35. Vampires on the Run

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  A jolt violently drags me out of sleep's embrace, forcing me awake and demanding my attention. I keep my eyes shut, afraid of what I might see. Unsure anymore of what has been real, and what has been a dream. My body is sore and stiff, resisting against my own movements as I try to shift for comfort.

  Am I still being held captive? Am I about to die?

  My head hurts, and even with my eyes closed I feel as if the world is spinning around me, out of control. My heart beats so loud, it's all I can hear. I should be happy that it's still beating, but the incessant pounding blocks out my surroundings, somehow making my panic rise more.

  Something hard and warm is beside me, holding me upright through the force that tries to send my sprawling in the other direction. An arm wrapped around my shoulder pulls me in tighter to the unseen person, his grasp hard yet gentle. My nose tickles with a familiar aroma, and I resist the urge to cuddle in closer. The scent of his worn leather jacket, instantly making my body relax even as my mind continues on overdrive. I try to think, to remember what situation I am in. Everything seems so crazy, none of this can be real.

  Kidnappings, visions, and zombies? No, it had to all be a bad dream. Or is that my reality and only now I am dreaming? Am I really still tied to that table, slowly bleeding out? No, I won't accept that. Please let it all have been a bad dream! I can't even remember the last thing that was normal.

  The dance...

  Maybe I just fell asleep on the way home from the dance and had a really weird, bad dream. It feels like we are moving, that could be right... couldn't it? I am just sore from dancing all night. Any moment Damon will wake me up and tell me I am home. I won't have to worry about evil women who want some mysterious power that I don't understand. No, I can just be nervous about if Damon will kiss me or not.

  I am just a normal girl, that's all I should be worrying about right now. School, my friends, and whether the guy I like, likes me back. All that other stuff, that can't be right. But, then again... Damon really is a vampire. Just a few weeks ago, I wouldn't have thought that could be real.

  "Guys," Zeke yelps, pulling me out of my thoughts and into the moment, "I think she is waking up!"

  No more hiding, I guess it's time to face whatever is truly going on.

  I peek through my eyelashes, wincing as the bright light blinds and pushes me back into the darkness of my thoughts. Before I can retreat, pretend to be asleep for just a few minutes more, I feel him. I feel his eyes on me, and his grip around my body tighten.

  "Nereza," Damon whispers softly, just barely loud enough for me to hear him, "how do you feel?"

  His voice soothes my fears, not only coercing me back into the word but making me eager to do so. I push through the harsh light, forcing my eyes open. My stomach twists with unease as I see all eyes staring at me with concern. Stefan and Elena fully turned around from the front seat of the car, watching me as if at any moment I could disappear. Zeke to my left, careful not to touch me as if I may break.  Damon, holding me against his body, his eyes never wavering as if he needs to see every detail while he can.

  This can't be good.

  "What's going on?" I croak, my throat dry and cracking as I try to speak.

  I try to shift, to not lean against Damon so much but my body betrays me. My limbs shake at even the slightest weight being added to them. My joints lock, refusing to grant me the freedom of movement. I bite my lip, holding back the cry of pain that so desperately wants release.

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