Chapter 21 - ...Too Late

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Victor looked at Phichit and shoved him off.

He laughed.

"Phichit, this is such a low level to stoop to."

Phichit shook his head.

"No, I don't believe you. That's way too convenient. I creep him out and all of a sudden he's in a coma? No."

Phichit sighed, "sit down, I'll explain."

"No. Where's Yuri." Victor refused to accept this.

"Please Victor."

There was a pause. Victor considered what Phichit was saying.

"I am staying for your story. I won't believe it but I am staying."

They sat down in chairs in the office's break room.

"Why does no one ever work here but you?"

"Everyone decides to go on vacation whenever you come in."


"So after Yuri left your place last month, he was very distraught. He went to his favorite bar and had way too many shots. When they stopped serving him, Yuri left. They usually call me when he's alone and too drunk. He then started running and not looking anywhere. I went to get Yuri, and when I found him he had climbed up a tree-"

"Why did he climb up a tree-"

"-and was yelling from the tree 'you damn stalker!' and then proceeded to take off his clothes."

"-he was naked and I wasn't there for it-"

"-he stood up on the branch and slipped. He fell and hasn't woke up since."

"From a tree?" Victor asked confused.

"I don't know, Victor, but Yuri isn't doing too well though. Hopefully, you can go there and help him wake up."

Victor was floored. "Me? But why?"

"Because before he knocked out people heard him say, 'I need to tell Victor...' over and over again."

"Tell me what!" Victor stood up from his seat immediately. Then he sat down slowly. "I forgot this is all a lie."

"Please... come to the hospital with me this afternoon. Talk to Yuri, maybe he'll respond."


And the two of them were off.

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