Chapter 18

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*Isabel's P.O.V*
"Slater I'm scared,"I said as we explored the the cellar.
"Don't be I'm here to protect you,"Slater said holding my hand tight.
We walk over to a door, and open it.
"Didn't know this place could get any bigger,"I said.
"Yeah you're telling me,"Slater said.
"Kat texted me, she'll be here after her date,"I said.
"Okay the plan is going as planned,"Slater said. "Will you text Abie, Haley, and Mason to see if it's still all clear out there?"
"Yeah sure,"I said.
I text them, and they say it's fine.
"It's all clear,"I said.
"Good,"Slater said.
We continue walking into an empty long hallway.
"Stay here,"Slater said.
"Okay,"I said.
As he walks further into the hallway I see as his light fades away. I look into the darkness feeling unsettled, I rub my arms trying to make my goosebumps go away. I hear footsteps coming towards me.
"Slater,"I asked?
No response.
"Who's there,"I yell.
Still nothing but the empty sound of my voice. I walk further into the abyss of the darkness. When I see someone hiding in the corner.
"Slater tell me that's you,"I said nervously.
I hear laughing. Then the figure in the corner stands up starting to walk towards me. I walk backwards trying to escape it. When it starts running toward me. I start screaming hoping Slater would hear. But nothing. I trip crying. People circle around me. I was scared I couldn't move. They start kicking me in the stomach.
"Stop please stop,"I cried. "Don't kill my baby please."
They start chanting something that I couldn't understand.
"What are you doing,"I cried.
I pass out from all the pain.
*Abie's P.O.V*
"Guys did you hear that screaming,"I asked?
"Yeah we need to go in there,"Mason said.
"Wait.....Um let's stay here,"Haley said.
"No! Someone could be dying in there,"I said.
"Okay let's go,"Haley said looking at me with a cautious look.
We go inside, and start look around. I find a light and turn it on. We go inside a door, and walk into a dark hallway, suddenly everything was silent.
"Guys you don't think......we need to keep searching,"I said.
Haley looks at us grinning "I'm gonna stay here."
"Why,"I asked?
"Just cause I'm scared,"Haley said.
Why was she smiling then.
"Okay, stay safe,"Mason said.
We continue walking into the darkness.
"Is it just me....or is Haley acting real weird tonight,"I asked him?
"I thought it had something to do with her being pregnant,"Mason said.
"Maybe that's it,"I said shrugging.
Mason shines his flashlight, and we see Isabel laying on the floor passed out or something. She had blood all over her.
"Check for a pulse,"I told Mason.
He checks for a pulse "She's fine just knocked out."
"Whoever did this is still around,"I said worried. "We need to be more cautious."
We turn around too see Haley looking at us.
"Oh hey. We found Isabel,"I said.
"I know,"Haley said smiling.
"Haley what's wrong,"I asked? "Why do you keep smiling?"
"I'm just happy,"Haley said.
"Why, she's literally lying on the floor passed out, and we still haven't found Slater,"I said. "Mason text Kat and Josh, tell them not to come."
I look at Haley suspiciously.
"I'm sorry I can't let you do that,"Haley said grabbing a huge rock from the ground,
She walks over to us, and tries to hit me with it, but Mason jumps in front of me taking the shot. He falls to the ground screaming in agony. I check on him crying.
"Haley how could you,"I screamed. "He's your husband!"
"I had to....I had no choice,"Haley said.
"Why,"I yelled?!
"They were gonna kill my baby if I didn't join them,"Haley said. "So I had to do everything they said, and set Isabel up for her baby to be killed for the ritual, I'm sorry I pick my family over you guys."
I look at her enraged "Well it's too late for that now. I wish I'd never met you!"
She does something to me and I pass out.
*Kat's P.O.V*
I sit in the theater it's been 2 hours, and James still hasn't arrived. The theater is completely empty, and I just got stood up. I walk out of the theater, when I see someone with a mask pop out from behind the theatre seat.
I roll my eyes. "I'm not scared of you, just kill me already."
"I can't,"The masked person said.
"Why not,"I said.
"I... Just can't,"He said.
"Why does your voice sound so familiar,"I asked?
He looks at me in silence.
"Well are you gonna talk,"I said.
He turns the song lady in red on, and starts dancing with me.
"Umm.. you try to kill me and now you're dancing with me,"I said.
"Just listen,"He said.
He twirls me, and I have never been more confused in my life.
"Who are you,"I asked?
"Someone that loved a girl too much,"The masked man said.
I look into his familiar blue eyes. "Kaden?"
He looks at me sadly,
"Why?! I loved you! You're gonna ruin my life just cause I didn't wanna date you,"I said pushing him away.
He grabs my shoulder "Kat......I had no choice, this isn't about revenge for me, I did this...For you."
"For Me! You stabbed my sister,"I said screaming at him. "Don't touch me!" I moved his hand off my shoulder.
"I didn't stab her! That was....someone else, please Kat trust me. I'd never hurt you,"He said
"Take off the mask,"I yelled!
"I....I can't,"Kaden said.
"So what are you here for then. Huh? To kill me,"I yell!
"No....I'm here to warn you,"Kaden said. "Don't go to the cellar tonight please.....They have a plan to kill you guys tonight for some crazy ceremony."
I look at him hurt "Tell me why you're part of this then."
"I really can't Kat. Please trust me,"Kaden said.
"I don't trust anything that comes out of your mouth anymore,"I said walking away from him angry.
He grabs my arm turning me around to face him. I cry. He puts his hand on my face, and crashes his lips onto mine. I feel my stomach doing flips.
"I should've done that a long time ago,"Kaden said.
"I.....I never wanna see you again,"I said as tears rolled down my face.
How dare he kiss me for the first time, right now! I can't tell him I love him, he's been screwing my life up without me knowing, and my friends. I walk away from him my heart sinking. I call Josh and he gets me. I sit in the car in silence.
"What happened, your mascara is smeared,"Josh asked?
"Kaden's part of the masked team,"I said.
He stops the car to hug me, I cry into his arms.
"Kat it's okay.....No one was expecting it,"Josh said. "Did he say why?"
"He said he did it to protect me or something,"I said.
"He's a liar,"Josh said. "Have you heard from the others?"
"I know,"I said looking down sad. "But I haven't heard from them."
"What happened to James? And I'm worried we need to go to the cellar,"Josh said.
"He ditched me. Literally stood me up, then Kaden showed up when I was about to leave......He said not to go to the cellar they have a plan to kill us all tonight,"I said.
"Oh I'm sorry Kat...Do we believe him,"Josh asked?
"I don't know what to believe anymore, let's just go,"I said.
"Or we could call the cops,"Josh said.
"I guess we could do that,"I said, "Wait I have a plan."
I whispered it to him, and he drives to the cellar. We get there and get out of the van. I run inside the cellar screaming. "Come get me!!"
I sit in the darkness waiting to be taken away. When I see the room fill up with smoke. I start coughing, and blackness.

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