Chapter 9

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*Isabel's P.O.V*
I call Kat.
Kat-Hello Isabel?! Omg he found you! I'm so happy! I was so worried about you.
Isabel-Yeah Garrett's a moron, and a crazy lunatic I'm happy I got out, but GUESS WHAT?!
Kat-Oh no it was Garrett! And What?!
Isabel-I'm pregnant! I wanted to tell you when I got there, but I can't wait.
Kat-I'm gonna be an aunt!! I'm so excited! I'm literally freaking out! But about your house......Don't go home in it, I'll text you an address you go there.
Isabel-Kat what's going on?
Kat-Long story I'll tell you when you get here, not something you should focus on right now.
Isabel-Kat! Now I'm gonna be thinking about this all the time.
Kat-I'm sorry boo. You'll be here in no time. Write down this address **********
Isabel-Okay. I guess I'll see you soon.
Kat-Alright bye gotta go we are having a problem.
Isabel-Wait what?
I hear screaming, then she hangs up. Wow I wonder what I've missed.
"Hey was that Kat,"Slater asked?
"Yup it was her,"I said.
"I could tell,"Slater said.
We boarded the plane, and I fall asleep waiting to get to Hawaii. I get shaken awake by Slater.
"Hey babe it's time to go we are here,"Slater said.
"Yay,"I said standing up.
We get everything, then head to our car which was waiting for us at the front of the airport. We load everything in, then head to the address Kat gave me. We get there, and knock. Kat answers.
"Come in, let me show you to you two's room,"Kat said,
"Yay okay,"I said.
She shuts the door, and she leads us upstairs to a huge room.
"You get to have the most beautiful room, since technically you're still on your honeymoon,"Kat said smiling.
"I should've just spent my honeymoon here instead of going to the Bahamas, and getting kid napped by my psycho ex,"I said.
"That would've been great,"Kat said,
"Kat we need to talk,"I said dragging her away.
"What,"Kat said?
"What's going on,"I asked?
"Someone's trying to murder us, and we don't know why,"Kat said. "Someone broke into my apartment in the middle of the night, and then broke all the plates in your cupboard."
"Oh no those were expensive plates, but do you think it's Jasmine,"I asked?
"Wait....I forgot about her. Why though,"Kat said.
"I don't know maybe, cause we left her in the middle of nowhere,"I said.
"Good point it could be,"Kat said. "But I don't know."
"Have you seen their face,"I asked?
"No, but this is an extremely scary situation,"Kat said.
"Yeah I'm really scared what if you guys got followed,"I said. "Have you told the cops?"
"They tried, but they thought they were lying, cause whoever was in that house cleaned up the mess and didn't leave any proof,"Kat said.
"Now I'm really scared, what if my baby gets hurt,"I said.
"I hope not I'm extremely worried for you,"Kat said. "How'd they detect the pregnancy at such an early time?"
"Well.....cause it's 1 month in,"I said.
*Abie's P.O.V*
I make sure every window and door is locked in the house it's starting to get dark, and We are all doing a check to make sure everything is safe.
"We are good here,"Haley yelled from upstairs.
"Same here,"I yelled back to her.
Josh and Kat get back from outside, and lock the door behind them.
"No one's out there,"Josh said.
"At least it doesn't look like it,"Kat said.
"Well that's good enough,"I said.
We do one last look around, and we all go to our rooms to get prepared.
"Kat I'm sleeping in your room it's creepy,"I said.
"Fine,"Kat said.
Haley walks by "I wanna join too Mason and I aren't really talking."
"Okay sleepover,"Kat said.
Isabel runs over "Did I hear sleepover I'm joining as well."
"Wow everyone just come on in,"Kat said.
We shut, and lock the door laying all our stuff on the floor.
"Can I just sleep on the bed,"Kat said.
"No we can't all fit on it, so we must all suffer together,"Isabel said.
"Fine,"Kat said.
"This is only gonna last a week not long,"I said.
"Yep then what are we gonna do then,"Kat said. "I'm getting security."
"That's what you should've done in the first place,"I said.
"What about you Isabel they were in your house,"Kat said.
"I'll get security too it shouldn't be a problem, get an alarm system, and cops to patrol the area,"Isabel said. "Also bodyguards."
"Same, though it'll be expensive at least I'm not dying,"Kat said.
"Yeah. Guys we've got a gun in here, and a knife, and also the guys are all around the house guarding,"I said. "We should be.... Okay."
"Well let's just hope anyways,"Haley said.
"Yeah I'm scared,"I said.
"We are all huddling tonight and keeping each other safe,"Isabel said.
"Yes we aren't gonna wimp out, if we see someone tonight we chase them down, and run after them obviously loaded with weapons,"Kat said.
"Okay are we ready to sleep,"I asked? "Cause I'm tired."
"Same, alright shut off the lights Haley you're closer,"Isabel said.
"Great will do,"Haley said.
Haley shuts off the lights, and we all settle into our sleeping bags.
*Isabel's P.O.V*
I play flappy wings on my phone as everyone is sleeping, I couldn't sleep I had too much to think about, and too much has happened to me. I check the time 1 a.m I lock my phone putting it under my pillow, as I left to go get a drink downstairs. I make sure to not wake anyone, then run to the fridge. I grab a water bottle, when I hear footsteps in the living room. I go quietly to see what it is. Nothing. I run back up the stairs when I trip, I look down to see a thin clear string set up, so someone would trip. Oh no. I go to wake everyone up to tell them someone has been here.
"What is it,"Kat said yawning.
"It's bad,"I said. "Guys wake up."
Abie and Haley sit up immediately.
"We need to have a meeting,"I said.
"What's wrong,"Kat asked?
"I'll tell you guys all at the same time I don't wanna have to repeat it,"I said.
"Okay,"Kat said.
We go out to get the guys, then we all sit on the couch.
"What's wrong it's 2 in the morning,"Mason said.
"I couldn't sleep, and I needed a glass of water, so I went down to get a drink when I heard someone in the living room, I checked but I saw no one, so I ran upstairs cause I was creeped out, when I got tripped, I looked down to see what tripped me, and I saw a thin clear string set up, so someone would trip,"I said.
"Oh you think? No... I hope not,"Abie said.
"I mean whoever is trying to kill us must've followed us,"Kat said.
"My baby could've died,"I said. "Maybe they wanna make our lives miserable."
"Well it seems like it, because whoever is doing this could've had the chance to kill us many times, but we are all still alive,"Abie said.
"Exactly, what do we do,"I asked?
"I don't know,"Kat said looking down sadly.
"Here's the plan,"Josh said. "We need to catch this person in the act, but if we wanna out smart them we are gonna have to do this without anyone knowing what we are doing."
"And how's that,"Kat asked?
"Well whoever is doing this might be listening right now, so I have a plan but you guys can't ask questions,"Josh said.
We all huddle
Josh whispers. "We are gonna have to pretend we all hate each other, but we need to make it believable so one by one we have our act going, no sleeping in the same rooms no talking to each other, first off Kat run off like I said something bad to you right now."
"Ugh you know what Josh just stop you screw everything up, nothing you say would even work,"Kat said running upstairs angry.
"Wow that was good,"Abie whispered.
"Yeah I've got mine planned,"I whispered back.
"Same I have a plan we are gonna need each other,"Haley whispered to Abie.
"Why can't I be included,"I whispered.
"Because this isn't something you wanna be part of,"Haley said.
"Okay then,"I said.

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