Chapter 5

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*Kat's P.O.V*
I walk back to Kaden smiling.
"So what was that,"Kaden asked?
"Eh nothing just saw a hot guy,"I said.
"Well I don't care to know then,"Kaden said.
"Well you just asked,"I said. "Why does it matter anyways."
"Maybe cause I'm still kinda in love with you,"Kaden said.
"Ugh get over it,"I said.
"It's not as easy as you think just cause you're over me doesn't me I can do it as easily as you, I mean look at you, you were with Josh then you saw me and ruined your relationship with him, then you're going to ruin this relationship for some guy you just met,"Kaden said.
"You're unbelievable you know that! I'm sorry if I made it seem like I still have feelings for you, but I don't, and I'm sorry okay, I don't care about that guy yeah he was cute, but that's all he was I am not interested in dating, I thought you were cool with being friends guess I was wrong,"I said angry.
"I don't think I'll ever be cool with being friends, because some part of me will always love you, and I was just hanging on to hope that you loved me too, the only way people that use to love each other can be friends is if they still love each other or they don't, so yeah I love you and I'm sorry if that's bad for you, but there's no way that I am ever gonna stop it's..... it's impossible. You know what this is stupid I'm just gonna leave,"Kaden said.
I look at him pain in my eyes I couldn't give in, deep down I know there's still that part that loves him, but I can't show him that not now I've got my life together, and I don't need a relationship to ruin it.
"Fine leave! See if I care,"I said yelling.
"Whatever,"Kaden said walking away.
I run to the bench, and start crying. I'm not gonna be weak I cannot show my weakness.
I call Abie, and stop crying. She didn't answer, so I called Mason, who also did not answer. Then Haley. But nobody was answering I sat there on the bench feeling hopeless, guess I'll have to catch a taxi. I feel a drop of water falling from the sky, and start flipping oh no it's raining great. I grab a magazine from a bin, and put it above my head to shield the rain, but it got soaked. Ugh. I run to a taxi trying to get its attention, but no one was stopping, guess I'll have to walk. I walk as the rain ruined my hair I take my heels off and hold them. 20 minutes later, and I finally get to my apartment. I open the door locking it when I get in, then laying on the couch.
I hear a door slam, and sit up.
"Abie why didn't you answer your phone,"I said yelling.
I didn't hear anything, but silence. Weird. I run to my room, and decide to change into something more comfortable, then run to Abie's room. She wasn't in it.
"Abie where are you,"I asked?
I hear the fridge door open and run into the kitchen. Nobody absolutely no one.
"Dude this isn't funny,"I said.
I look on the kitchen counter and see a note from Abie.
At Isabel's house get out of the house now! And I will explain later.
Uh weird, I run out of my house and go to Isabel's to see no one. Where is she!!
*Abie's P.O.V*
Mason picked us up so we would be safe hopefully Kat figures out what's going on.
"What if Kat gets murdered,"Haley said.
"She won't,"I said.
"Well aren't you gonna call her at least,"Haley said.
"No she'll figure it out,"I said.
"Wow really? This is serious she's probably gonna go home, and be murdered I'll call her,"Haley said.
"Ugh fine,"I said.
I call Kat and tell her everything.
"Josh apparently, she wants you to pick her up,"I said.
"Okay,"Josh said.
Well that's gonna be awkward they haven't seen each other for 5 years not since she broke off the engagement.
"Where are we sleeping tonight,"I asked?
"Well I don't know really,"Haley said.
"I can't believe you married Mason,"I said.
"Me neither, but I'm glad I did,"Haley said looking at Mason and smiling. "Isn't he just the cutest."
"Uh no,"I said.
"Shut up! You dated him once you know you saw his hotness,"Haley said.
I laugh "So what I was desperate."
"You knew you were in it for my hotness,"Mason said.
"Oh you loser! I love you, but you're not hot,"I said laughing.
"You're a jerk,"Mason said smiling. "But a fun jerk."
"Wow,"I said.
We get to Isabel's house, and see Kat sitting on her porch. Haley and I get out the car, and run towards her.
"Kat get in the car nowwww,"I said.
"What's going on,"Kat asked annoyed?
"I'll explain later, but you need to get in the car,"I said.
"Fine,"Kat said.
She sits in the back with Haley and I.
"Explain,"Kat said.
"Well we realize that last night someone could've easily broken in, and we ran to Isabel's when we were at her house, we heard a bunch of things breaking in the kitchen we went to check and saw her whole cupboard dumped on the floor, and then we heard the Tv turn on full blast, so we ran out her house ran to the neighbors and called 911, when the cops got there they found nothing literally everything was cleaned up, and the TV was off,"I said.
"Are you serious?! I am officially scared. We could've been murdered last night! Where are we gonna stay now? You guys don't live here you're all just visiting, Josh is in a small hotel room,"Kat said.
