Chapter 28 - Alarms

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Author's notes:

I wrote this 10 days ago I completely forgot to press publish don't hate me

edit: I wrote that like a month or two ago so if you want to hate me go ahead. I'm sOOOOOOOO sorry guys I've been super busy! I'm so so sorry :(

Chapter 28:

Victor and Seung-Gil fought in Yuri's hospital room, as Phichit screamed for the pair to stop. The nurse that hurriedly grabbed Hiro ran to the nearest phone and called for security.

"There is fighting! In a coma patient's room!"

Security came as soon as possible, broke the two up and kicked them out.

They sat outside in the cold in silence while waiting for police to arrive and take them both away.

Victor had to know.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

Seung-Gil laughed. "Are you serious Nikiforov? This is a real question?"

Victor sighed, "no... I think I know at this point."

Victor was sick of it all. He needed to make it right, and fast.

"Good. Now don't talk to me." Seung-Gil said as he slumped on the bench they were forced to sit in. 

When the police arrived, Victor charmed the officer's boots off and evaded arrest for both Victor and Seung-Gil. 

They were allowed back in the hospital to get their belongings. 

Victor entered the hospital room and crossed paths with Hiro. Their eyes didn't even meet. Victor felt nothing but disdain and resentment for Hiro.

I thought he loved me. He really made me think he loved me... Victor thought.

Victor couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal Hiro gave him. How dare he make Victor Nikiforov feel like a fool. No one did that to him...

No one.

Victor looked at Yuri one last time before he left and sighed. 

Did he truly ruin things for good with Yuri?

One week later...

Yuri woke up to the smell of hospital breakfast food.

"Oh you're awake!" said a woman's voice.

Yuri rubbed his eyes, "w-who are you?" 

"My name is Valeria Petrov. Nurse Izumi is out sick today."

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