Chapter 19

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I entered the school gates and immediately got rushed by a huge swarm of students. They all had magazines and posters with me on them and wanted me to sign them. Sure I competed in all the leagues but I've never even won a league before.

I didn't know how to get rid of them so I just started to sign everything. I was there for ages and I had to sign some weird stuff as well I'd rather not get into detail about the things I had to sign.

The bell went and I didn't even get a chance to go to the canteen to buy breakfast so I just made my way to class which was Pokemon battling. This was by far my favourite lesson because if we was battling or just talking about battle strategies I was always interested.

I walked into class and saw a note on the door. The note read "please make your way to the battlefield as our lesson will be taking place there." A huge grin grew on my face because I knew we was going to be doing some battling so without hesitation I sprinted towards the battlefield and saw a massive crowd of students all around one teacher.

"Oh mr Ketchum I'm glad you could make it." The tall man said to me as I walked into the battlefield.

"Oh hi professor sycamore." I greeted as I joined the crowd of students.

"Ok class as you know we are going to be doing some battling today and the best way to decide the best battler out of everyone here is by having a tournament." I heard the word tournament and a smirk grew on my face, this was going to be interesting because I haven't actually gotten to battle anyone from this school yet.

"Ok the first battle will be calem vs ash so can everyone please take your seats and make an audience." The professor said taking me out of my thoughts.

"Wait a minute calem?"

"So we meet again I'm not going to lose this time." The boy said standing on his end of the battlefield.

I walked over to my end and yelled across the battlefield "are you sure because last time I beat you and your friend only using one Pokemon." I said whilst smirking.

"Oh but today will be different just watch." Calem said as he grabbed a pokeball from his belt and threw it up at the air.

"Regice I choose you." He yelled and the massive ice type legendary appeared in front of me and caused everybody in the arena to gasp even professor sycamore. My eyes widened in shock "when did he get a regice." I mumbled.

Luckily I had a different team wth me today so I knew I would still be winning this. I smirked and grabbed my pokeball from my belt and held it in my hand. I looked down at the pokeball and heard whispers from across the arena. "Calem is actually glowing to beat the ash Ketchum." A boy whispered to one of his friends. "Of calem wins that will definitely make him the strongest trainer in our school." A girl whispered afterwards."

Everyone is doubting me but I don't care. I gripped onto the pokeball tightly and threw it up at the air and yelled "Moltres I choose you" the legendary bird appeared in front of me and screeched loudly shaking the entire building. Everybody started cheering as it was probably the first time they saw two legendaries going to have a battle. "Marvellous, let's get this battle started!" Professor sycamore yelled.

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