Chapter 9

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Recap: "I'll tell you guys when detention. Long story." I said and wiped away my tears.

(Edit T^T)
Jungkook's POV
I ask lots of question....Damn Jungkook!! Never mind, didn't I say I don't care about her? Right? "I'll tell you guys when detention. Long story" she said while wiping away her tears.

(Skip time to detention)

Sigh. 2 hours of detention. Why?! We walk together to the detention room. "Oh, welcome to detention" Ms Lim said. Why must it be her taking over?! "Please take a seat now" she continued. All of us sat down and only silence were left. A phone rang suddenly startle us. "Excuse me, students" Ms Lim said as she answer the call outside the room. "This is you guys fault" Kim speak up. "Oh, now you blame us? Why?" Suga asked rudely. "There's no point for you to be rude. I blame you guys for making me late to class" Kim said as she rolled her eyes at us. "Well, it's your fault too" V said. "Oh, really? What's my fault for making you guys late for class?" Kim said coldly. "Uhh...." V said nervously. "Don't accuse people falsely, alien" Kim said while reading her book. Haish.... this girl really is very cold.

Kim's POV
"This is you guys fault" I said. "Oh, now you blame us? Why?" Suga said to me rudely. "There's no point for you to be rude. I blame you guys for making me late to class" I said as I rolled my eyes at them. "Well, it's your fault too" V said. "Oh, really? What's my fault for making you guys late for class?" I said coldly. "Uhh...." V said nervously. "Don't accuse people falsely, alien" I said while reading my book. The door suddenly open, revealing Ms Lim. What took you so long on the phone, man? "Sorry for making you wait, students. So, I have an emergency now and I really need to leave this instant. Sorry for leaving you guys this early and remember to leave after detention ends." She said while closing the door and leaves. Now you're leaving me with this idiots? Fvuk my life.... "Now it's only us and you, Kim" Jungkook said while smirking with the others. "What's wrong being alone with you guys? And quit that ugly smirk of yours. I'm disgusted" I said as I plugged in my earphones. I was listening to 'No More Dreams- BTS' . I know, I know. I listen to their songs even though I hate em'. As I was enjoying listening to the song, someone suddenly pull out the earphones from ears. "HEY!!" I yelled. I got up and turned around. It was Jungkook. "UGHH!! WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS BOTHER ME IF YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND?!" I yelled at Jungkook. "CAN'T YOU JUST STOP BOTHERING ME FOR ONCE?!" I yelled at him again. "I'm not deaf. Don't need to yell" he said while pretending to close his ears. I sigh deeply and sat down. I laid my head on the desk. Suddenly, I felt someone rubbing my head.

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