Chapter 4

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*Isabel's P.O.V*
I smile at Slater "I can't wait to get there I heard the Bahamas is really pretty."
"It is gorgeous I've been there before wanted to go back ever since you will love it, and we got a nice beach house rented out for 2 weeks,"Slater said.
"Ohhhh that sounds fantastic I'm officially ready for this to start,"I said.
"Me too and I'm glad to be here with my one true love,"Slater said.
The plane lands, and we get out to see palm trees like Hawaii, except not Hawaii. We arrive at our hotel room and I freak.
"Omg this is amazing!! Did you seriously get such an expensive beach house for us,"I said.
"Yea it's our honeymoon I knew you'd want everything to be perfect,"Slater said.
"Aww you're so sweet don't ever stop being like this,"I said smiling.
"Well I'm never gonna stop loving you, so you've got me forever,"Slater said.
"Uh stop it my hearts melting,"I said laughing.
"You're cute you know that,"Slater said.
"And you're a babe,"I said to him.
He laughs "No you're the babe."
"If I'm cute you get to be the babe,"I said.
"How about we call it fair and we're both the babes,"He said laughing.
I giggle "Wow okay fine. Haha we should go to the beach."
"Sure let's go,"Slater said.
I go to get my bikini on, and Slater gets his stuff on, then we head to the beach. I run to the side of the water when Slater runs up behind me picking me up and running inside the water.
"What are you doing,"I said laughing.
"I'm gonna throw you in,"Slater said smiling.
"No no no,"I said squealing.
"Haha ready, set,"He said throwing me in, and running away.
"Ahhh I'm gonna kill you Slater,"I said giggling.
"Well you'd have to catch me to do that,"He said.
I run out of the water chasing him, I catch up to him and jump on him.
"Oh no you caught me,"He said smiling. "I'm dead."
I put sand in his hair chuckling.
"Don't mess with Isabel,"I said.
"Ohhh never again,"Slater said.
We look at each other smiling, then we kiss.
*Kat's P.O.V*
I wake up to the doorbell ringing ugh who's waking me up so early. I check the time and see it's 1 P.M! What how'd I sleep so late ughhh I was suppose to get a milkshake or whatever with Kaden. I run out of bed to get the door, and see Kaden outside smiling with flowers.
"Oh you dope what are the flowers for,"I said.
"For you,"He said smiling.
I put my hand on my head "Come in here."
He walks in and I shut the door.
"Wait here,"I said to him.
"Umm okay,"He said. "Why?"
"I gotta get ready,"I said.
"Oh I thought you were already ready,"Kaden said.
"I'm wearing sweatpants, and a bun, I wouldn't be caught dead like that,"I said.
I run to my room, and get my professional weekend clothes I may not be working, but I may run into someone I know from work gotta be trendy and professional, cause I can do it. I run back out to Kaden and smile.
"Great now I'm ready,"I said.
"You look great,"He said.
"But why'd you bring flowers we are going out to get a milkshake,"I said.
"Um I'm really not sure, but here you go,"He said handing the flowers to me.
"Well now I've got two things of flowers, the bouquet I caught and now this,"I said.
He laughs "Guess it's time to start a collection."
"Haha let's go,"I said dragging him out the door. "Bye Abie!"
I close the door, and we walk down to his car, he opens the door for me, and I smile.
"What are you trying to accomplish,"I said.
"Nothing just being a gentlemen,"Kaden said smiling.
"Well okay then,"I said getting into the car.
We get to arctic circle, and get milkshakes. Then he drives to a park. We get out the car, and start walking around.
"I'm a coward you know,"Kaden said.
"Why,"I asked him?
"I let you leave,"Kaden said. "I shouldn't have."
"It's fine,"I said lying.
"Yeah but I lost a girl I love,"Kaden said.
"Well I lost a boy I love,"I said looking at him.
We finish our milkshakes and throw them away. I run to the swings, and he does the same.
"I beat you,"I said. "And I'm wearing heels."
"You had a head start,"Kaden said smiling.
"Well you were slow,"I said smiling back.
I slowly swing, and look forward thinking. I can't catch feelings for him this would be the 3rd time though it was both our faults the 2nd time I didn't admit my feelings either.
"What are you thinking about,"Kaden asked?
