Chapter 15 - You Know I Know You...

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Author's Notes:

Hello! I'm sorry I would've released this sooner, I didn't have access to my laptop too often today, and then I got distracted by memes haha~!

But today's chapter jumps around a lot so I thought I'd give you the following hints:

1) Katsudom got into an uber right when he told Victor to look inside for Yuri.

2) Victor is an airhead, so he often says things that hurt people unintentionally.

3) Yuri has a backpack.

Okay! I hope you guys enjoy today's confusing, by even MY standards, chapter!

Chapter 15

A car sped away almost seven meters from behind Yuri. He looked so confused.

"You have a boyfriend now?" Yuri asked.

"I was talking about y...never mind, what's the backpack for?" Victor asked, suspicious.

"Oh? This... it's for me to change into my normal clothes," Yuri said embarrassed.

"Oh yeah," Victor turned around and noticed the bouncer and Yuri were wearing the same outfit. So he was security at that club. What the hell Bradford what are you some kind of racist you think all Japanese boys look alike.

Although I did think they were the same person for a little bit too Victor thought embarrassed.

"Obviously you have business to take care of here with your boyfriend, so I'll leave you be, sorry for bothering you the past few days I didn't know you had someone, good luck!" Yuri said with a smile and a thumbs up.

Victor grabbed Yuri and held him in a long embrace.

"You weren't lying," was all he could say.

Yuri hugged Victor back, "y-yeah, of course I didn't."

"Yuri, I'm tired of chasing waterfalls, we should make us official," Victor said with a confident smile.

"I..." Yuri looked at Victor with an ambivalent frown, "I just... didn't you just say you had a boyfriend, I don't want to be your..."

"My what?" Victor asked kind of hurt, he doesn't want to be my boyfriend... I messed up that bad that he doesn't even want to be my boyfriend?

"I don't want to be your side hoe! There I said it! I refuse!"


"What is a side hoe?" Victor felt a tang of frustration, he knew English so well but not as well as Yuri, due to him being in school here and knowing all of the slang and everything.

"A side hoe is a... well a..." Yuri's face became red with embarrassment, "I can't say it! Here! This is the best definition!"

Yuri handed Victor his phone that went to a website called

Victor had never heard of such a website before.

Victor had never heard of such a website before

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