Chapter 14

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*Josh's P.O.V*
"Guys is it just gonna be Slater and I tonight,"I asked Isabel and Kat as they were about too leave.
"No I don't think so, Mason and Haley should be back somewhere tonight,"Kat said.
"Alright good luck,"I said. "If you want I'll come with you guys."
"No it's fine thanks,"Kat said. "You need to watch out for everyone else."
"Yeah I guess, see you guys tomorrow morning,"I said.
They walk out the door, and I walk to my room trying to figure out everything that's been happening, nothing is making sense. Who would've wanted so bad to ruin our lives? Is it just one person or a group of people? So many questions jumbled in my brain, all I wanna do is help everyone, but instead I'm just sitting here. I wanna know who is behind this, who is crazy enough too Stab someone? I mean it could be Isabel's ex the one that kidnapped her, but apparently he's in jail now, also it's a girl not a boy. I run to Slaters room.
"Dude wanna go on a investigation with me,"I asked Slater?
"For what? Oh forgot, sure let's do it,"Slater said.
"Good get stuff packed that we'll need I will do the same,"I said.
I had a surprise for the group, I'm bringing the Van from the road trip here to Hawaii, and giving it too them, so they can have it. I'm excited for the group to reunite in it.
I pack everything I need for this hunt things might just get crazy, or we may not find anything.
"Okay ready,"Slater said waiting outside my room.
"Me too, let's go,"I said.
We walk downstairs, and he see's the van.
"Is.....That the van from the road trip,"Slater asked?
"Yep the one and only,"I said. "We should take it, we can be like Scooby doo."
"Yeah if only everyone else came with us,"Slater said.
"We'll have to get everyone in on it, as soon as everyone gets home,"I said. "The more people we have, the more things we'll find out,"I said.
"Yup, we'll do what we can though we need to keep everyone safe,"Slater said.
"Exactly,"I said.
*Abie's P.O.V*
Kat and Isabel walk in.
"It's about time, this hospital is so sketchy,"I said. "Especially since I could be murdered at any second with this creepy psycho trying too kill us all."
"Oh trust me we know, literally on our way over here the lights were flickering, and Kat kept saying Get the salt,"Isabel said.
"See I'm telling you it's creepy,"I said.
"Well I guess we're in for a creepy night,"Kat said. "Not excited. Thanks for getting stabbed."
"It wasn't my fault someone decided to pick on me,"I said.
"Ugh I just wish whoever the hell is doing this would stop, like nobody goes through this much trouble for people,"Isabel said.
"Exactly. If only there was a way to find out who it is,"I said.
"I know.....When I get out of this crap hole we are going investigating,"I said.
"Yeah Josh texted he's doing that right now with Slater, they're trying to see if they can find anything on why or who's doing all this,"Kat said.
"I really hope they find something literally anything,"I said.
"Me too, I am just excited for you to get out of here. We brought food by the way,"Isabel said.
"Ohh what kind? Oh wait I can't have anything, but crappy hospital food,"I said.
"Hmm never thought of that actually, but it's Subways,"Isabel said.
"Aww Dang! I love subways,"I said.
"Guess I'll have too eat it,"Kat said.
"We'll split it,"Isabel said to Kat.
"Can I make exceptions too eat this,"I asked?
"No, we don't want food coming out of your stab wound. Or whatever happens if you eat outside food,"Isabel said.
"Ya'll are gonna make me jealous,"I said.
"If it makes you feel any better we'll go out to the cafeteria too eat,"Kat said.
"Nah don't leave me, stay here I'll just watch Tv,"I said.
"Speaking of which turn that crap on,"Kat said.
"Alright,"I said,
"Isn't it a little morbid too eat in a hospital room, like somebody could've died here,"Kat said.
"No stop thinking so much,"Isabel said to her.
"I wish I could turn my brain off,"Kat said. "Cause Dead bodies, and hospitals, not my thing."
"Dude just eat your food,"I said.
"And the meat in my subway,"Kat said. "It's really creepy."
"Oh my heck she's ruined her own appetite,"Isabel said. "I think she ruined mine too....Nah never mind."
Isabel took a bite in her subway.
"You guys are weird,"I said laughing. "Ugh don't make me laugh every time I move I feel my stab wound hurting."
"Eww, I don't like hearing about stab wounds you're gonna make me feel pain, and I didn't even get stabbed,"Kat said.
Isabel laughed "Stop being dramatic boo, you're in a hospital. Breatheeeee."
"People don't breathe in hospitals they die,"Kat said.
"Nooooo, they go to hospitals, so they don't die,"Isabel said.
"But lots of people die here,"Kat said. "Someone could've died in this room that we are in at the moment."
"You guys are freaking me out stop it,"I said.
They laugh at me.
"I'm freaking myself out there's no helping it. If I'm freaked out I'm taking you guys down with me,"Kat said.
*Mason's P.O.V*
"Haley are you gonna order or what,"I asked?
"I'm sorry I'm just really craving crab, but they don't have it. Sorry I'll just have a steak,"Haley said.
I still can't believe she's pregnant, but I have to come to terms with it, and love the child. Most people would love to have a child, I guess I'm lucky.
"I thought you hated seafood,"I said.
"Well I did....But now I'm just suddenly looking for it all over,"Haley said.
"Should we go to a different restaurant,"I asked her?
"No, no. It's fine I'm gonna be alright, steak sounds great too,"Haley said smiling at me.
"Alright, I'm fine with getting out of here if you really want too,"I said.
"It's really gonna be okay, this is nice,"Haley said.
"Okay then just tell me if you need anything babe,"I said smiling at her.
We order our food, and eat.
"Mmm this is good food,"Haley said. "The best steak I have ever had."
"Is this pregnancy talking,"I asked?
"Hmm I honestly don't know anymore, all I know is I'm in love with this food,"Haley said.
"I'm glad you like it, though I didn't cook it,"Mason said.
"You'd make better food any day,"Haley said, she laughs. "Wait I forgot every time you cook it fails, except for when you cook breakfast food my favorite."
I laughed "You're the cook don't forget it even for a second."
Haley starts coughing.
"Babe are you okay,"I asked her?
"No there was something sharp in my steak, help it won't come out of my throat,"Haley said.
I stand up "Help please somebody help her."
Haley starts coughing up blood. And crying "Mason it hurts."
I call 911, and they come as fast as they can with an ambulance. They carry her out as she passes out from all the pain, I go with her. Why was this happening to us? Who's next to go to the hospital? What's their motive.

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