Chapter 20

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[ picture above is edited by me ]
Recap: I close my eyes and drifted to sleep.
Kim's POV
Kookie : I love you.

As he send me that text, I don't know if I should reply back. I don't really know if I love him. But he loves me. A lot.

I felt happy and worried at the same time. Why am I happy? Because he was my crush and now I'm with him. How lucky. Why am I worried? Because of Tzuyu. I'm scared she would do something horrible to me. She knows everything about me and would... spread it to everyone in school.

"Ugh maybe she wouldn't do it. I'm just overreacting" I said to myself. I lay on my bed and drifted to sleep.

> next morning, monday <

I got up and did my daily routine as usual. As I was closing the door, I received a message. Its from an unknown number. "Weird" I thought.

Unknown number : Hello Kim. Going to school today?
You : Who is this?
Unknown number : I'll give one hint. My name has 5 letters. Nothing else
You : Ok bye. My brain is too lazy to guess your name. Adios

I block the number as I was feeling more scared. Well, too scared to walk to school myself. I decide to text Jungkook.

Jungkook's POV
I got up by the sound of my alarm and did my daily routine. I kept thinking about what happened yesterday.

"Yah, eat your cereal" Seokjin said. "Geez man, your starting to daydream again. I hope its about me" Taehyung said, munching his bread. I rolled my eyes and ate.

We went out from the dorm and I received a message. I pulled out my phone.

My Babycake : Jungkook, where are you now?
You : Just got out from the dorm. Why?
My Babycake : Can I follow you? Together?
You : Aww miss me aren't ya 😏
My Babycake : *coughs aggressively* yup :)
You : Ok I'm coming. I'll be there in 2 minutes.

I shut my phone.

"Hey guys, I'm going to walk with Kim today" I said. "Are you guys dating?" Hoseok asked. " I don't know? ehe" I nervously smiled at them.

All of them just eyed me without saying anything. "Just go and walk with her you ass. Now shoo" Seokjin said while scrolling through his phone.

I turned and ran to her place. Just as I promise her not to show anyone where she lived.

Tzuyu's POV
I'm sitting comfortably in my car while my driver drove me to school. I was looking outside admiring the beauty of nature until I saw someone. "Jungkook..." I whispered to myself. He was running to....Kim?

Ok what the fuck? Why is he with her? "That bitch" I said. "Did you say anything miss?" my driver asked. "Nothing. Just drive faster" I said.
"You'll pay Kim. For taking him away from me" I thought.

I thought her parents found her already as I told them her location. Ugh they're so bad at finding. How useless. "Now I know where she lived, I shall tell her parents the location and boom. She'll be forever gone" I thought.

This is going to be fun.

Kim's POV
After 2 minutes of waiting, he finally reach. "Is it pass 2 minutes or before?" he asked, panting. "Yah, you should breath some air first before you talk" I said.

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