Chapter 29 - Live Life Golden

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Victor laughed.

"Okay, but seriously," he started, "I really do love you."

Yuri looked at him, confused. "Okay... my answer is still no."

Victor furrowed his brows. "Yuri? What do you mean?"

"I mean you hurt me enough and I'm-" Yuri started.

Victor got up and rolled his eyes, "you're tired of it. I get it," he grabbed his things, "alright see you later."

Yuri was shocked. "You're just going to leave?"

"I mean... yeah..." Victor said slowing in his tracks.


"Yuri," Victor held his hand under his bangs pushing them back slightly as he does in times of stress, "this is tiring, it's annoying. I'm over it."

Yuri's heart dropped. No. This isn't what he wanted. He simply wanted to say no just so he could have the power. He said no because he wanted Victor to chase after him... not this. 

"You're too sensitive to me. It's tiring. I have a life to live. I'm 27 years old now, I don't have time to wonder if you love me back or not. We're both adults. Say what you want or you don't. You said no, so I'm leaving." Victor opened the door.

Shit, Yuri thought. "Okay, I'm sorry."

Victor shook his head, "you said no."

"Because I'm confused! I go into a coma and you go with some other guy?!"

"It's been three years! What do you expect?! Do you just want me to be sad and lonely forever?!"

Yuri stopped.

Was that what he wanted?

"Yes! You should've waited for me?"

"You need to grow up. You know that sounds ridiculous. You were practically dead for three years, and you just want me to sit here and wait around for you? What if it had been 10 years."

"You stay by someone's side in sickness and in health!"

"If you're married! We had been dating for practically less than three months!"

"You're just saying that to justify the cheating," Yuri didn't really believe that Victor cheated, he just wanted to make Victor feel bad.

"I'm-!" Victor took in a deep breath, "I'm not. I'm sorry, okay? I really am?"

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