Chapter 10 - I've Searched To Find...

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Author's Notes:

So sorry about the short chapter, I know I have to put something out today, but I had no idea how to write around a huge plot hole that I dug myself into lmfao... but if I were to be honest, this story seems like it is going to be pretty long. The last fic I wrote was only 14 chapters and I don't see myself ending this one anytime soon. Who knows, maybe I will 🤷🏽‍♀️ only time will tell. I'd like to give a shout out to basic-trash IrlVitya AlpineBreadStick Piercethefuq000 and brittymctitty they've been commenting on this story the most frequently and are usually the first ones to get to my story, so I'd like to thank you so much 😊❤️

I'll do another round of shout outs in three chapters (to other people!)

Chapter 9

Victor rushed out of the coffee shop.

"Sir your tea-" the barista called after him, Victor paid him no mind.

"Yuri!" Victor called out.

Yuri, who was now walking down the sidewalk, turned around.

"Oh, Victor! Hey! I didn't see you there!" Yuri said with a warm smile.

The male holding Yuri's hand dropped it, "that's enough for today, I'll see you tomorrow." he walked away.

"W-Who was that?" Victor asked, breathless.

"Oh him? That's just my friend Eman Ekaf. He's a transfer student." Yuri said nonchalantly.

"Are you two involved?" Victor asked, forcing himself to pretend to not care as much as Yuri didn't care.

"Maybe... he is new here and I'm not trying to be tied down or whatever." Yuri looked at his nails as if he were bored or something.

"Tied down? To like a dock or something?" Victor didn't understand the expression. He could speak English quite fluently, but when it came to the slang, he was pretty clueless.

"N-No Victor I'm not..." Yuri looked defeated, "why are you wearing a scarf, it's like 89°* right now."

Victor blushed profusely.

"I'm cold. I'm not used to the heat, in Russia..."

"It averages 60°** in Russia," Yuri said matter-of-factly.

"Why do you know that," Victor asked, grinning.

"B-Because I do! Don't worry about it!" Yuri reached for Victor's scarf, "take that crap off your neck!" He yanked it off.

Horror struck across his face for what seemed like an eternity, then he cooled down.

"Yuri I can explain-" Victor started.

Yuri shrugged him off, "Victor, we're not together, I asked you if you liked me and you never gave me an accurate response. We're adults, we can be with whoever we want." Yuri's tone of voice was very cool and collected, Yuri's facial expression was cool and collected, but his eyes... his eyes betrayed him. They were filling up with tears.

"I-I have class in an hour, I have to go prepare, see you around Victor." Yuri began to walk away.

Victor grabbed his arm, "dinner."

"What?" Yuri asked.

"Get dinner with me tomorrow night, I want it to be just us," ...for now, he thought. He had to take a from Katsu. The way Katsudom reacted last night made Victor want to give the two a little space.

"I can't... I have work," Yuri was trying to inch out of the invitation. 

"Take it off, I just want to take you out, I don't want you to feel as if I'm stringing you along, I want us to become something," Victor said with the most sincerity he could possibly pose.

Even though he was not the least bit sincere. 

Victor wanted Katsu, but as of right now, he wasn't an option.

"I'll see what I can do," Yuri said looking down. 

"Good," Victor leaned in and kissed Yuri lightly, "I'll see you tomorrow night." He walked away. 

*roughly 39° Celsius
**roughly 15° Celsius.

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