Chapter 3 - All I Wanna Get Is...

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The man turned around.

It wasn't him.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I mistook you for..." Victor didn't dare finish that sentence. Oh sorry you look like a stripper I'm in love with.

The young man gasped. "Oh my gosh! Are you Victor Nikivorof? The living legend ice skater?" The young man gushed.

Victor did his familiar hair flip and smiled at the young man. "Why yes, yes I am." He winked at him.

The young man blushed, "I-Uh-Have-Uh... bye!" He ran off.

How strange.

Victor immediately felt embarrassed. He mistook a random guy for some stripper he couldn't stop thinking about. What the hell was wrong with him.

His phone rang, it was Chris.

"Vitya! You have to go back tonight!"

Again with this! "No! Chris I am not going back there! Certainly not alone!"

"Then I'll come in a disguise." Chris was so confident.

"Chris, that's actually a great idea!" Victor exclaimed.

If Victor went back there to take another good look at Katsu, maybe he wouldn't start making random guys for him.

So the two of them proceeded to go to the nearest party store, and got fake mustaches and wigs. Chris got a blue mustache and a pink wig, Victor got a black mustache and black wig, so his disguise looked a little more believable.

"What about our IDs?" Victor asked Chris.

"Don't worry, I got this." Chris reassured his best friend.

After paying for the disguises, Chris took the two to a Swedish bar, how did he know of a Swedish bar in the middle of America, a country he doesn't know too well nor has been to before? Plot convenience.

"Here there's a guy named Jaç, he knows how to take photographs for IDs and print them out!" Chris said excitedly.

"Chris that's a crime! We could get arrested and live the rest of our lives here in a prison cell!" Victor's hairline was already receding, he didn't need to have a forehead as big as a Kardashian's ass.

"Victor, you're already getting old, I'm getting close, we need to do something risky outrageous, crazy-"

Victor's phone went off.

It was the real estate office.

"Hold on Chris, I have to take this," Victor walked out the bar and into the street.

"Hello sir," a cheery male voice started, "you had an appointment at 12, are you still coming in?"

Victor looked in the window of the bar. Chris was getting uncomfortably close to the man that was supposed to be giving them fake IDs.

"Yeah... what times are available?" Victor asked as he gave Chris the "cut it out" sign with his hand and neck.

"Can you come by in an hour?" the cheery man asked.

Chris began making circles with his hand on the man's chest. "Yeah, an hour seems fine."

"Great! See you in an hour Mr.Nikiforov." The man hung up.

Victor raced inside the bar.

"...have a boyfriend, please this just feels so dirty!" Victor heard the fake ID man practically scream.

"I'm so sorry for my friend here," Victor grabbed Chris, "Could I offer you a drink?" 

"Sir it's 1 in the afternoon," the boy said with a sigh, "come I'll make you guys the ID, you didn't need all this extra stuff."

But extra was both Victor and Chris' middle names. 

So when posing for the camera, Chris made sure he did an off the shoulder ass shot, like his butt would make it into the picture.

Victor did a sexy leg raise flashing a sexy smile at the camera.

The young swede was confused "what the actual hell is going on here?"

"We're posing for the camera darling," Chris said. Jaç rolled his eyes.

Victor's phone vibrated, his timer to go see the real estate agency was going off. 

"Please print the IDs, i'll get them from Chris after, I gotta go, bye!" Victor zoomed out of the bar.

Twenty minutes later. 

Victor arrived at the agency sweaty and confused. He tapped the bell at the front desk that no one sat at. 


The cheery voice he heard earlier yelled from the back

"I-I'm so sorry! I'll be there soon!"

Victor waited in a comfy white chair in what seemed to be the agency's lobby. 

A few minutes later a short brown skinned man came out.

"Hi sir! My name is Phichit Chulanont, I'm a part-timer here, i'll be helping you today!"

Victor smiled at the young man, "part-timer? Why part time?"

Phichit put his hand behind his head, "I'm in college, so I don't have all the time to just work at the agency."

Victor nodded, "school is pretty hard, let's get started shall we?"

Phichit smiled back, "yes, let's!"

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