Chapter 26 - Take A Look

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For almost every day for three weeks, Victor Nikiforov practically lived at the hospital, to Yuri's joy and Hiro's dismay.

Whenever Victor would walk by Hiro, it was complete madness.

For example:

"Hey Victor, I heard Yuri likes tapioca pudding, I got him a cu..." Victor would walk right past Hiro like he had heard nothing.

"You could at least look at me," Hiro grumbled.

Or when:

"Hey Victor remember when we went to that bar and-" Hiro started.

Victor turned his back to Hiro, "here Yuri, I got you pudding, it's your favorite, tapioca."

"Thanks, Vitya! I'm so happy!" Yuri said as he happily opened his pudding.

"What the hell..." Hiro muttered as he walked out of the room to grab new bandages to change Yuri into.

But finally:

One day Hiro walked past Victor in the hospital cafeteria during dinner when he was all alone, eating a basket of fries. He didn't say a word.

Victor was clearly offended, "so you're just not going to say anything to me?"

"Oh wow look, you decided to talk to me after twenty-four days, 593 hours, thirty-two minutes and seven seconds, but hey who's counting?!" Hiro began to raise his voice.

"I mean clearly yo-"

"Listen here Victor Nikiforov, I'm not your silly pawn for you to use and drop whenever you want! If you want Yuri, then great, be with Yuri but I'm not- WOAH!" Victor grabbed Hiro's hand and dashed out into one of the closed off parts of the hospital that Hiro showed Victor during one of their times of intimate passion.

Whilst in the dark room, Victor pressed Hiro against a wall and began kissing upon his neck. 

He grabbed his ass.

"Dat ass."

"Wh-What the hell are you doing V-Victor? I thought you said?"

"I can't stop thinking about you," Victor's hand slid down Hiro's pants.

Hiro pushed him off, "no! Victor Nikiforov! I am not your toy to play with when you're bored, it's like i'm only an object to you!"

"What happened to that guy in the bathroom two years ago? The one that wanted me? Where did he go?" Victor started sucking on Hiro's neck, and Hiro knew that was going to leave a large hickey. How would he explain...

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