke and me a sprite and Barbecue chips. I jump on my cart as it speeds through the store when I see him again! I stop and run to him.
"Why are you following me,"I asked him?
"All for good reasons sweetheart,"He said to me.
"Okayyy then Jackson or whatever your name is, I know you're gonna murder me,"I said. "So if you don't tell me I'm calling the cops."
"It wouldn't work anyways, well gotta go,"He said.
"Hold up. Hold up. Come back here you can't leave until I get answers,"I said running to him.
He turns the corner and I run after, but he disappears. Ugh what a weirdo. Though he's a good looking weirdo with green eyes, but that's not the point he might try and murder me. I pay for everything, and head back to the apartment. Kat was asleep on the couch. Great there goes the ice cream. I shake her awake, and she wakes up.
"What do you want I've got things to do tomorrow,"Kat said.
"We're gonna watch the notebook and eat ice cream duhhh. Who cares if you've got something to do you've always got something to do,"Abie said.
"Ugh Abieeeee I'm a busy lady, give me that ice cream,"Kat said.
"Yayyy! Take it,"I said handing her 2 tubs of ice cream.
"Good I'm in need of this right now. I need a cleanse from Kaden,"Kat said.
"Well what better way to start then to eat ice cream and watch the notebook,"I said.
"Yusss my most favorite movie in the world,"Kat said.
We watch the movie cry a little, then I go to my room I'm staying in and sleep while Kat stayed asleep on the couch. I go to bed, and wake up at 3 in the morning, to see a figure standing at the corner of my room, and my door wide open. I start screaming.
"Who are you,"I said screaming?
I run to turn on the lights, but no one was there maybe It was just a trick of the dark. Kat comes into my room with a pan ready to wack someone.
"What's wrong I've got it under control,"She said still barely waking up.
"Uh sorry I thought I saw something, but it was just my eyes going crazy in the dark,"I said. "But did you come into my room."
"No are you crazy?! I've been asleep,"Kat said.
"Oh my door was wide open,"I said.
"Umm now I'm worried,"Kat said "That's a sign someone broke in."
"Let's check to see if the door is locked,"I said.
We run to the door to see it locked.
"Weird, it must've been a ghost,"Kat said.
"Yep hopefully,"I said.
"Well imma go back to bed don't scream unless you're dying,"Kat said walking to her room.
"Well thanks for the moral support,"I said sarcastically, walking back to my room.
I lay in bed, and fall back asleep.
*Mason's P.O.V*
Haley's been sick lately, so I'm cooking her breakfast in bed. I put everything on the tray, and give it to Haley.
"You're so sweet Mason this is why I love you,"She said smiling.
"I love you too, you better eat to get something into your system,"I said to her.
"I will thank you,"She said.
"No problem baby I got your back,"I said.
I walk into the kitchen making sure everything is clean.
"I'm gonna go hang out with Josh ,"I yell to Haley.
"Alright good luck,"She yelled back.
I leave the house, and see Josh waiting outside near his car.
"Hey man! What's up,"I said to him.
"Nothing just waiting for you as you can see,"He said.
"Cool let's go,"I said.
We get into his new sweet Lamborghini it's a beauty.
"Cool ride by the way,"I said to Josh.
"Thanks man took me a while to save for,"Josh said.
"Well I bet it did,"I said.
"How long are you gonna be here,"Josh asked?
"Haley and I are house sitting, Slater and Isabel's house while they're gone on their honeymoon so we'll be in Hawaii for a couple weeks,"I said.
"Oh sounds like fun I have to stay in a crappy hotel,"Josh said.
"Ohhh you should come stay at the house with us they've got 3 rooms, so it should be fine,"I said to him.
"Really? That would be great I'd be down for that,"Josh said.
"Cool go get your stuff then and get settled down,"I said to him.
"Alright lemme just drive to the hotel,"He said.
We get to his hotel, while I wait I'm the car. He comes back with all his stuff.
"Alright let's get going,"Josh said.
He drives back to the house, and I show him what room to put his bags in.
"Ooh fancy okay let's go,"Josh said setting everything down.
"Where are we going again,"I asked him?
"To get breakfast and catch up,"He said.
"Oh yeah alright let's go,"I said.
We get back into his car, and arrive at a little breakfast place.

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