Chapter 12

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*Kat's P.O.V*
I couldn't go with Abie to the hospital, cause I couldn't keep looking at the blood it was making me nauseous and I couldn't do it. So Haley went with her instead. The cops are in the house investigating the blood on the wall, and looking for any signs of who is doing this.
"Do you have any clues on who it is yet,"I asked the cop?
"No it doesn't work like that we will get back with you guys in 2 days,"The cop said.
"2 days! We'll be dead by then,"I said.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but we have to get the blood tests in, and all that stuff we can't just rush everything,"The cop said.
"Ugh,"I said walking away.
I get a text on my phone from the boy I met at the park James.
James-Hey it's me, from the park. James. How are you doing?
Kat-Hi uh not so good.
James-Oh I'm sorry to hear that, why?
Kat-Just lots of problems going on right now.
James-Oh, well I could take you out for coffee to take that off your mind.
Kat-That would actually be really nice actually, but I don't really like coffee.
James-Well I'm sure we'll figure something out.
Kat-Yeah where do you wanna meet?
James-I'll come pick you up, what's your address?
Kat-******* I'll see you here soon Ig.
James-Alright bye. See you soon.
I hear the doorbell ring and go to answer it, I see James.
"Hey why are there cops all over the place,"James asked?
"Uh...Really complicated situation I'll tell you later just get me out of here, how'd you get here so fast,"I asked James?
"Oh I live by here,"James said. "Next door."
"Seriously? Wow cool,"I said.
We go to his car, and he drives somewhere.
"Where are we going,"I asked him?
"I was just gonna ask you the same thing,"James said.
I laugh "Well let's go get food."
"Haha I like that plan,"James said.
James takes us to little food place, and we go in to order.
"So tell me about yourself,"James said.
"Well I don't really know where too start, I like the color pink and blue, my favorite food is crab, I'm a fashion designer/cosmetologist, I am currently working on my wedding planner degree, and I have no idea what else too tell you,"I said.
James laughed "So is that your house?"
"Nope I live in an apartment, we just had to go stay in that house cause of an emergency, someone's been trying to ruin our lives, and I almost got stabbed, but my sister did get stabbed,"I said.
"So they found you,"James asked?
"Yeah pretty much,"I said.
*Haley's P.O.V*
"Abie you're gonna be alright,"I said to her as they wheeled her into an emergency surgery room.
I went to sit down in the waiting room as they did surgery on Abie, the stab wound was pretty bad, but not so bad that she's gonna die. I get a text from Mason.
Mason-Where are you?
Haley- I don't think you care anyways.
Mason-Please tell me....
Haley-At the hospital with Abie.
Mason-What happened too Abie? I'll be right over
Haley-No don't even bother 😒
Mason-I don't care Haley I need to talk too you.
Haley-Whatever you have too say I don't care.
I close my phone waiting for the doctor too tell me something. A nurse walks over.
"Are you Haley Davis,"The nurse asked?
I rolled my eyes I didn't wanna hear my last name as Davis right now "That'd be me."
"Abie Howard will have too stay for a couple days we need to make sure everything's okay,"The nurse said. "But she should be okay."
"Good, take as much time as you want as long as you fix my best friend,"I said.
"You can see her as soon as she wakes up,"The nurse said.
"How long would that be,"I asked?
"Around 30 minutes,"She said.
"Alright,"I said.
She left, and I sat down reading a magazine, when I see Mason come in.
"How'd you find me,"I asked standing up from my chair?
"I had help,"Mason said smiling.
"Stop smiling there is nothing to be smiling about,"I said.
He makes me sit Down, and he sits with me.
"What now,"I said.
"I wanna tell you, that I am sorry for the way I reacted earlier. I shouldn't have been that way . I love you Haley, and I realized I don't care if we have kids I'll love it, because it's ours. Having kids with you, the woman I love is absolutely gonna be quite a journey, but I'll love it, because we'll be doing it together watching it grow up as we grow old together. I was shocked earlier, because I never pictured anyone else, but us together, now that I've calmed down, and thought about it, I know now this is what I want too raise our kids together, and have 50 of them,"Mason said.
"Mason.....It's okay. I want to stay mad at you, but you're my husband, and I love you too, but slow down we aren't having 50 kids though,"Haley said. "
Mason laughed "I was kidding, but however many kids we have it'll be great."
"I wish you would've been like this earlier, but I'm glad you agree. Don't ever leave me like that,"I said.
"I'm sorry I won't I promise babe,"Mason said.
"Good, Abie got stabbed by the way,"I said.
"Oh I was just about to ask what happened too her,"Mason said.
"Yeah....You don't love her still right,"I asked?
"I love her of course I'll always love her, as a friend. But we settled it a long time ago we don't love each other in a romantic way,"Mason said. "You're the girl I love, and you're the girl I will always love."
"Aww. Sorry if I seem all jealous and stuff I was just kinda jealous, because you hadn't talked to me for so long, and when you finally talk to me you were a jerk,"I said.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean too be like that,"Mason said. "Is Abie gonna be okay?"
"Yeah she's gonna be fine she'll be awake in....approximately 10 minutes maybe. She has to stay here at the hospital for a few days though hopefully pig face doesn't find her,"I said.
"Oh good we are gonna have to take turns with the group sleeping at the hospital each night she's here, just so she doesn't get anymore damaged,"Mason said.
"Yeah we are, I'm pretty sure Kat and Isabel could watch out for her tonight,"I said.
"Maybe,"Mason said. "Kat's on a date thing right now."
"Wait really?! With who,"I asked?
"This guy she met his names Jayce or something. I can't remember, but I had to ask her where you were,"Mason said.
"Really? Jayce? Where'd she meet him,"I asked?
"Not sure you'll have too ask her when she gets home,"Mason said.
"When's that,"I asked?
"Probably in like an hour or two,"Mason said.
"Hmm interesting,"I said.
"Yeah well let's stop talking about other people,"Mason said.
"What are we gonna talk about then,"I asked?
"The baby, what we are gonna name it? How many months are you along,"Mason said.
"Hmm I wanna name it in honor of my best friend, I'll name it Abigail Belle Davis,"I said smiling. "And I don't know how many months I've only just found out."
"Why The Belle part,"Mason said. "We need to take you to an appointment."
"Because Belle in French means beautiful, but yeah we'll schedule an appointment we won't be going home to California for a while,"I said.
"Why not,"Mason asked?
"Because that's why Abie got stabbed, if we leave one of us dies,"I said.
"Screw that I am done with this place,"Mason said. "I can't handle this weird drama anymore."

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