Chapter 32 - heavydirtysoul

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Author's Notes:

This started as a joke in July and is all of a sudden a story that means a lot to people in February. I just wanted to start off by saying thanks to the people that have put up with my huge gaps since I started and are still standing by this story. This is the final-ish chapter. I may come back to this story in the future, but thanks, guys and have a great day.

Chapter 32

Victor woke up with seven people in his room.

He didn't recognize anyone.

What he did recognize was the pain in his head.

"What the skiddly doo bop shit is going on," said a young blonde male, "we've been here for four days and he hasn't woken up. Unplug the life support so I can plug in my phone."

He was whacked in the head with a newspaper, by a woman with red hair. "We are going to stay here until he wakes up."

Victor's eyes slowly opened and he felt pain.


He began to freak out.

He started to curse in Russian and scream that his entire body was on fire.

"Nurse? Nurse! Nurse!" the woman with red hair screamed out.

A few nurses ran in right away and sedated Victor. His eyes opened and closed... slowly.

Until they were shut.


A few weeks later, Victor woke up again, this time in the room alone and with much less pain in his body.

He looked up at his television. The winter Olympics were on.

Ironically, the men's short program was on and there was a very handsome skater from Japan, executing a perfect triple salchow.

Victor began remembering who he was. Not completely, but he slowly remembered who he was.

He was Victor Nikiforov, ice skating legend.

He should be on that ice.

The Japanese man executed a Quad Lutz, something he had never seen another skater do before.

"He's amazing!" Victor said in a sudden outburst.

His moves were so seductive and done so well.

Through Victor's door, came his Russian skating family.

"W-Why are you all here? Why aren't you in...?" Victor didn't know where the Olympics were at this point.

"South Korea. It's because we had been waiting for you, Victor. We have been here, training in America for a year now, and didn't want to leave just in case you woke up," said Mila

"America? A year? No... I am not in America... it hasn't been a year..." Victor said as he felt his eyes fill with tears.

"You fell off of a roof you moron," said Yuri Plisetsky, a young blonde skater that is way ahead of his junior class rank, "we have been waiting for you to wake up."

Victor looked down at his legs. They weren't bandaged nor were they bruised. They just looked small and underweight.

"The doctor said that your body has fully healed. It's just your mind that hasn't. Do you remember anything kotyonok?" Mila asked endearingly.

"No... not at all," Victor said as he grabbed his throbbing head, trying to gather any bit of recollection he might have had the past few years.

They all sat in silence as the skater from the Japanese team waited to get his score.

"Is he new?" Victor asked.

"Yes, his dance was based on you Vitya," Victor's coach Yakov said.

More silence.

"111.68 points for Japan's own..." the announcer started...

"...Yuri Katsuki," Victor finished.

He didn't know how he knew the skater's name, but for some reason... he just did.

The high scoring skater was tackled with a kiss by a brown-haired boy.

"Love is definitely in the air for Yuri Katsuki and his boyfriend..." the announcer began, but Yuri P. turned the television off.

"Gross. No one wants to see that," the teenager said with disgust.

Victor turned to Yakov.

"Get me out of here as soon as possible, I want to skate again."

"You're not even well enough!" Yakov said in shock.

Victor smiled, "and that's what will drive me to do better. I'll show the world and shock them."

Everyone in the room sighed, but were excited.

Their old Vitya was back.

"I'm coming for you Yuri. Just wait."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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