Chapter 13 - ...Even When We're Up Against The Wall

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Author's Notes:

Time skip!

Chapter 13

It seemed routine now for Victor to bring men into his apartment as loudly as possible.

After the kiss outside in the street, Yuri grabbed Victor and ran to the limo. He rolled up the window between the driver and the passenger in the car and passionately started kissing Victor.

They didn't stop and were making out even in the elevator to get to Victor's apartment.

Victor fiddled with his keys to get in the door and as soon as it was open, Yuri pounced on Victor, making him lose his balance and fall on the floor.

"Yuri, wait-wait, can't we go to my bedroom first?" Victor asked as he looked at Yuri with ravenous eyes.

"I don't care, here, there," he began kissing on Victor's neck. The marks Katsu had made the other day had finally healed up and left, but Yuri was almost emulating the same marks Katsu made.

"Yuri, Yuri, do you have protection~" Victor asked him. Yuri froze up.

"Ah... no," he stopped kissing Victor and immediately went red.

Victor felt himself getting embarrassed as well. They had been so caught up in the moment and wanted each other so bad they didn't stop to ask if what they were doing was okay with each other or if they were safe or anything.

"We're moving too fast," Victor surprised himself by saying this.

"Wait what?" Yuri said, almost as shocked as Victor' statement.

"Yuri... I like you," he said as he cupped Yuri's face. The boy was still reaching above him, he smiled and looked down into Victor's eyes, "I wanna take our time and do this right."

"Are you asking me to be exclusive?" Yuri said quietly.

Was he? Victor didn't know. If he said yes he'd lose Katsu forever. If he said no, he knew it would be hard to get Yuri back into his life.

So he stayed silent.

"Victor? Did you hear me?" Yuri asked concerned.

Victor's arms dropped and he looked to the side.

"Yuri I told you there's someone else," Victor said shamefully.

Yuri got up angrily, "are you serious Victor? Again with this?! You really can't see..."

"Can't see what?!" Victor got up and was angry as well, except he wasn't angry at Yuri he was angry at himself.

"You can't see... it's me! The one you want is me!" Yuri said desperately. He decided to quote his favorite show Grey's Anatomy, "ch-choose me, love me!"

Victor grabbed Yuri's hand, "it's not that simple! I-I want you!" Yuri yanked his hand away

"Then why can't you leave whoever you're mucking around with? If you want me so badly then just leave whoever it is!"

Victor sighed, "it's a stripper."

Yuri took a double take, "excuse me?"

"The one I love is a stripper. I know it sounds strange, but he's a stripper, similarly he's Japanese," Victor chuckled, "just like you."

Yuri's face went dark, "so you've been putting me aside... because of a stripper." Yuri began what Victor thought was crying, but he raised his head and it was laughing. Yuri was laughing at him.

"You're laughing at me," Victor was hurt.

"Victor how could your possibly be so stupid. You think a stripper that possibly goes home with anyone wants you?" Yuri shook his head, "he couldn't possibly want you."

Victor's anger bubbled within him, "he wants me, h-he said it."

"Sure, whatever, when was the last time you two spoke?" Yuri questioned Victor.

"A week and a hal- don't worry about it!" Victor snapped.

"How funny." Yuri began to walk out the door.

"Yuri come back," Victor grabbed his hand again.

Yuri didn't yank it away this time, they looked into each other's eyes. Yuri's phone vibrated.

"Who's that?" Victor couldn't possibly know who would call at this time.

"It's probably Phichit."

"Answer it," Victor went to go sit on his couch.

Yuri went into the bathroom to answer his phone, and had it on speaker so he could wash his face as he spoke. This made it easier for Victor to snoop as well.

"Yuri, you're not coming to work tonight?" Victor heard a voice that wasn't Phichit's say.

"No, I'm sorry Mr.Pennington, I-I had a date, I haven't had one of those in a long time..."

Victor recognized that voice, he didn't know from where.

"Well a lot of the boys will be disappointed to hear that news tonight at the club."

Victor got up to make himself some coffee, he didn't want to sleep tonight.

"Don't tell them then? I don't know, I guess just tell them something else please."

Yuri must be popular at whatever club he works at.

Victor turned the coffee machine on and went into his refrigerator to get a few creamers, and milks.

Now that I think about it, he never did mention the name of the club he works at. I'll ask when he comes out so I can bother him at work one of these days, Victor thought to himself.

"Listen Mr.Pennington-" Victor heard Yuri say.

"Yuri, listen we're working on you calling me Brad."

"-Bradford, I am really sorry about missing tonight, I'll make it up by working every night for two weeks straight," Yuri said apologetically.

That's not fair, Yuri shouldn't have to do that. I feel so bad, I can't believe he'd do that. Victor became infuriated. He was going to storm in that bathroom and call that an unfair compromise. Victor grabbed his coffee mug, and made his way towards the bathroom.

"Yuri can't have that, it'll eliminate the showmanship of the entire thing," Brad chuckled.

Victor was confused, he started to walk away and back into the Kitchen. What does he mean showmanship? Yuri is a security officer, is that like an inside joke with the two of them?  Victor hated not knowing things.

"It won't ruin the showmanship, put me at different time slots."

The room went quiet. Victor took a sip of his coffee.

"Alright Yuri, we'll put you at different time slots, but make sure you're wearing different clothes."

"Y-Yeah, I'll make sure!"

"Alright! See you tomorrow night, Katsudom."

Victor dropped his coffee mug.

It shattered as soon as it touched the ground. Coffee spread from tile to tile.

Just like his heart had shattered and his anger spread throughout his body.

He had been deceived.

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