Chapter 22

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1 year later
(Blake and Chase went back to school, graduated and are now adulting)

"Get your fat ass out of bed and ready for the day. I'm not gonna drag you out of bed  again so if you're late, it's not my fault!"

I roll my eyes as an hear Chase yell from his room which was across from mine. If I didn't get up soon, I knew I would be late for my shift at the diner... and I need that job to help pay rent so I can't honestly can't afford to be late..... yet I couldn't afford going to work sick.

I started to fake cough and play the sick card. I was about to tell Chase that I was sick and couldn't go.... that is until he came running into my room with only his shirt on and no pants, only boxers. "I swear if you say you are sick I will drag you out of that bed!"

"You just said you wouldn't."

Chase glared at me, making me really want to irk him even more. I took a deep breath, slouched down into my comfy bed and said that one thing that would piss him off.

"Chase..... I'm really sick"

Before I could even process what was happening, my ankles were grabbed and my butt hit the floor. This shit head was dragging me out of bed!

I couldn't help but laugh at how funny this whole situation was. First, he said he wasn't going to, then he threatened, them he did. But don't worry folks, this was a daily thing for him and I.

After kicking him multiple time and telling him to let me go, he dropped me and ran to his room, hopefully putting on some pants. I looked around and found out that he dragged me to the bathroom so I started the shower and did my thing.

Once out, I walked back to my room, placing my normal greenish blue dress uniform on and putting my hair up in a pony tail. After brushing my tether and putting my shoes on, I headed out the door, telling Chase that I would be home soon. I looked at the time on my phone seeing that it was 11:30. My shift started at 12:00. Well shiz cracks, I'm early for once. I mentally high fixed myself.

Getting into the diner, I place my apron on and grab my pen and pad, getting ready to take orders.

"Well well well, look who is actually early this time!! I can't believe it!!" I turn to see my co-worker, Joe. She's a character if I do say so myself. When I first started working here about 9 months ago, she was the first to welcome me. She introduced herself as the old wise lady of the place. She's 54 and has been here since the opening of Sallies Diner. She showed me the ropes and took me under her wing. She was probably the second person I could trust other than Chase, honestly. If I had troubles, I came to her. She asked me why I decided to work in a diner such as this when I should be off at college doing things that a girl my age should be doing. I tried lying and saying I just didn't want to but for some reason, she was able to see through my lie. So I told her everything.

However, after I told her, I expected her to hug me and say everything was going to be alright. But nope! She slapped me upside the head and told me to lose my stubborn attitude and forgive my family member. I was shocked to say the least, but her reasoning made sense.

6 months ago


"Are you stupid, child? Sure what he did was unforgivably tragic, but you know what, he owned up to his mistakes! It may have been a long time before he did, but if you think about it, he had good reasoning! He didn't want you to be in the spot light, he wanted to keep you safe!" Joe yelled and yelled at me, who was still rubbing my head from the recent smack. For an elder, her strength is impeccable.

"He did such a great job at protecting me that he just simply forgot....." I muttered.

Joe sighed, taking a seat beside. She took my hand away from my head and rubbed it for me. It felt nice to feel this kind of affection.

"You know, you may not be able to forget about what he did, but the good lord wants you to still forgive." I looked at the woman, confused.

"How could I forgive, but not forget? I just feel anger." I was confused as to where she was going with this.

"When I was a little girl, my father, he would come home drunk and talk to my mother about how he would kiss other woman and make advances towards them. My mother sat there and listened to that. I remember asking her one day why she was with him still. She looked at me, smiled, and said, "Your father, he may come home drunk, and he may not be the best husband, but he hasn't put his hands on you or I." I looked at my mother with the same look you gave me. I said, "but mom, he talks about flirting with other woman, he talks about how he kisses them. How could you stay with him and forgive him?" She looked at me and she said, "I took a vow to always love him, through sickness and in health. He is in the sickness part and I'm here to help him. Your father may have done all that stuff, but he always comes home. He never puts him hands on us in an aggressive way. If he were to do that, then you and I would not stay with him. But there is this saying, forgive but never forget. Forgive them for what they have done, but never forget so you can be smarter and stronger the next time it happens." You see Blake, I forgive, but I don't forget. My father may have made some mistakes but he is now working him butt off to rebuild the life he once had. He worked hard to become sober, he worked hard because he had my mother and I. From the day he started rehab to the day he died, he told me and my mother that he loved us at least 20 times a day, maybe more. When I moved out of the house, he called me 20 plus times just to say he loved me and that I meant the world to him, each day, never missing one. He needed my forgiveness, but he didn't need me to forget."

Present day

I looked at Joe, my eye watering. Harry. He needed me to forgive, but he didn't need me to forget.

"I miss him....." I let a tear go down my cheek. I didn't know how much I missed my brother. I missed him so much and I never wanted to admit it. I wanted to hate him for the rest of my life to the point where I would forget him. However, all this time, I just needed him. I needed him so bad and when I had to chance to finally have him, I told myself that I didn't need him.

Joe wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled me into a hug. "I know you do, sweetheart. If I were you, I would reach out to him. And if you don't want to do that, then I'm sure he will find you." I looked up, confused.

"What do you mean that he could find me?"

Joe smiled and got up. "You never know, God has his ways, honey."

With that, she walked into the back and began to get things ready for the day, whereas I on the other hand, got up, straightened out my dress and flipped the closed sign to open.

Let the day begin.

Later on

The day went by slow. All I did was take orders and deliver the plates to the tables. I think the only interesting thing about today was when Chase came by on him lunch break and ended up spilling his soda pop on himself. I couldn't help but laugh while other workers came to help him. Joe was the first to help him, knowing that I wouldn't be any help.

After he left with his soda stained pants, the day went by even slower. I was kissing the ground when the boss man cam out and told us to close up early and go home and get some rest. I hung up my apron and started my walk to the apartment.

For some reason, while walking, everything became bright. It was a beautiful kind of bright. Then again, not only did the brightness catch my attention, but the smell of dirt, the feeling of asphalt on my cheek, and the sense of panic that over took me seemed to catch most of my attention.


It suck, but I wanted to get so,thing out there. I hope you guys like it!

Editing will be coming soon hopefully.

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