"I don't know! Maybe we could camp out on the beach? Just a suggestion,"Haley said.
"The beach? Where are we gonna get tents? What about our clothes,"Kat said. "We have no where to go! Why aren't the cops doing anything?!"
"Because they think we are faking this,"I said.
"Guys maybe we could rent out a house for a few days, but we'll do the camping idea while we look for something,"Mason said.
"The cops are screwed up in the head,"Kat said. "That's a good idea though Mason let's do it."
"Yeah it's all we've got,"I said.
"Alright we'll all have to pitch in though,"Josh said. "I'll have to be home next week though my girlfriends waiting."
"Girlfriend,"Kat said her eyes going big!
"Yeah I'm going to ask her to marry me,"Josh said.
"Well that's just great,"Kat said with a little anger in her voice.
"You can't just expect me to be stuck on you forever,"Josh said. "It's not my fault you wanted to break off our engagement I need to be happy too."
"I never said anything about you being stuck on me. I'm happy for you,"Kat said jealously.
"Well it doesn't sound like it,"Josh said.
"I am you better believe it,"Kat said faking a smile.
"You guys stop making everything weird,"I said.
"We aren't,"They defended.
"Look at you guys still falling into old habits,"Mason said.
"I'll have you know I am happy with no love life, so he's not changing anything,"Kat said.
"You couldn't anyways I've got a girlfriend,"Josh said.
"I don't care! Really,"Kat said.
"Well it sure looks like it,"Josh said.
"You guys stop,"I said.
"What's wrong with them,"Haley said.
"Long story,"I said. "Reallyyyy long."
"Not really,"Josh said. "We were engaged and she left me for Kaden."
"Ohhhh cold! Danggg Kat didn't know you had it in you,"Haley said.
"I didn't leave him for anyone! I told him I wanted to focus on my life, and not get married so young, and that's exactly what I did,"Kat said defending herself.
"You can't tell me that you weren't expecting Kaden to chase after you once you told him that you broke off the engagement. But he didn't did he,"Josh said.
"Better get the popcorn out,"I said.
"If only we had some,"Haley said.
I go through my purse and get popcorn out it was in a bag.
"I do have some, I come prepared,"I said.
"Wow you really do,"Haley said.
"Mhhm that's right,"I said.
"Maybe I did, but that's beside the point now I don't love him now I'm single, and I'm fine this way,"Kat said.
"Sure that's why he left you to walk in the rain,"Josh said.
"It wasn't my fault he decided to fall for me, and I don't return those feelings for him, I told him specifically that I wasn't interested in dating it was his own fault for loving me so much,it wasn't cause I said I loved him,"Kat said!
"No one's ever good enough for you Kat! That's what you did to me too I meant nothing to you that's why it was just so easy for you to throw me away,"Josh said.
"You have no right to say that! I loved you I really did! Everything I did with you was real, every kiss we had was real! It wasn't easy for me! None of that choosing crap was easy for me, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, so I figured why not just leave and run away from my problems, but truth is they'll always be there. I don't care anymore Josh I'm done! I'm done with all this drama,"Kat said yelling.
"Well I guess drama just follows the drama queen,"Josh said.
"You're such a jerk,"Kat said folding her arms.
"Well you broke my heart,"Josh said. "So who's the bigger jerk."
"Ughhh! I'm sorry! How many times do I have to tell you! Can't we be friends? This is stupid,"Kat said.
"I don't know Kat,"Josh said. "Or are you just gonna ruin that too."
"Woahhhh cold,"I said.
"So screwed! I'm just trying to make things right,"Kat said.
"I don't think things will ever be right,"Josh said.
"Remember that day I broke off the engagement? You told me we were friends what happened to that Josh,"Kat said!
"Guess I just had to say what I had to say to make you leave,"He said.
"Well..... Guess you're not the guy I fell in love with anymore,"Kat said looking out her window angry.
"Guess I never was the guy you loved,"Josh said.
Kat ignores him, and we sit in awkward silence.
"Umm awkward,"I said.
"Really it is,"Haley said.
"Same, can we just not be here,"Mason said.
I laugh "Right! It's weird it's like we don't belong."
"Shut up I can hear you,"Kat said.
"Well we are just saying,"I said.
"It's not my fault Josh decided to become a rude rich guy,"Kat said.
"I'm not rude, I'm only rude to people who don't deserve to be treated good,"Josh said.
"You're horrible,"Kat said.
"Well you're an arrogant girl,"Josh said.
"Shut up,"I said!
"Yeah please my head hurts,"Haley said. "Give me a bag I need to barf."
"Woahhhh you good,"I asked her?
"I'm fine give me the bag,"Haley said turning pale.
Mason gives her a bag, and she throws up.
"Are you okay,"I asked.
"I told you I'm fine, it's nothing,"Haley said getting angry.
"No need to get mad,"I said.
"Sorry I just feel I don't know weird,"Haley said.

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