Chapter 12

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Secured Facility
Present Day

"Hey Tex, can you go into the system and find out where the Director is?" I ask my A.I.

"Can you make up your mind on whether you want to call me Beta or Tex? It really confuses me." She replies back.

I sigh. She reminds me so much of Agent Texas yet she isn't her. "You choose."

She thinks for a minute. "Then I choose Beta. So that other people here don't get mixed up when we are talking about Agent Texas."

"Ok cool-"

Wait.. others?

"Wait Beta, what do you mean by other people?"


Insurrectionist Base
Many years ago

"CT, you have something that belongs to Project Freelancer and you know how the Director hates to share." Tex steps out with her dual Magmuns drawn.

"You two are fools. The Director is playing you, don't you see it?" CT tried to reason.

"CT stop it." Carolina ordered. "We know that you have been feeding Intel to the Resistance for months."

"Is that what he told you we are?" The Leader laughed.

I slightly lower my SMG. I've had second thoughts about the Project ever since Alpha was taken out of my head and suddenly all these A.I. fragments appear. Plus with the Director and Counselor keeping me in the dark from things they usually tell me, it's pretty suspicious.

So maybe CT is telling the truth. Maybe really does know what's happening within the Project..

Or she's just twisting the truth.

"Considering what I said Alaska?" CT asked.

I raise my SMG to it's normal height. "A little, but it doesn't mean I believe it." I reply.

"They are not the enemy Alaska. We are the ones working outside the rules. Not them." CT explained. "You don't know what the Director has done. He's broken major laws and once this war ends, we ALL going to have to pay for his crimes. Maybe some of them are already paying for that."

"You need to stop talking CT." Tex says with her gun fully raised and ready to fire.

"No. I know what you are Tex. I won't take orders from a shadow."

"What did you just call me?" Tex coldly asks. I look over at her. A shadow? What even is a shadow?

"You're coming with us CT. This is your last chance." Carolina says firmly. I can tell that she wants CT to come back to the Project.. no matter what she did.

"No. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Actually, we don't need you. We just need your armor." And with that Tex shoots CT in the head.

"NOOO!!" The Leader yells as CT falls backwards. But her image flickers and disappears. The real CT is crouched and rushs to Tex, grabbing her arm and sticking a knife into her back. She pushes Tex forward and the Leader hits her with a hachet, forcing Tex to the ground. He throws a second Hachet at Carolina who takes cover by some crates but is then attacked by CT.

Well great, I was just hoping that we could settle this diplomatically but I guess now.

I quickly run over to the computer and try to find out the Resistance's plans for the information and anything else really. But alas... I find nothing.

"Where is Church when I need him?" I mutter under my breath as I tried to recover the files. I managed to recover a few protocols but they were useless protocols. They wiped their computer clean even their backup files.

Screw you Resistance.

"ALASKA." Tex yells at me through a private comm. I quickly turn and see two CTs facing Tex. With a slight nod, Tex tosses me a hachet and grabs the other one. I go for the right and she goes for the left. My hachet hit CT's side while Tex's went through the hologram.

CT stumbled backwards a bit and Tex threw her hachet at CT's shoulder making her hit the wall behind her before falling to the ground next to the Leader.

"What the heck are you doing?" Carolina grabs Tex's shoulder who just shrugs it off.

"Completing our objective."

"By killing a teammate?" Carolina questioned.

"She's not a teammate. She's a traitor."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement.. only to find out that it was CT and the Leader making their grand escape.

"No!" I run to the door to try to stop them but the door shuts in my face. Carolina and Tex snap out of their little cat fight and realized what happened. I bang my fist on the door in frustration because we were so close yet Carolina had to ruin everything.


"That's on you." Tex scolds Carolina. "I guess you can explain how we lost a full suit of armor and failed to capture the Leader of the Resistance." She gets on her comm. "Command, we need extraction. Now."

"I got them Command. I read you loud and clear Texas. Clear me an LZ and get ready for pick up." Came 479er's reply.

Tex starts to walk out and I follow in suit.

"I don't know what's gotten into you Texas, but you better figure out the difference between your enemies and your friends." Carolina says before following us out of the Base.

"Maybe she should understand that CT clearly turned on us is totally not our friend." I whispered to Tex.

"Agreed." She whispers back.

We walk out of the room and headed back to the bridge where York, Wash, Florida and Wyoming were standing guard.

"So did you catch CT?" York asked us as we approached them.

"Ask Carolina." I say hotly. York was a little taken by my tone and proceeds to ask Carolina with Wyoming and Florida.

I continue walking with Tex until someone gently grabs my arm.

"What happened?" Wash whispered. He sounded.. concerned?

I look at Tex who nods, "I'll save you a seat on the Pelican." She says before leaving.

Wash lets go of my arm and says, "We can talk about this on the way to the Pelican."

As we walked to the extraction point, I told Wash what happened. ".. then Carolina stopped Tex from capturing the Leader and CT by having a nice little argument with Tex about not killing CT." I ended.

"That's.. pretty bad." Wash says as we walked back outside of the building. "Although I do agree with Carolina with not killing CT though."

"It doesn't matter now. The mission was a fail and the Resistance Leader and CT got away." I sigh but then looked at him. "But enough of me, when did you get an enhancement?" I ask.

"The Director decided that it was a good idea to have the EMP in case there was vehicles on the field." He explains. "Worked really well the first time but only for that time."

"Low-key unfortunately but at least it helped." I said as we approached the Pelican.

Tex kept her promise and did save a seat for me with another empty seat for Wash.

"You seriously had to save a seat for Wash too?" I whispered to Tex.

"Can't separate the greatest couple ever of all time." Tex joked.

I feel my cheeks turn red under my helmet. "Oh my gosh just shut up."

She just laughs quietly as the rest of the Freelancers come on board and get ready for the flight home.

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