Chapter 12 - The Center of Attention

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Author's Notes:

First of all, thanks to everyone who has been really nice to me and supports this fic. I almost stopped it, and I'm usually pretty untouchable when it comes to hate bc I think it's funny, but I've been feeling really sad and anxious lately due to things I can't really control, so when I got a mean message, I was pretty upset. Sorry for making everyone worry :( 

You guys wanna help your favorite fujoshi out? No? Too bad I'm asking anyway!

1) I'm growing a fan base on IG that's not totally based on YOI, I mean YOI is the center of it but people are starting to like my other content too, so I wanna refer to my followers as some name but I just don't know what yet?! Leave a comment in the comment section below!

2) Do you wanna support me, a poor, ramen noodle eating, broke ass college student AND would like kawaii af clothes? If you can, check out Spree Picky, and use the link in my wattpad bio to buy things! 4% of whatever you buy goes towards me and my college fund! I know I'm asking a lot, but if it's ever possible, please please please check it out!

I'm thinking of setting up a Patreon but not until I hit 10k on IG (which is coming up soooon 😭😩 thank you all!)

3. For my 9k special, what should I do?

A) post one of my cosplays? (Yes I cosplay 😅)
B) a funny video
C) a meetup?
D) a confession of how u guys made my life 2 million % better back in March?


4) I am entering the Watty's 2017, so please, share this story with your friends, family, dogs, cats, birds, the dead, living! Writing is what I love, so this would be great exposure! 

Once again thank you guys so much ily ily ily!

On with the fic:

Chapter 12

Yuri's phone rang.

The ringtone was Kira Kira Kira by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu  meaning it was Phichit calling

"I'm sorry I have to take this," Yuri said as he reached for his phone.

"Of course," Victor looked away, blushing and holding his mouth. They almost kissed. They nearly kissed.

And it wasn't the, I lust for you kiss it was the, I maybe-kinda-sorta might have feelings for you kind of kiss.

The kind Victor has never had before.

Yuri spoke to Phichit about someone vomiting in Phichit's bed and how he doesn't know how to get it out, and like the good-natured person he was, he told Phichit how to get it out.

"And if you need to, you can sleep in my bed with me," Yuri said with a smile.

That struck a nerve with Victor. He knew Phichit wasn't interested in Yuri, or possibly guys in general Victor wasn't too sure, but he did not like the thought of the two sleeping in the same bed.

"Alright Phichit, I'll see you later, have fun." Yuri ended the call.

Victor grabbed Yuri's hand again, "Yuri, come home with me."

Yuri backed up three meters.* "What the hell! No! We haven't even ki..." Yuri couldn't bring himself to say it.

"No! Not to have sex or anything, just to sleep, my place isn't too far from here." Victor tried hard to convince Yuri. If Yuri was going to sleep in anyone's bed, it was going to be his. 

"V-Victor, why?" Yuri was now looking away. 

Dammit, why was he so cute.

"Because Phichit won't be able to get the vomit out of his bed in time to sleep in his own bed, and if he's sleeping in yours, where will you sleep?" Victor posed a rhetorical question.

"In my bed with h-"

"IT WAS RHETORICAL YURI," Victor yelled. 

"Why are you yelling at me," Yuri looked visibly hurt. 

Victor looked into Yuri's dark eyes, immediately regretting what he just did. He just felt so protective over Yuri. He didn't want anything to happen.

"I..." Victor looked for the words, but they just weren't coming, "I don't know..." Victor sat down at the curb he was sitting on.

Yuri felt bad and joined him.

"I'm confused Yuri," Victor began to confess, "I had such a good time tonight with you, I've never had this connection with anyone else before, but I just can't tell."

Yuri nodded, even though he didn't know what Victor meant by his vague language.

"I am so sure I like you, but I know I really like someone else. I can't just like someone based on looks, that's insane!" Victor said as he threw his hands up in the air.

"You think you like me?" Yuri said softly, but too soft for Victor to hear.

"I just wish there was some way to mash the two of you together, I just wish there was a way I could get you both."

Victor looked to Yuri, who once again looked hurt.

"Victor, I am not going to stand by and let you keep doing this to me and whoever else you're seeing. I get it, we're adults, this is casual dating, but I know I have strong feelings for you," Yuri said with an embarrassed blush across his face, "but I refuse to be put in some imprudent box you put me in with someone who won't care for you as much as I would!"

Time stopped as soon as Yuri said that. 

Because Victor lunged forward at the boy, and the two of them shared their first kiss.

*I switch in between metric and US customary systems because I know not everyone reading this is American. 

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