Chapter 6 - I'll Be Back After...

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Author's Notes:

Hey y'all! I am back! School is out, meaning I can do updates everyday! I didn't have much inspiration writing this story considering it's a new love-crush type story, but now I do, (don't ask 😏) and I'll be able to write a lot! Sorry about the long ass delay, I was in the Dominican Republic, but I'm back home now! Alright on with the fic!

The next day, Victor saw Chris off and reminded him to send Victor's stuff to his new apartment. Chris promised and was off to Hong Kong.

The next day Victor spent it planning his coffee date in his new apartment. It came furnished, but he didn't have nearly enough clothes to go out on the town so he went shopping!

Victor went to all the most expensive stores, because he had to look his best for his date. meet up.

When Victor finished his final stop at Gucci for thick framed black sunglasses, he realized he had spent over three thousand dollars. It really didn't matter to him. All that mattered was that he looked good.

Victor spent the time in between walking to get coffee from his house looking up popular types of coffee Americans like... although Victor wasn't sure Yuri was American, he decided to brush up due to the fact that he didn't want to look completely ignorant.

He found the frappucino was very popular, and he liked the strange name.

Victor showed up five minutes early. He was never early for dates, he always made sure to be late, but this time was so different. He didn't know what it was, but Yuri made Victor want to be... different. When he thought of past lovers, the most he saw in their future was breakfast. He hadn't been completely serious about anyone before, but Yuri seemed like a realistic future. He thought of sweaters, tiny Makkachins, arguments of what sauce is best to put on meat... Victor felt a faint blush across his cheeks.

Yuri walked in and Victor's daydreams came to a halt.

Good grief Nikiforov you've had one conversation with the man and you're already trying to plan your future with him.

As Yuri slightly sashayed in, the image of Katsudom flashed across Victor's mind.

"You know you want me, not him" he imagined Katsu saying as he would wrap his legs around Victor.

He was immediately turned on.

"H-Hi Vi-Victor," Yuri said smiling awkwardly.

Fuck. Victor was turned off and felt one of the petals of his blooming heart open up. This worried him. He knew he was falling, and fast.

"Yuri! Hello! I can't believe you actually came!" Victor said smiling.

"M-Me? I thought you weren't coming!" Yuri laughed and it seemed to Victor that Yuri loosen up a tad bit. Victor was happy, he didn't want Yuri to be a star struck fan that couldn't hold a conversation unless he was slightly tipsy.

The two of them ordered drinks. Victor got a black coffee instead of the fancy one he read about, he decided it wasn't worth risking. If Victor hacked up the drink in front of Yuri he'd be embarrassed as hell. Yuri ordered a green tea.

"I'm not a big coffee drinker, I just like the smell." Yuri said bashfully.

Victor smiled, how is this boy so pure?

"So Yuri, do you work?" Victor asked.

"Yeah I have a job, I work nights because school takes up my day." Yuri replied.

"What do you do for your night job?"

Yuri almost choked on his tea. He grabbed a napkin and  wiped his mouth.

"I..." Yuri looked up as if he was looking for the answer.

"You what?" Victor was truly confused. Why is he confused about his own job?

"I... work as a security officer for... uh... for a club."  Yuri said without confidence.

"Oooh~ like a night club?" Victor asked.

"Yeah... something like that... anyway, why did you move here."

Victor's throat ran cold and his palms began to slightly sweat. He hadn't been this nervous since his junior debut.

To chase a stripper that you remind me of. He was tempted to tell the truth. He was tempted to let it all out, but it would just sound crazy.

He was in a rut with inspiration and he found it in an exotic dancer that he had met once.

Now that Victor thought of it, it'd been a long while since he went back to the Prince's Room.

"I needed a break from skating. I wanted to make a new routine and bring a whole new Victor Nikiforov to the rink."

"In the middle of the competition season?" Yuri asked with a confused frown, "it was getting so good."

Victor lightly grabbed Yuri's chin. Yuri blushed and felt the wind knock out of him. "Was it? I just needed some inspiration."

"Y-You d-did?" Yuri was looking for a way out of this situation.

"Yes, maybe you could provide it for me, my theme next year is... desire." Victor brought their faces together.

As if on cue, Yuri's roommate busted through the doors.

"Hey you two!" Phichit gushed.

Victor pulled away from Yuri's face, slightly embarrassed. He realized he might've just sexually assaulted his crush in public.

"How are you Yuri, Victor?" Phichit said with a smile as he ordered his drink. "The usual." He winked at the barista. The barista blushed and handed Phichit his drink.

"I-I'm g-great, I'm going to... walk the... luggage!"

Yuri ran out immediately. Victor couldn't facepalm any harder. He messed everything up with Yuri by being too forward. All Victor wanted to do was change the subject!

Phichit sat down, grinning mischievously.

"He likes you Victor. Not in the, I'm a huge fan of your work kind of way, but in a, I wanna kiss you and call you daddy kind of way." Phichit said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Daddy? Why would he call me his father?" Victor said confused, "I didn't birth him."

Phichit chuckled, "it's a thing here. I gotta ask, do you like Yuri?"

Victor nodded. "I think I do, I've just been so lonely and every time I think of him I think of a future, but..." there's someone else... he thought.

"Hmm... but, huh? Well don't try anything on him if you still have to say but when saying you like him."

Victor nodded. Seems fair.

"I'm gonna get out of here, I gotta check on Yuri, make sure he's not hyperventilating too much."

Phichit left.

Victor had to know, who did he want more, the stripper or Yuri.

He decided to go to the strip club that night, and get some answers.

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