Chapter 7

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*Haley's P.O.V*
Mason and Abie have been doing countless flirting, like what were they talking about when they were setting up the tent! They dated once I mean how could she not have feelings for him he's amazing, but I'm married to him, and she needs to back off she's my best friend.
"Are you okay,"Abie asked?
Why is she always asking me that I wish she'd just back off.
"I'm fine I told you a billion times already,"I said.
"Sorry. I just wanna make sure,"Abie said.
"It's alright. I just wanna go to bed,"I said facing away from her.
"Oh sorry goodnight,"Abie said.
She goes out of the tent, and Mason comes in to lay by me.
"Hey are you okay,"Mason asked me?
Why does everyone keep asking me if I'm okay! I'm fine!
"I'm fine really I wish everyone would stop asking that,"I said.
"Sorry you just threw up in the car, and I wanna make sure you're alright as your husband,"Mason said.
"It's okay just really need sleep, and everyone keeps interrupting,"I said.
"Alright go ahead I'll join you,"Mason said.
He cuddles me, and I fall asleep.
*Isabel's P.O.V*
I run outside of the room throwing up in the toilet. Slater runs after me and pats my back.
"Babe are you alright,"Slater asked?
"I don't know,"I said. "I'm hungry."
"I'll order pizza,"Slater said.
"Okay,"I said.
He walks out ordering the pizza, and I clean myself off. I walk out the bathroom and lay on the couch.
"Pizza will be here in 10 minutes,"Slater said sitting next to me.
"I hope I'm not getting sick on our honeymoon,"I said.
"I hope not either unless.....,"Slater said.
"Oh no I can't be! Not now,"I said.
"It's a possibility I mean remember,"Slater said.
"Oh shit. We aren't sure yet so we can't tell anyone, I was only throwing up that's all it was, I can't be pregnant,"I said.
"But if you are it's okay,"Slater said.
"Yeah I'll love it still,"I said. "I'm gonna name it Haidi."
"If it's a boy then what will we name it,"Slater asked?
"Ummmm Keagan,"I said. "Unless you say other wise."
"No it's perfect,"Slater said smiling.
"But let's not get ahead of ourselves I just threw up it's nothing,"I said.
"Yeah,"Slater said sadly.
"We'll have kids one day,"I said. "Don't worry."
"Yeah and I'll be happy you're the mom,"Slater said.
"You're cute,"I said smiling "I'm gonna get some fresh air I'll be back."
"Okay be safe,"Slater said.
I grab my hoodie, and head out for a walk on the beach, I smell the fresh sea air, and lay on the sand watching as the sun set beautiful. I fall asleep, and wake up in a dark cold basement tied up.
"Where am I,"I scream!
I start panicking and crying.
"Help,"I yelled! "Someone help me please."
Garrett walks out the corner of the room smiling.
"Hey beautiful,"He said touching my face.
"Let me out of here,"I said spitting on him.
"Now don't be a bad girl,"Garrett said smiling.
"Or what,"I said trying to sound brave!
"Or this,"He said cutting my face. "Now baby that hurt for me to do, but if you keep on being rude to me I have no choice."
I cry in agony "Please stop this Garrett I'm begging you."
"It's okay sweet cakes It'll all be better now that you're here with me,"Garrett said.
"You're sick,"I said.
"Don't say that to me,"He said shaking like a lunatic.
He slaps me and I bite him.
"Don't touch me,"I said.
"You need to stop I don't wanna hurt you,"Garrett said.
"I'm not you've got me locked in a basement I'm scared for my life, and I don't know what else to do,"I said.
"I'm sorry,"He said starting to punch me.
I pass out.
*Slater's P.O.V*
It's been an hour since Isabel left, and I've looked everywhere for her I'm worried since her ex was here obviously mentally insane. I have to call the cops. I tell them everything, and they said they'd send a search out for her. They had me file out a report, and I sat down on the couch waiting for them to give me news. A cop walks up to me.
"So this Garrett guy has been charged with rape, and is currently on the run from a murder,"The cop said.
"Wait what,"I said shocked. I know he's psycho, but didn't actually think he was that psycho "Are you going to find him?"
"We will try our best, but there's no guarantee that we will, the guy has been on the run for a year now, we will do everything we can though,"The cop said.
I put my hand on my head shaking it. I cry.
"No she can't be gone,"I said. "You have to try harder I'm not losing her."
"We are doing our best,"The cops said.
"It's not good enough,"I yell!
"Sir please calm down we are doing our best,"The cop said.
"No, no, no, no,"I said.
I grab my keys and run out the door, I drive my car all around the area looking for anything any sign that Isabel is here. I stop the car and start screaming.
"THIS IS MY FAULT I SHOULD'VE STAYED WITH HER,"I yelled pounding on my steering wheel. I'll never forgive myself this is unforgivable.
I sit in my car, crying no matter how hard I cry or how loud I scream I'm not gonna find her. I need to calm down, and look around. I'll never give up on her Ever!

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