"Oh nothing just how much I miss that milkshake,"I said.
"Are you sure,"Kade said smiling. "Because you've got that smile."
"What smile,"I said.
"The one you get whenever you see me,"Kaden said.
"What?! No! I have different smiles? You pay attention,"I said.
"Yeah, but I can't reveal everything or else you'd stop doing it, and it's the only way I know you still.....uh yeah,"Kaden said.
"I what,"I asked?
"Nothing,"He said.
We get off the swings, and continue our walk, when I bump into a boy with blue eyes and brown hair,and I trip while he catches me.
"Are you okay,"The guy asked? "You just fell for me."
I laugh "Funny. Thank you for catching me."
I get out of his arms.
"No problem I'm James,"He said.
"I'm Kat,"I said.
"Uh hello I'm still here,"Kaden said.
"Oh sorry is that your boyfriend,"James asked me?
"No,"I said. "He's a friend."
"Well guess I'll go wait over there,"Kaden said walking away,
"Oh well you're cute. We should do this again,"James said.
"What? Fall in your arms,"I said laughing a little.
"Though I wouldn't mind that, what's your number,"He asked?
*Abie's P.O.V*
I go to the kitchen getting an apple from the counter, and taking a bite. I'm gonna call Haley today see if she wants to hang out, I go to get my phone texting Haley she said she'd be over In 5 minutes. Kat and Isabel purposely made it so they lived by each other, so they wouldn't be too far apart, since Haley's staying at Isabel's well she only gotta walk over. I hear a knock on the door, and I open it.
"Heyyyyy gurlllll,"Haley said.
"Heyyyy it's been too long,"I said.
"For real! I missed you best friend we can't be separated that long ever again,"Haley said.
"I know right! 5 years is too long! How'd we do it,"I said.
"I don't know, but I'm shocked we survived,"Haley said.
"We're staying in today, good thing you're still in your Jammies I've got left over ice cream,"I said.
"Yay! Ice cream is amazing! What are we watching,"Haley asked?
"We are gonna have a pretty little liars marathon duhhh,"I said clapping my hands.
"Ughhhh yessss it's been too long that was our show,"Haley said!
"But we gonna shut and lock all the doors Kat's house is creepy,"I said.
"Really? Why,"Haley asked?
"Last night I could've sworn I saw someone in the corner of the room, and my room was wide open when I remember shutting it, but when we checked the door it was locked,"I said.
"Eww creepy are you sure there's no one in here, the person the got in could've just locked the door to make it seem normal,"Haley said.
"Omg you're so right! Come on we're going to Isabel's house,"I said getting goosebumps.
"Ugh bring the ice cream we aren't getting murdered without it,"Haley said.
We get the ice cream out of the freezer, and run out of Kat's apartment locking the door. Then run to Isabel's house, we lock Isabel's door making sure no one is able to get In. Then start our PLL marathon.
"Omg it's the girlsssss this is hitting the feels,"I said holding my hand to my heart.
"I've never realized how much I missed this show,"Haley said laying on me.
We hear something break from the kitchen.
"Did you hear that,"I said turning pale?
"Yes,"Haley said whispering.
I turn down the TV, and we quietly run to see what it was. We see the cupboards open and everything had fallen out and broken.
"How did that happen,"Haley said.
"I'm not sure, but I think there's someone after me,"I said.
"We need to call the cops,"Haley said.
"We can't they wouldn't be able to do anything we don't have proof,"I said.
"Umm duhhh look plates are all over the floor shattered,"Haley said.
We hear the TV turn on full blast from the living room.
"Haley we need to get out NOW,"I said.
We quietly tip toe to the back door, and make our way out quietly. We run to the neighbors house, and ask them to help us. They call the cops, and the question us.
"There's someone following me,"I said. "Last night I saw my door open wide, and someone standing in the corner watching me, then today someone broke into my friends house and broke all of her plates and turned the Tv full blast.
"We'll go check it out,"They said.
They go investigate and come out a couple minutes later.
"It's all clear, it doesn't look like there was anyone in there,"They said.
"What,"I said?! "What about the plates? Couldn't you look closer,"I said.
"We did, but nothing was found I didn't even find any dishes shattered. Don't go calling the cops with false accusations next time it'll be bad,"The cop said.
"Ugh,"I said.

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