Chapter 5

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"Agent Alaska, please report to the Director's office."

I put my head down on the table and groan. I just finished my food in the mess hall and was going to talk to the new recruits. It's been a few weeks since Carolina and York joined. More people showed up wanting to be Agents, even though the Director recruited them but you know what I mean.

"Someone's in trouble." My brother sang beside me and sliding into my personal space.

"Oh shut up." I pick up my head and punch him playfully in the arm which caused him to back off.

"Owwww. You really need to stop punching me." He complains, rubbing his arm.

I roll my eyes. "Really? I didn't even punch you that hard."

He waves me off. "Just go and see what the Director wants."

"Yes ma'am." I laugh as I get up and picked up my helmet.

"Excuse me? What did you just just call me?" He asked.

"Nothing.." I say innocently as I grin ear-to-ear. 

My brother studies me for a moment. "I'm on to you sis.."

I just laugh and my brother sighs. "Just go before you get in trouble."

"Fine. Training after?" 

"Sounds good." York says. 

I smiled and walk out of the room. I take a left down the hall, then a right. I run into the Dakota Twins. They joined three weeks after Carolina and York.  North was the more quieter and calmer than his sister South, who was hot-headed and loud. North gives me a wave and I just wave back and continued on my way.

When I reach the door, I slip on my helmet and walked in. The Director was looking at the giant screen in front of him.

I took a deep breath. "You wanted to see me sir?" I ask, as I stood at attention behind his desk.

"Indeed." He turns around and presses a button on the holo table which makes a blue Spartan A.I. that I have never seen before appear.

"Can't I please have a moment to rela-" The A.I. starts, but then notices me. "Wait. Aren't you Agent Alaska?"

"I am." I answer.

"I thought so. I read about you in the Director's files. You were the first Freelancer to-"

"That's enough Alpha." The Director interrupted.

"Alpha? As in The Alpha A.I.?" I say in shock. I've heard rumors about the Alpha A.I. but usually rumors are fake unless they are confirmed by the Director.

And boy did he confirmed it.

"Yes," He answers, "and you get to do a couple of missions with him."

My jaw dropped. "Sir, permission to speak freely?"


"Do you really think I'm ready to do this?" I asked.

"Would I have called you to my office if you weren't?" He presses the comm button on the holo table and orders the person on the other side. "Get her prep for surgery." They agreed and ended the call to do what he asked.

Apparently Alpha didn't exactly like the idea of being in my head or going out into battle...


"Log off Alpha." The Director ordered.

"But-" Alpha starts.

"Log off."

Alpha sighs. "Logging off..."

He disappears from the room, leaving me with the Director.

"This will be kept a secret, Agent Alaska." The Director says very seriously.

"A secret? Sir, an A.I. can benefit a whole team not just a single person."

"I like your logical thinking 'laska. But there are some things that you need to trust me with even if you don't know the reason why. Is that understood?"

I sigh. "Of course sir."

"Good. Now get to lab 129."

"Yes sir." I walk out of the room and made my way to the lab.

"Well, isn't it Ms. Brown." I hear as I walked into the lab. I see the same doctor who gave me my armor a few months back, still holding a datapad and a smirk.

"It's Agent Alaska." I roll my eyes under my helmet.

"Oh right, I'm sorry Agent Alaska. My most sincere apologies." He apologizes but it's clear that he isn't.

If he keeps this up, I swear I'm going to throw him out an airlock..

"Hey uh, I didn't catch your name last time I saw you. What was it again?" I ask.

"Dr. Hanson at your service." He dramatically bows to me. Dear lord this guy is extra.

"Ok Dr. Hanson: I'm sure you have orders from the Director himself to start the procedure. If you don't start, I'm sure that he will probably fire you." I see him gulp and I just smiled. "And if you keep trying hitting on me, I'm sure my brother would love to teach you a lesson."

"You're brother?" Dr. Hanson questions. He's clearly nervous at the news of me having a brother.

"You know him. Agent York." I pressed.

I watched as his eyes grew wide. "Um.. uh... Yea... Bob get her strapped in." He stutters and quickly walks away to prepare the Alpha's transfer to my head.

The person the Doctor referred to as Bob, walks up to me and says, "We are ready for the procedure. And by the way, good job." He winks at me and I just smile and follow him to the operating room.


I woke up with my vision blurry and all I can see is moving blobs. I shake my head to see if that will help but it doesn't change anything.

"Look: to make it easier for both of us, just focus on my voice." I hear Alpha say in my head.

"Fine by me if it means getting my vision back."

"So right now, your mind is getting used to me being inside your head." He explains. "It  should be clearing up any minute now."

I blink a few times and then my vision was restored. I see Bob, standing with a datapad beside my recovery bed, observing and taking notes. He doesn't notice that I'm awake until I try to sit up on the bed.

"So how do you feel?" He asks after I got myself comfortable.

"Normal actually." I answered.

"Except not normal because you have a second brain in your head." Alpha smirks.

Great, I have a smart aleck A.I. as my partner. Yay..

"And how does Alpha feel?" Bob continues.

Alpha appears in the real world and tells Bob, "Actually it isn't as bad as I expected. Her storage and memory is actually really organized which helps a lot with calculations."

"And I remember you saying that you didn't want to be in my head." I reminded him.

"Yea well, you know the term," He looks at me. "You can't judge a book by it's cover."

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