Chapter 19

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*Abie's P.O.V*
I wake in a room. I see all my friends tied up in chairs that were put in a perfect circle. I see I'm by Isabel, and Kat. They wake up screaming,but the tape on their mouths were muffling it.
All the masked people were surrounding us. The one with the pig mask walks up to me.
"How does it feel to be weak,"Pig mask asked?
I start yelling at her, but the tape wasn't letting me.
The chick in the pig mask laughs "You really are pathetic."
She takes off her mask, and rips the tape off my mouth painfully.
"Jasmine,"I asked?
Kat gasps.
"Like you didn't already know,"She said.
"But why,"I asked?
"Isn't it obvious,"She said rolling her eyes. "You left me to die, you didn't even care if I made it or not, you just left me in a hospital to die."
I look at her feeling sorry "We knew you weren't gonna die, they told us that, so we left thinking we'd just laugh it off the next day with you."
"Laugh it off with me? You never even bothered to call me to see if I was doing okay,"Jasmine said angry.
"I'm.....sorry,"I said,
"It's Time to take their blood,"Jasmine said to the masked people.
Jasmine rips everyone's tape off of their mouths, and the masked people take their masks off. There was Jasmine's dad. Omg Kaden!! Haley obviously she's a betrayer. And some guy with brown hair and blue eyes. Jasmine walks up to the guy with brown hair and blue eyes and kisses him.
"James,"Kat said obviously broken.
"That's right. It was all part of the plan, Jasmine told me how easy you were, so it wasn't hard to get you to fall for me, then just break your heart, we wanted you to feel how it felt to get your heart shattered,"James said.
"Of course! How could I have been so stupid! You were just a random guy I met on the street,"Kat said.
"But that's the thing with you Kat, you fall so easily, that's why I knew that'd be my revenge for you, oh and you Isabel I knew losing your baby would make you go insane it'd be like you were already dead, don't worry though it'll all be over soon,"Jasmine said laughing.
Isabel cries "You guys are sick!"
"Izzie I'm sorry I failed you,"Slater said with tears in his eyes.
*Kat's P.O.V*
"You shouldn't have included a poor innocent baby in this,"I said yelling at Jasmine!
Kaden looks at me with a sorry expression in his eyes.
"I can't believe you were part of this Kaden! You're my cousin! And you killed my child,"Slater said angry!
I look at Josh and he grins to signal that our plan was working well. We taped knives to our arms so we could get out of the tape, and pass the knives to everyone else to get out. I sit in my seat pretending to be tied up still.
"I'm sorry,"Kaden said. "It wasn't me I swear."
"Shut up,"Jasmine yelled to Kaden!
I can't believe I didn't see the fact of how suspicious James is. I'm stupid.
Haley comes over collecting blood from our arms.
"I can't believe you're part of this sick crap,"I said to her!
"It was for my baby, they had to kill an unborn baby for the sacrifice I wasn't gonna let them take mine away so I joined,"Haley said.
"You're absolutely sick,"I said angry!
"Don't worry you guys will be dead too soon,"Haley said.
Abie glares at her "You're a backstabber."
"You're kinda right, I mean I was the one that stabbed you,"Haley said.
Isabel looks at her enraged "I hate you!!"
Jasmine's dad goes to the middle of the circle and starts chanting some weird gibberish.
"Let it begin,"Jasmine said.
Kaden punched her, and she passed out. The masked people start surrounding Kaden, we see a dude run into the room with black hair and green eyes. He runs to Abie, and helps her out of the chair. Oh no now they know we are all out of the tape now thanks random guy for screwing everything up. We all stand out of our chairs, and help Kaden.
"Abie let's go,"The mysterious dude said, he carried her out of the cellar, and we were left to fight for ourselves.
Jasmine's dad starts trying to hurt Kaden, but he dodges. I run to Josh.
"Do you think we can fight them,"I asked?
"No there's no way, we need to book it,"Josh said.
"What about Kaden,"I asked?
"Ugh,"Josh said.
We hear guns being fired. I turn around to see the swat team.
*Isabel's P.O.V*
I hug Slater feeling relieved, The swat team just saved our asses. All the masked people put their hands up. Haley tried to make a run for it, but they caught her. Mason looked at her pain in his eyes, I walk over to him.
"I'm sorry,"I said hugging him.
He cries "She's gonna be behind bars, I'm gonna be a father."
"I'll support you,"I said. "We all will."
"It's not the same, my child's always gonna look for it's mother, only to find out it's mother is a completely insane lunatic,"Mason said.
"I know,"I said feeling horrible.
"Why'd she get sent to the hospital though,"Mason said.
"Probably so we wouldn't suspect her,"I said.
"Yeah you're right,"Mason said.
A man in a suit walked over to us.
"So the girl will be locked in a very secure mental hospital, she's suffering a very rare brain injury that's what's causing her to act like this, we advise you not to tell anyone else about this, and keep it a federal secret,"He said. "There will be consequences if anyone else is informed about this mental illness."
I look at him shocked "Wait really? So all that mumbo jumbo was all in her head?"
"Yes she made up a ceremony for making herself immortal,"The agent said.
"Oh that's what that was,"I said.
"We'll have agent Trent explain everything to you guys, he's been watching out for you all,"The agent said.
"Agent Trent,"Kat asked?
Abie walks over to us with the boy that saved her.
"Oh him...He's a jerk he only save Abie,"I said. "Wait.....Do you guys have a thing?"
"What?! No,"Abie said.
"So sorry there was only time to save one person, I knew they'd be here to help any minute so I went for her,"Agent Trent said.
"So is your name really Jackson,"Abie asked him?
"Yes, but I prefer to be called agent Trent,"He said.
Abie smiles at him "Cool."
"Is my baby really dead,"I asked?
Trent looks at me "I'm afraid not."
"How do you know? We just.....We need to do tests, and stuff,"I said trying to stay positive.
Kat hugs me.
"With this mental illness, she wouldn't have stopped till she had succeeded, so there's no way the baby lived,"Trent said.
"I....I....I wanna...I gotta know for sure,"I said crying."This is your fault you should've helped us!"
"I'm sorry miss. I couldn't there was nothing I could do at the moment,"Trent said.
"Isabel....You didn't deserve this,"Kat said crying. "I was so excited to be an aunt."
"I was excited to be a mom,"I said crying with her.

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